Battered from the Bench: Magistrate Pastoor Advocates for Legal Protection of Abused Women, Does Opposite in Grazzini-Rucki Child Support Case

Battered from the Bench: Magistrate Pastoor Advocates for Legal Protection of Abused Women, Does Opposite in Grazzini-Rucki Child Support Case

Public Domain Images: Architecture –, Lady Justice – Edited by Justice Blog.

Child Support Magistrate Maria K. Pastoor claims to be a feminist and defender of battered women. She wrote in a widely publicized paper Police Training and the Effectiveness of Minnesota Domestic Abuse Laws (1984) that (p.9) “Prosecutors and judges, in particular, often ignore or trivialize the harm battered women suffer….At best, legal officers are consistent, at worst, criminal. If Pastoor really holds these beliefs, how can she justify the extreme rulings she has issued in the Grazzini-Rucki child support case?

The actions of the corrupt courts in Dakota County have hit Sandra Grazzini-Rucki like a massive earthquake, her life has been shaken to the core, causing devastation on every level. Sandra has been forcibly estranged from the five children she loves. Her 30+ year career as a flight attendant is in ruins and she is currently unemployed. All of her personal belongings have been seized by order of Judge David L. Knutson and turned over to abusive ex husband, David Rucki. In addition, any potential future income Sandra earns will be seized immediately handed to Rucki. Should Sandra become disabled or unable to work, even social security payments will be given to Rucki. Sandra now lives homeless, destitute and afraid for her life.

Just as earthquakes happen along the cracks in the surface of the earth, Sandra’s life has been cracked due to injustices of the court, and along those fault lines she would be struck again, this time in child support proceedings. Magistrate Pastoor, who once said, “The husband reasons that if his wife is bad, he is justified in hitting her. Because he is a man, he has the power to destroy what he does not like.”(p. 24) is now presiding over the Grazzini-Rucki child support case. Contrary to those remarks, Magistrate Pastoor has given David Rucki the power to destroy what he does not like – ex-wife, Sandra. Enabled by “injustice system”, Rucki has been given the tools to abuse, harass and stalk his ex-wife, Sandra, through the court system.

Magistrate Pastoor Has Connection to Judge Knuston, Asked to Be Appointed to Grazzini-Rucki Child Support Case

Magistrate Pastoor made great efforts to be put on the Grazzini-Rucki child support case. Throughout her appointment, Magistrate Pastoor has extended special treatment to David Rucki, and taken a radical departure from the law in doing so.

Are Magistrate Pastoor’s actions being influenced by her prior connection to Judge David L. Knutson? Magistrate Pastoor has previously worked side by side on the Parental Cooperation Taskforce with Judge Knutson, their professional relationship has spanned for years.

Consider this: An article written by journalist Michael Volpe Did judges in Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case previously fix husband’s cases? exposes the unusual actions and rulings issued by Judge David Knutson in the Grazzini-Rucki case resulting in ex-husband David Rucki getting preferential treatment in court proceedings. In this article, Volpe raises the question – did Judge Knutson work to get himself onto the Grazzini-Rucki case and then fix cases in Rucki’s favor?

Here, again David Rucki is receiving special treatment in the court, in a similar pattern where the law is circumvented by the extreme and unusual actions of a judge and the other party, Sandra, is victimized when the legal system is used as a weapon rather than to dispense justice.

Pastoor Inflates Income of Homeless, Destitute Sandra Grazzini-Rucki

Magistrate Pastoor says that “police must be trained to see a battered woman’s problems and take immediate steps to stop the violence against her...” Shouldn’t a judge or magistrate do the same?

Quoting Pastoor, “The primary problems should be self-evident in most cases–the man subjects the woman to physical and psychological torture. Police must be trained to see a battered woman’s problems and to take immediate steps to stop the violence against her. They should not provide an abusive man with an opportunity to discuss the woman’s supposedly provocative behavior.” (p. 35)

Throughout the Grazzini-Rucki legal proceedings, including child support, it is clear that financial abuse as well as what Magistrate Pastoor calls “physical and psychological torture” is occurring. Sandra’s very existence has been challenged by Rucki, who has enlisted the legal system to make her life as miserable as possible. The comforts most take for granted have been stripped from Sandra’s life – each day she faces the unknown of where she will sleep and if she will eat, haunted by the possibility of further court action against her. Her dreams at night are filled with images of her children, whom she has been prohibited from any contact with…only in dreams that she can see their precious faces again.

As a Magistrate, and as one who advocated for better legal protections for battered women, Pastoor should have been aware of tactics abusers use in legal proceedins and taken care that the court was not being used as a weapon. That is NOT what happened here.

Magistrate Pastoor also says a police officer “should not provide an abusive man with an opportunity to discuss the woman’s supposedly provocative behavior” yet in the Grazzini-Rucki child support case, she gives Rucki and his attorney, Lisa Elliot, not only a stage but a standing ovation to engage in victim blaming against Sandra. Magistrate Pastoor’s rulings are not based on fact or evidence but rely solely on the word of an abuser bent on destroying the victim.

