A Call to Action: You Can Help Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Fight for Justice

CALL TO ACTION: Sandra “Sam” Grazzini-Rucki

You CAN Help Fight for Justice!

* Share links to websites, articles, radio show that discuss Sandra’s story and case on social media or in other groups/pages (see list of websites below) or with friends, family, networks.

* When sharing articles on Facebook about Sandra or commenting about the Grazzini-Rucki case, click “check in” and then type Dakota County Judicial Center

For instructions: How to Check In Facebook Places

* Use the hashtag #grazzinirucki #riggedtrial #evavold

*Tell others about the facebook pages supporting Sam and invite them to like and share

Sandra “Sam” Grazzini-Rucki Page: https://www.facebook.com/samgrazzinirucki/

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World’s Last Custody Trial Facebook: Page: https://www.facebook.com/grazzinirucki/

*Write the Minnesota Governor’s office to share your thoughts on the case, or demand a full pardon. Plz cc to  Brian4Justice@yahoo.com: https://mn.gov/governor/contact-us/form/

*E-mail ABC 20/20 (See Suggestions in “Call to Action Letter” penned by Brian Kinter, below) to share your thoughts on the hatchet job 20/20 did covering the Grazzini-Rucki story in “Footprints in the Snow”. You may also consider sending 20/20 articles, docs or links to radio shows about Sanda’s case. Plz cc to  Brian4Justice@yahoo.com

– Reporter Elizabeth Vargas: elizabeth.a.vargas@abc.com
– Producer Sean Dooley: sean.dooley@abc.com
– Associate Producer Beth Mullen: beth.a.mullen@abc.com

*Contact officials involved in Grazzini-Rucki case to express your thoughts, or send articles and information, in support of Sandra. Plz cc to  Brian4Justice@yahoo.com

(See Suggestions in “Call to Action Letter” penned by Brian Kinter, below)

For additional info on how to write a letter, some tips:

How to Write a Letter of Protest by M.H. Dyer

Writing Letters to Elected Officials by Community Tool Box


Where to Find Articles About the Grazzini-Rucki Case:

Justice 4 Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and Children- https://justice4grazziniruckifamily.wordpress.com

Red Herring Alert: https://redherringalert.wordpress.com

Michael Volpe, CDN News: https://www.commdiginews.com/?s=grazzini-rucki

PPJ Gazette – https://ppjg.me

CALL TO ACTION, For Sandra Grazzini Rucki (Suggestions from Brian Kinter)

It would be nice to reach out to those listed below and let them know that we are deeply concerned as to how they reached their conclusions.

My Letter, of which is attached below is what I am faxing, emailing and reading when I call them out.

I pray you would do the same.

In addition we are asking one and all to cc us , Brian4Justice@yahoo.com so that we can track the number of complaints.

We will then file a Freedom Of Information request to the below listed parties, asking them to give us the number of complaints lodged and a copy of each.

We will do this for future legal action.

For it seems logical that if we can get, 5,000, 10,000, or more complaints, that someone would have to give an explanation on how they derived at the decisions in which they reached.


Elizabeth Vargas-20/20 host elizabeth.a.vargas@abc.com

Sean Dooley- producer 20/20 sean.dooley@abc.com

Beth Mullen- 20.20 producer beth.a.mullen@abc.com

Beau Berentson, public affairs officer for the Minnesota Courts – beau.berentson@courts.state.mn.us

James Backstrom, Dakota County Prosecutor – attorney@co.dakota.mn.us,

Monica Jenson, public affairs officer for the Dakota County Prosecutor – monica.jensen@co.dakota.mn.us

Marybeth Schubert, public affair officer for Dakota County – marybeth.schubert@co.dakota.mn.us

Attorney General for Minnesota – attorney.general@ag.state.mn.us

Dave Oney, public affairs officer for the US Marshals Minnesota Court of Appeals (651) 296-2581 – dave.oney@usdoj.gov

Sample Letter

Here is an example of the letter I am faxing and emailing. This is but a portion.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like an explanation as to how you can justify the vicious, vindictive actions you have taken against Sandra Grazzini Rucki??

From the very onset of the record anyone of sound mind can see that Judge Knutson’s mental capacity certainly needs to be called in to question. For it defies logic, that this professed legal scholar would award David Rucki the four homes and nine vehicles and leave Sandra homeless and with no vehicle.

How can there be two existing orders in place that contradict each other, one states Sandra can not leave the State, another says she can not remain in the State but has to adhere to all the State Courts Orders.

How can a Judge order 100% of her income to go to her ex-husband ??

How can you all sit idly by and watch this proliferation of abuse being delivered upon Sandra and not speak out against it???”


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