What Rucki is really saying is that Sandra should be worked like a slave and then forced to turn over all of her income to him – this is abusive. Magistrate Pastoor says about the mentality of an abuser, ”In marriage relationships many men regard “their” women as property, with which they can do as they please. The man has the right to control the woman “by virtue of having penetrated her with his penis.” (p. 28) Once again Magistrate Pastoor says one thing and does another – her rulings only reinforce Rucki’s control over Sandra, and place her in a position of poverty and desperation where she cannot assert her rights, and has been deprived of basic human dignity.

Sandra has been chronically homeless since being illegally removed from her home by Judge Knutson on September 7, 2012. Judge Knutson then ordered that Sandra’s pay be garnished, which caused further financial hardship, and made it impossible for her to recover. In December 2015, the Red Herring Alert blog reported: Her wages are garnished 25% for payment of past marital taxes even though mother has been left destitute with prior use of MN Care Insurance and food stamps after the divorce. Her ex-husband’s income is in excess of $200,000 per month and he retains all of the marital property.” Red Herring Alert posted a picture of Sandra’s paycheck showing that after deductions, the net pay is negative – $2.49. How is Sandra supposed to survive..what the court system is doing to her amounts to attempted murder.

Despite the evidence showing Sandra’s poverty, and that she currently has NO income, Magistrate Pastoor imputed Sandra’s income at a whopping $4,143 a month! In the revised child support order, from October 13, 2016,Sandra Grazzini-Rucki ordered to pay $1K monthly child support  The order reflects Sandra has a monthly income of $0 zero dollars then includes an imaginary number in a “potential income” of $4143 a month. Child support is based on the “potential income” rather than the facts of the case.

The conditions of release, and complications of the criminal case, make it impossible for Sandra to work as a flight attendant. And with 6 felonies on her record, it has been impossible to obtain  employment. 

The State of Minnesota has since denied general assistance and food support to Sandra, she lives day to day in an unimaginable fight for survival. Sandra is living in truly desperate circumstances… child support should have been put on reserve.

Sandra has since filed an appeal in both her criminal court case, and filed an appeal on the child support case…she will continue to fight for justice.


Ways YOU Can Show Support:

Please like and comment on the Sandra “Sam” Grazzini-Rucki Facebook Page

Tune into Sandra’s weekly show Fighting B.A.C.K. on “Future of Our Children” radio from 6-8 pm EST/5-7 pm Central:

Please like, comment and repost articles from the Justice Blog and from journalist Michael Volpe posting at CDN News:

Use hashtag #grazzinirucki #riggedtrial and #evavold when posting

Mayhem with U.S. Marshals: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and Journalist Michael Volpe on T.S. Radio

Listen Online: Updates: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki & Mike Volpe then, Sharmian Worely

Original Air Date: Sunday, April 23rd


Join us this evening as Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and nationally known reporter and journalist, Mike Volpe, as they discuss the curious interference of federal marshals in the Rucki divorce case. 

Sandra Grrazzini-Rucki is just one example of the notoriously infamous Dakota County, Minnesota legal system which appears to be joined at the hip with local law enforcement for purposes of harassing and intimidating some individuals unfortunate enough to come in contact with either of them.  The Rucki case is just one example of money and connections overriding the law. 

At issue this evening is, the interference of federal marshals in a domestic divorce case.  Federal marshals are claimed to be an administrative officer of a U.S. judicial district who performs duties similar to those of a sheriff.  So how were their services secured against Sandra when the divorce is not a federal issue? 

“The duties of the U.S. Marshals Service include protecting the federal judiciary, apprehending federal fugitives, managing and selling seized assets acquired by criminals through illegal activities, housing and transporting federal prisoners and operating the Witness Security Program.”


Sharmian Worely will be updating us on the attempt to compromise her legal standing by the courts.  Sharmian has been in a monumental battle for the protection of her mother from a known predator guardian/attorney.  Tune in to hear the latest updates in this story which highlights the egregious abuse of the system by a known predator who has made it clear that she controls the system and the courts no matter whom it harms.  Sharmian is refusing to back down in her efforts to protect her mother from the abuse of the system even as they attempt to use the system to compromise her efforts.



Repost Red Herring Alert: We’re Not Crazy..The Systems Are!

From Red Herring Alert Blog: We’re Not Crazy. . .The Systems Are!

Dede Evavold (Linked In)

“The degree of insanity in the courts is something that is indescribable unless you have witnessed it for yourself. Small is big, left is right, slow is fast, up is down and weak is strong.

A term  has even been coined for individuals that experience psychic injuries due to assaults by legal abuses, ethical violations, betrayals, and fraud in the court system. It’s called “legal abuse syndrome” and was identified by Dr.Karen Huffer, a marriage and family counselor who was also brutally defrauded in the courts.

In my case State of Minnesota vs Deirdre Elise Evavold- Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227the court ordered that I complete a forensic psychological evaluation and cognitive skills assessment as I showed no remorse or comprehension” for my actions. The absence of remorse should never justify additional punishment because due process guarantees defendants the right to assert their innocence, and defendants cannot be expected to show remorse if they do not admit the crime.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govhttps:

The goal was always to get me to plead guilty or be found guilty when I’m not!…Anyhow, I completed my court ordered evaluation and unfortunately for those that wanted me to be diagnosed with a mental illness, I passed!”


This article by Dede Evavold discusses corruption and abuses of power in Dakota County, as evidence by the injustices perpetrated in the Grazzini-Rucki case. Dede says,”As I’ve stated before, the overall goal is to break you down and get you to accept any injustice thrown at you. This was done through the use of perjured testimony,  illegal withholding and suppression of evidence to use in support of the affirmative defense, due process violations, witness tampering, abuse of discretion, judicial bias and malicious prosecution…“Against incredible odds, Dede remains strong and continues to expose the down and dirty in Dakota County.

NOTE: Dakota County’s misuse of psychological testing is not only a waste of tax payer dollars, but is a form of medical malpractice. Tests are court ordered under threat of jail and other punishment, then forcibly being performed on people with no prior history of mental health concerns, and who show no danger to themselves on society. The purpose of testing done in this manner is NOT to rehabilitate an offender or determine a risk to society but rather used as a way to manipulate litigants when the law does not support the agenda of court professionals (judges, prosecutors, probation officers etc) 

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki have also passed her court ordered psychological exams, including the one taken for the criminal trial. NO sign of mental illness or mental defect was found.

In addition, as part of her job as a flight attendant, Sandra was required to take psychological tests and over the course of her 30+ year career, has passed every test and shown no cause for concern. Judge David Knutson who presided over the Grazzini-Rucki family court case refused to accept the testing done through the airlines and insisted Sandra complete additional testing; in all has completed and passed 6 separate tests, administered at different times from the beginning of the family court cases to the present.

Other examples of  retaliation and wrongful prosecuted are included in the “We’re Not Crazy.. Systems Are!” article include the story of whistle blower attorney Jill Clark and attorney Michelle MacDonald who was retaliated against exposing systemic corruption in the case of  client, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. In BOTH of these cases, those who go up against the system are labelled mentally ill or otherwise incapable in an effort to silence them.




Minnesota Attorney General’s Office Defends Corrupt Judge, Refuses to Intervene in Grazzini-Rucki Case

Is the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office participating in a cover up of corruption happening in Dakota County? 

The current Attorney General in Minnesota is Laurie Swanson, who was elected in 2006, and reelected in 2010 and 2014. The Attorney General’s Office has been receiving documentation concerning the Grazzini-Rucki case for over 5 years and has refused to investigate or take any action in the face of serious allegations, and evidence, showing corruption in local government and law enforcement. However, when opposing President Trump’s immigrant order, Lori Swanson said “It does not pass constitutional muster, is inconsistent with our history as a nation, and undermines our national security. The same can be said for Dakota County; yet instead of taking a public stance on a very real concern that affects not only the Grazzini-Rucki family but the entire state of Minnesota, and possibly tens of thousands of families victimized by an out of control court system, Swanson remains silent. Now is a time for leadership, not silence.

Minn. Attorney General Lori Swanson (Source: Wikipedia Commons)

The ONLY action the Attorney General’s Office has taken in the Grazzini-Rucki case is to vigorously defend the law-breaking, corrupt family law judge, David L. Knuston… this flies in the face of a recent letter issued by the Attorney General’s office stating they have no authority over “investigating and prosecuting criminal matters”.

An article, and letter recently published by journalist Michael Volpe of CDN News Minnesota Attorney General’s office adds to confusion in Rucki case shows that the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office has recently been made aware of possible violations of the law in the Grazzini-Rucki case committed by various officials in Dakota County who are involved with the case. The Attorney General’s office acknowledges that they have received a letter from Volpe but has declined to take any action. Even if the Attorney General felt they had “no authority” they could at least refer to the complaint to an agency who could investigate or intervene. Instead the Attorney General’s Office refers Volpe to Dakota County, back to the people directly involved in potentially illegal acts, and corruption. The Attorney General is effectively enabling, and empowering those already breaking the law, and violating the Constitutional rights of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, and the five Rucki children.

Judge David L Knutson

The Attorney General’s office has been receiving documentation regarding the Grazzini-Rucki case since 2011; with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and her family law attorney, Michelle MacDonald, both contacting the Attorney General’s office. In 2013, Sandra Grazzini and Ms. MacDonald requested a meeting a with the Attorney General’s Office regarding a complaint against Dr. James Gilbertson. A meeting was held in which the Assistant Attorney General and an attorney appeared on behalf of Lori Swanson. During the meeting, the Attorney General’s Office was made aware of the abuse of the Rucki children by father David Rucki, and made aware of inappropriate behavior from therapist Dr. James Gilbertson, who was working with the children. Affidavits from S.R. and G.R. detailing abuse, court failures and allegations against Dr. Gilbertson, as well as their audio testimony, was provided to the Attorney General’s Office, among other substantial evidence of abuse. At the time of the meeting S.R. and G.R. had run away, and were still missing. During the meeting, the Attorney General’s Office promised they would protect the Rucki children from their father, David Rucki, and protect them from therapist, Dr. James Gilbertson, if they came into the office. For the Attorney General’s Office to now say that they will not get involved in the Grazzini-Rucki case contradicts their statement from 2013 stating they would protect the children.

Dr. James Gilbertson, PhD

The Minnesota Attorney General’s office has failed to protect the Rucki children as promised and instead has protected those who have placed the children in the abusive situation. In 2013/2014 Attorney General’s Office defended family law judge David L. Knutson, in a federal civil rights case involving Sandra and her children (Sandra Grazzini-Rucki v. Judge David Knutson, No. 13-cv-02477). In this matter, Alethea M Huyser represented the Attorney General’s Office. The cost of this defense was raised with tax payer dollars, and the expense of individual liberties. In Minnesota, an untold number of tax payer dollars, an estimated tens of thousands of dollars, was used to argue that Judge Knutson is immune for any consequence including a suit for damages regardless of what he did – even if he violated basic civil rights.

An online comments says about the lawsuit“…what Judge David Knutson has done to this woman and her family is diabolical. There is no possible way ANY rational human being could look at the file of this case and not have it be abundantly clear how out of control the “system” is when a judge can get away with what this man has done. This is not about a divorce, or a couple arguing over custody of their children…….that had already been settled long before Judge Knutson became involved in this case. This is about a judge acting completely outside the confines of the law, which is why he is being sued as an individual.

As the CHIEF legal officer of the State of Minnesota, the Attorney General should be active in preventing corruption from happening within local government and state law enforcement agencies, should be defending citizens from Constitutional violations committed by judges and public officials, and should investigate – or refer the complaint to an authority who can investigate. Lori Swanson has the guts to stand up to the President of the United States – then why can’t she stand up to Judge David L. Knutson, and Dakota County?

And that is the great travesty of justice that has occurred in Grazzini-Rucki case, and is abundantly evident in the response from the Attorney General’s office – that when confronted with real substantial showing corruption is occurring in government offices, that the power entrusted to elected officials is being abused, that lives are being destroyed and laws being broken by judges, state officials, law enforcement (etc) that have violated their mandated duties – the Attorney General, like so many others in the State of Minnesota, has chosen to ignore, deny, shift blame or engage in victim blaming. Ultimately refusal to act equates that of being an enabler to injustice.

ALSO READ Archived Articles from the Carver County Corruption Blog:

“Minnesota Tax Payers To Pay Tens of Thousands of Dollars for Judge’s Legal Defense”. Posted 12/11/2013.

Minnesota’s Attorney General Lori Swanson announced in a letter dated October 10, 2013 that her office will defend Judge David Knutson in a federal civil rights case. The cost of this defense will be tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars. Damages owed by Minnesota taxpayer will be tens of millions of dollars if the plaintiff wins her case.

The plaintiff in the case alleges that Judge Knutson, a former republican state senator appointed to be a judge by former governor Tim Pawlenty, violated the plaintiff’s civil rights and the rights of her five children ages 10, 12, 13, 15 and 17 in a Dakota County divorce and custody proceeding. Judge Knutson deprived the plaintiff of her home of seventeen years, her automobile, all of her other assets and possessions, leaving her homeless and penniless. Worse, Judge Knutson declared the plaintiff had Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), a completely discredited theory. The PAS theory is that if children hate their father, it’s the mother’s fault, even if the father is an abuser. The father, David Rucki, has a long history of domestic abuse and also a history of sexual abusing his own daughters. Records show that he failed to report or pay taxes on millions of dollars of income. All of plaintiff’s children were taken from her. She has had less than four hours of contact with her children this past year. Two of her children, teenage girls, ran from their father’s and his sister’s abuse of them in April, 2013, six months ago. They still are on the run and not even in school. Judge Knutson is a participant in the abuse of these girls. This is domestic violence in Minnesota’s courts in the very month that is domestic violence awareness month.

The complaint asks for tens of millions of dollars as damages. If the federal court that hears the case and the jury that decides it rules in plaintiff’s favor, Minnesota taxpayers will have to pay the damages.”

Also from the Carver County Corruption Blog:

“Legislative Oversight of the Judiciary”. Posted 1/11/2014.

“Now Is The Time

Judges can do anything they want – violate constitutions, ignore enacted laws, disregard court rules of procedure, refuse to follow appellate court precedent – with no consequence or penalty at all. They have unlimited power. They are not accountable to anyone. Not even if they hurt children, destroy families, or alienate children from their parents. This was vividly illustrated at a hearing in Minnesota’s federal district court on January 10, 2014 in Sandra Grazzini-Rucki v. Judge David Knutson, No. 13-cv-02477 (SRN/JSM). Lori Swanson, the Minnesota Attorney General, vigorously defended Judge Knutson in this case without charge, i.e., at public expense. Her deputy argued that Judge Knutson was immune from any consequence including a suit for damages regardless of what he did – even if he violated basic civil rights.

In other words, according to Attorney General Swanson, judges are God. They are infallible. Like kings, they can do no wrong. But, is this the way it should be? Does Minnesota’s constitution fail to address this? The answer to both questions is “no.” Judges should be required to follow the Minnesota and U.S. constitutions, enacted laws, court rules of procedure, appellate precedent, and do what is right and just. They should not be allowed to ignore these standards. Legislative oversight, similar to executive oversight provided by the Legislative Auditor, will accomplish this. This should be because it will curb domestic violence, child abuse, repair our family court system, and because it is what is best for our society.

The book, Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Child Custody, edited by Barry Goldstein and Mo Hannah, states in the book’s introduction, “As one would expect of a diverse group of experts coming from many different disciplinary and practice fields, our contributors do not agree on every issue or approach. Nevertheless, they show an overwhelming consensus that the custody court system as presently constituted is broken and that the court’s failure to apply current research findings to court practices has placed the lives and well-being of thousands of children and protective mothers in jeopardy.” Thirty-two nationally recognized scholars contributed chapters to this book. One of these contributors, Erika A. Sussman, a nationally recognized attorney, wrote, “While legislatures and the general public have come to recognize domestic violence (DV) as a private and public wrong, family courts throughout the nation continue to inflict enormous injustices upon battered women and their children. In the name of ‘gender equity’ and ‘fatherhood rights’, custody courts often render decisions that ignore the substantial risks posed by battering parents, thereby jeopardizing the physical safety of survivors and their children.” Thousands, probably tens of thousands, of children and protective parents are victims of a severely dysfunctional judicial system, including many guardians ad litem (GAL), custody evaluators, and other court “experts.” Thousands of children are badly hurt and damaged by domestic violence and abusive parents, mostly fathers. These children become hurt and damaged adults. Many turn to alcohol and drugs. Some become violent resulting in massacres and murders. Our society is being poisoned by our dysfunctional judiciary. Judge accountability is the obvious solution. As Niccolo Machiavelli wrote, and as history has shown many, many times, power corrupts, especially unlimited power.

Please introduce a bill – already prepared – that implements Minnesota Constitution Article VI, Section 9, which provides; ‘The legislature may also provide for the retirement, removal, or other discipline of any judge who is disabled, incompetent or guilty of conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.’

Posted Online in Reference to the Minn. Attorney General’s Office:

In excess of 7 YEARS of CORRUPTION in the MN. Attorney Generals Office (archives of  corruption)

ACORN, Payola and Color of Law

Two new issues surface involving attorney general’s office

Attorney General Complaint Letter Capital One

Did Hatch divert money to allies and ACORN in 2006?

Minnesota AG office accused of fraud, politicization, abuse

U.S. House Committee to Investigate MN Attorney General Lori Swanson


Birthday Blow Up: David Rucki Chased Terrified Teens Down Street


I am asking the Court for this additional relief to clarify and extend the Order (the existing OFP) to keep the children and I safe. David has already plead guilty to violating the Order, and has engaged in criminal conduct that may well result in another criminal charge for an additional violation. He believes he is above the law and no one can stop him. I am pleading for the Court to send a strong message that this behavior has to stop, and that the Order for Protection has meaning and should be taken seriously.” – Amended Petition for Order for Protection, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, November 2011

To better understand the devastating effects of the abuse David Rucki inflicted on his children, this article will share a police report from June 24, 2011 from a first person perspective. The “perspective” is based on the actual police report as well as other publicly available documents that disclose abuse, and record allegations of abuse made by the Rucki children in their own words.

A police report from June 24, 2011 details an incident where David Rucki yelled at, and chased his teenage daughter S.R. and her friends down the street on her birthday. (see page 60) druckipolicereports

See here more evidence suppressed by Judge Karen Asphaug at the criminal trial of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki:

*Police reports made against David Rucki for violating protective order, and other criminal behavior

*Surveillance photos documenting David Rucki stalking Sandra and children

*Suppressed CPS reports, social service records documenting abuse

*Judge Asphaug also suppressed was witness testimony from an individual present at this incident, and who had observed other abuse Rucki inflicted on his family


75% of defense evidence was withheld during the Grazzini-Rucki criminal trial. The jury was never allowed to consider evidence raised by the Defense, supporting the affirmative defense: It is an affirmative defense if a person charged under subdivision 1 proves that:

(1) the person reasonably believed the action taken was necessary to protect the child from physical or sexual assault or substantial emotional harm….

Without evidence to support a “reasonable belief”, and given instructions from Judge Asphaug that were both misleading, and manipulative, the jury found Sandra Grazzini-Rucki guilty on 6 counts of deprivation of parental rights. If the jury knew of this incident, and made aware of other evidence, would the outcome have been different? And would the outcome had been different had the jury know that Judge Asphaug presided over a previous domestic violence complaint against Rucki, and dismissed it?

Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota (6/24/2011):

Happy Birthday! S.R. walked down the cul-de-sac at Ireland Way with a group of giggling, excited teenage girls looking forward to a slumber party, and a night of fun. The house was decorated with banners and balloons, gifts were beautifully wrapped for her special day. The deep rumble of a motor followed by a harsh voice yelling her name tore through the warm summer day like a thunderbolt. She turned her head to see her father pulling up alongside the girls, yelling and swearing at her.

Her heartbeat hammered in her chest so fast she feared it would take off, seeking escape from her father’s anger. Since the divorce, things were so much calmer at home, she actually enjoyed being there… without having to deal with his rage, his flying fists, the ugly words he screamed at them…he hurt her mother and made her cry. But he didn’t stay away. After the divorce, in May, he tore through the house, and refused to leave when asked. He was yelling and screaming, threatening, ripping pictures off the wall. He drove up and down the street all hours of the day at night. He watched the house. He left angry voice mail messages. Just a few days ago, he was at the house again, stealing mail from the mailbox.

Ignoring him didn’t help. She told her father that she did not want to see him. He would not listen. You couldn’t pretend that everything was fine when it felt like your heart was breaking into a million pieces. When you were trying to hide the secret that made you so different from your friends. When you couldn’t hold up the fake smile anymore because the tears kept falling. Ignoring him just made him madder – and now he was here, on her birthday, without a present or a card, instead yelling – swearing – scaring her friends – ruining everything.

Giggles gave way to shrill, girlish screams. The word “run!” was a collective cry, one voice could not be distinguished from another. Run but where? The cul-de-sac had one way in and one way out. Only one way.

She remembered dressing up for her party, pulling her hair back in a pony, wondering if Mom would let her wear make up… now her feet slapped against the pavement, mud staining her sneakers. Her hair tore loose, and tangled at her shoulders. The girls grabbed at each other as they ran, tumbling into the nearest house. Her pretty outfit was ruined. Her friends were scared. And everyone was looking at her like they knew, all along, the ugly secret she tried to keep. As if windows could shut in the the threats, the yelling, the crashing sounds coming from the “Scream House” night after night. Her friends knew, and they were terrified. The door rattled as her father came up to the house, slamming the screen door open and pounding his fists on the door. He shook the door handle, trying to pry it open. Someone called the police. Someone hid. Someone called Mom. She ran into the pantry, sobbing. It was all happening so fast.


She wanted Mom to hug her and tell her everything would be okay. But she knew that wasn’t true. Lakeville Police had arrived, they looked over the court order that was supposed to protect them from her father… and said it did not cover her, a child. The judge had crossed the names of the children out on the OFP application. Mom said the order for protection meant that Dad could not be so close to the house, he was in violation. She wanted to press charges but the police officer told her to go back to court, he couldn’t do anything. No charges would be filed. And the officer certainly could not fix her birthday party – and now her friend’s parents now said they didn’t feel it was a good idea to have a slumber party. The parents didn’t feel safe that their children were at her house, the “Scream House”. Mom begged until they agreed to come over for cake. All she saw when the candles were lit was the flashing blue and red of police lights. By then the cake had melted, the pink frosting felt too sticky and choked in her throat.

One of the victims involved in this incident declined to file a police report, stating they are afraid David Rucki will retaliate against them.

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s application for an Order for Protection for her 5 minor children was denied on June 30, 2011. David Rucki continued to violate the OFP, and continued to harass, intimidate and stalk his family.


David Rucki violated the Order for Protection granted to Sandra Grazzini-Rucki on June 22, 2011 on two separate  instances, and plead guilty to one incident on September 19, 2011.

Family court Judge David L. Knutson awarded David Rucki sole custody of the 5 children despite overwhelming evidence of his abusive, and violent behavior. The children’s fear of Rucki is directly related to his behavior towards them. When awarded custody, Rucki was probation for a charge that resulted after he violated an OFP. Judge Knutson has actively worked to cover up the abuse allegations in the Grazzini-Rucki case, and has even dismissed criminal charges against Rucki.

Sandra continued to petition the Court for help, and raised abuse allegations in the custody trial – at every level, those who had the power to protect the Rucki children failed, and enabled the abuse to continue.

Judge David L Knutson

Judge David L Knutson

Another Day in Lawless Lakeville: Fraud & Financial Abuse Allegations Surround David Rucki


This article is a compilation of the allegations, and related documentation, that suggest millionaire David Rucki may be involved in financial abuse or fraud. Numerous complaints have been filed against Rucki related to these allegations but he has avoided investigation by any agency in the State of Minnesota, and has never been formally charged with any crime. Instead, county and state offices at every level of government have extended preferential treatment towards Rucki, and even have given him state aid without asking Rucki for any verification of income, or other standard proofs to determine eligibility. Rucki is receiving state aid while he resides in a luxurious house, owns 2 others homes, and owns an estimated 9 personal vehicles and 3 boats all registered in his name. Clearly Rucki lives well above the poverty level.

During divorce proceedings, Rucki appeared in front of Judge David L Knutson and admitted that he was pursuing divorce to commit a financial fraud. Judge Knutson ignored that a crime was being committed in his own courtroom and systematically began to punish the victim of David’s schemes – ex wife, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. As a result of Judge Knutson’s extreme rulings, Sandra was forced out of her home and onto the streets. She has been forced to turn her wages and property over to Rucki, and unjustly removed from the lives of her children. Empowered by the legal system, Rucki continues to abuse Sandra; the power of the court has been used as a weapon against her, and the laws that should protect victims of domestic violence and their children, have been totally disregarded by Judge Knutson and the family court system.

Another example – in February 2015 Rucki called to ask a special favor from Detective Dronen, who then was was investigating the disappearance of the runaway Rucki girls. Rucki’s call did not offer anything to help locate his daughters but, instead, he asked Dronen to help collect $$ child support $$. Officer Jim Dronen reports, “On 2/20/15, I spoke with David Rucki. He advised me at the time that Sandra was behind several thousand dollars on her child support payments. I spoke with Katie Backstrom and James Donehower at Dakota County to see if they could provide me with any further information. I was advised that they could not release any specific information to me regarding the matter.” It is beyond the duties of a police officer to get personally involved with a child support matter.

Dronnen is extending special favors to Rucki, just as he did when dismissing an OFP against Rucki (2011). Minnesota Tough On Crime But Silent on Abuse

It also concerning that the Rucki children reported abuse to the Lakeville police on multiple occasions and those allegations were either dismissed or ignored – yet Dronen goes out of his way to help Rucki collect child support. The privileges extended to Rucki come at the expense of his own children. 

This is a man who has abused his ex-wife and children, and continues to financially prey on the public. Why is Dakota County, and the State of Minnesota protecting David Rucki?


A Compilation:


July 2011- Lakeville Hockey Scandal – After controversy and public outcry regarding misuse of LHA funds and other mismanagement, David Rucki, then President, resigned from the Lakeville Hockey Association (LHA). Rucki’s sidekick, Toney Canney, and his wife, Joni Canney, also stepped down from the Board. Rucki personally selected the Canneys to serve on the Board – Tony served as the VP of Administration and Joni as the Tournament Director. Rucki also created a position for John “Gus” Barger, who was removed after allegations of misconduct and financial impropriety. Gus is Rucki’s drinking buddy.

Source: 2011 Lakeville Hockey Scandals Lands David Rucki in the Penalty Box


2011Masterminded a “Paper Divorce” scam to take all of the proceeds of a family trust, and proceeds from her father’s life insurance policy, belonging to ex-wife, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki (this is non-marital property). During divorce proceedings, Rucki appeared in front of Judge David L Knutson and admitted that he was pursuing divorce to commit a financial fraud. Judge Knutson ignored that a crime was being committed in his own courtroom and systematically began to punish the victim of David’s schemes – ex wife, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki.

Money obtained in the “Paper Divorce” scam was funneled into real estate and business transactions with Rucki Trucking and T.L. Rucki Trucking. Rucki claims the businesses are not making any money, and then flushes additional sources of money, and/or conducts wire transfers, to infuse the business with additional cash reserves. The cash quickly disappears, which is to Rucki’s benefit because the money can not be traced, and it gives him the appearance of looking impoverished. Rucki gets away with this scheme because he is writing his own books, issuing his own paychecks, and has been enabled by Dakota County and the State of Minnesota, who refuse to investigate. Rucki admits to this behavior under oath, in various statements made in court. Why does Rucki need to disguise the origins of the profits he is making in Rucki Trucking and T.L. Rucki Trucking? And why does Dakota County and the State of Minnesota refuse to make Rucki comply with laws that require proof and income verification when applying for public assistance? Public assistance given to Rucki is being used to support his schemes, with Dakota County and the State of Minnesota becoming complicit because of their failure to hold Rucki accountable.

The way Rucki projects his problems onto ex-wife Sandra (and by extension her attorney or anyone he views as a ‘supporter’) is no different than his business schemes. — Rucki is blaming Sandra for his own actions to avoid responsibility. By portraying Sandra in a bad light, and generating attention towards her, he is able to disguise his own actions and behaviors as an abuser. For example, Rucki falsely accuses Sandra of financially wiping him out during the divorce. This is projection – abusers blame the victim for their own actions. p. 43 “Petitioner (Sandra) testified that she did not know what Respondent was talking about when he referred to an ‘in paper only’ divorce.” (Findings of Fact, Order Dated 9/21/2011, Judge Knutson). 

Speaking about the “Paper Divorce”Rucki said in court, August 2011, “ (the divorce) wasn’t meant as a finality deal, it was just to get the business going again as a couple. I didn’t see the end coming, I didn’t think that was the end. That was the end to her, it wasn’t to me, so for her (Sandra) to say that we didn’t ever have a conversation, it was just to get the business up and rolling so we can generate income again.” That Rucki says “I didn’t see the end coming” while he ruthlessly exploits his ex-wife shows just how dangerous he is; not only for his abusive behavior but also for his total lack of conscience.

Source: David Rucki “Paper Divorce” Scam


2015 – Manipulating Detective Dronen or Something More?

Detective Dronen. Source:, sunthisweek

While his teen daughters were still missing, Rucki went to the Lakeville police department to confide in Detective Dronen about his money problems. David’s obsessive interest in financially devastating his ex-wife overrides even the welfare of his own children. 

Rucki admitted to Dronen that he was initiating lawsuits in order to seize money from Sandra’s portion of the family trust. According to the police report, “On 5/28/15, a hearing occurred in Hennepin County regarding funds from a Grazzini business that were to be distributed to the Grazzini children, including Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. David Rucki made me aware of the court proceedings and advised me that he and Lisa Elliott were attempting to get the funds to be paid to Sandra diverted to (unclear) er debts he and his parents incurred. He also advised me that Sandra’s share of the funds was approx $500,000. According to the information they had at the time, Sandra was to be representing herself at the hearing. Sandra failed to appear for the hearing, and David and his parents were awarded funds. A few days after the hearing, Michelle MacDonald filed an appeal of the decision on behalf of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki.”

At the time of this report, the runaway Rucki Girls, had been missing for two years. Rucki has portrayed himself as a distraught father who could barely function while the Girls were missing, why then did he waste valuable police time and resources by providing this information that is totally worthless to the investigation? What does this information offer the police to help find the missing Girls?

Rucki’s reports to police that Sandra does not pay child support, and that he is instigating a lawsuit against her family trust may be just another one of his scams. It is well-known that Rucki used funds from the Jacob Wetterling Foundation, and received support from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, to pay for the costs of ‘reunification therapy’ for the runaway Rucki girls. Additional expenses covered included transportation, a security guard to escort the Girls to the reunification center, and a vacation following. Rucki is selling these sob stories in order to get organizations to provide financial support when clearly, he does not need it. Rucki can then hide behind the reputation of these organizations and their work, to hide the real cause on why the Girls ran away – abuse. This is the same pattern that Rucki uses when projecting his problems onto Sandra, and again follows a similar pattern of behavior in his questionable business practices.

Note: Sandra did not “fail to appear”, she was not notified about the hearing, and had no knowledge that it was taking place.

Attorney Lisa Elliot. Source:

2013Mortgage Fraud Allegations, Ireland Place. Rucki was accused of laundering money through real estate transactions. Other allegations include: Mortgage stacking, Title washing and Foreclosure fraud. Others accused involved: Robert Shingledecker, Sawbill Strategic, Inc., Attorney Lisa Elliott, Jacob Sellers, NJD Properties, LLC and Danmark Properties, LLC.

According to the complaint, “David Rucki and his attorney Lisa Elliot represented the estate in the foreclosure action. In 2012 and 2013 the defendants are alleged to have illegally washed the title of 19675 Ireland Place property of the original mortgage to make a new dollar mortgage obtained in the name of the above identified individuals and companies.  Proceeds of the stacked mortgage flowed into accounts controlled by David Rucki and other numerous parties, leads back to David Rucki and his attorney Lisa Elliot. This property is and has been in foreclosure (and foreclosed on), for sale (and sold 3 different times) in sheriff’s sale (and sold through sheriff’s sale) 7 different times in the last 10 months.

Source: Red Herring Alert Ireland Place Mortgage Fraud Allegations & Documentation

Connection to Individuals Accused of Fraud or Scams Include:

K&K Contracting – Partnered with Dave Koehnen. In 2007, Koehnen, was the owner of a trucking company, that was under federal investigation for fraud, underpaying drivers and falsifying records on road projects. According to the warrants, investigators sought evidence of conspiracy to defraud the federal government, making false statements in connection with federally funded highway projects and mail fraud.” Koehnen attempted to file bankruptcy on this business but the filing was dismissed after a Court determined that he failed to pay back taxes in the amount of $235,000 with the IRS and $98,000 with the Minnesota Department of Revenue. Koehnen also has a history of traffic violations, including charges related to violating trucking regulations.


Kang Contracting Corp – Partenered with Nelson K. The business address is listed in Oakdale but the payroll checks list Rucki’s Farmington house as the business address. Partnering with Nelson gave Rucki access to special contracts, including the Greenline project, meant for minority business owners.

This deal is far from 50/50 and it seems Nelson is getting the short end of the stick that Rucki is throwing at him, like a dog. Nelson is using his name to front Rucki’s business, and his status as a”minority” to gain access to a contract that Rucki would not otherwise be able to bid on. On paper it appears that Nelson owns 51% of the business but in reality, it is Rucki who has been greatly enriched by this deal.

Rucki is claiming pauper status, and collecting public assistance while he has grossed millions of dollars in income, owns multiple properties and is running businesses held in the names of other people. One of those people is Nelson K – who is supposed to be the majority owner of Kang Contracting Corp but receives very little of the benefit.

Compare the lifestyle of Rucki and Nelson – Nelson lives in a twin home, that is the registered business address of Kang Contracting. Rucki lives in a large, half a million dollar home in an exclusive neighborhood in Lakeville. Rucki additionally owns 2 other properties. Rucki owns multiple vehicles, including classic cars while Nelson drives an old beater. Nelson owns a larger percentage of the company but lives a more modest lifestyle and is not on state aid while Rucki owns 49% of the company, owns 3 homes and relies on state aid. When questions were raised about Kang Contracting, Rucki moved his business into another front, with Nelson carrying the name, Mermaids Investment Group.


2014Tammy Jo Love (sister), Allegations Medical Assistance Fraud. No action taken.

Allegations include: Receiving medical assistance (MA) benefits for the Rucki children who do not live with her, and do not qualify for MA. Abusing her license as a chiropractor to illegally gain access to Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the children’s private medical information.


T.L. Rucki Trucking –T.L. Rucki Trucking is another one of Rucki’s front companies. T.L. uses same trucks as Rucki Trucking, the logo is the same, with just a T.L. added. Rucki benefits from Tammy’s status as a woman and a small business owner to gain access to special government contracts.

The business address to T.L. is registered to Tammy’s townhouse, which is being used as a vacation rental and cannot be a business office since it is being occupied by renters for most of the year.

So where is Tammy really conducting business? Why the need to hide the real office behind T.L. Rucki Trucking?

This is just the tip of the ice burg… stay tuned for updates on the #grazzinirucki case

Sept 2016 Booking Schedule for Tammy Love's Townhouse - She Claims This Property is the Business Property of T.L. Rucking Trucking Even While it is Being Rented Out

Sept 2016 Booking Schedule for Tammy Love’s Townhouse – She Claims This Property is the Business Property of T.L. Rucking Trucking Even While it is Being Rented Out, and Cannot Be Used as an Office


