Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case : Family Court Abuse Cover-Up

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Jamie Leigh Cramer writes these haunting words in an online post,”I have been sentenced to one year in jail and a bench warrant issued for my arrest. Custody of my daughter has been stolen without legal cause…My daughter is in imminent danger.

The individuals putting her in danger, those who are in control of this litigation, are utilizing loopholes silencing my daughter’s voice “Sheriffs, having eyes to see, see not; Judges having ears to hear, hear not; among the most dangerous things an injured party can do is to appeal to justice.” Mitchum v. Foster 92 S. Ct. 2151Family Courts : Sanctuary for Pedophilia , Rapists and Sex Abusers

Thursday March 16th 9-11 p.m. E.S.T. – Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki: Exclusive Interview With An “Insider” Who Will Share Shocking Details About the Jamie Leigh Cramer Custody Case. Journalist Michael Volpe, of CDN News, joins the discussion to share what he has learned investigating Cramer’s case, and to share insights on the struggle for justice in family court.

Listen in by clicking on the link:  Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case

Jamie Leigh Cramer is a mother from Michigan who is “on the run” with her 4 year old daughter after a family court awarded sole custody to Cory/Corey Alan Blair Rymal (or Rhymal), father. Rymal has an extensive criminal history (that includes 9 felony convictions, he has also admitted to using and selling drugs), and who was accused of sexually abusing his daughter. In addition, psychological tests showed that Rymal has is risk for acting out in a violent manner, displays anti-social behavior, has difficulty following rules and “may be somewhat affectively unstable“.

Corey Alan Rymal aka Red Eyed Wise Guy, mugshot 1/16/2016, Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Disorderly Conduct. Source:

During a “supervised visit” facilitated by Guardian ad Litem Addison Fender, Rymal, was allowed to take the child to the bathroom, unsupervised. While in the bathroom, Rymal was accused of abusing the child, which was recorded on an audio device hidden in the child’s skirt.

A therapist had diagnosed the child with PTSD after witnessing the child struggle with behavioral and emotional issues, and disclose graphic accounts of sexual abuse.

Tune in to Fighting B.A.C.K. tonight as we discuss Leigh Cramer’s custody case …and an abuse cover up perpetrated by the family court.

Listen in by clicking on the link:  Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case


Read More:

Mom says courts, authorities & police ignore indications of abuse by Michael Volpe (CDN)

3 thoughts on “Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case : Family Court Abuse Cover-Up

  1. To whom it may concern:

    In early February of this year, Jamie Leigh Cramer turned herself in to the police in TX. They did place her in jail for non compliance to a court order in which she was supposed to allow “Ruby’s” father, Cory Rymal, unsupervised visitation.

    While in foster care in TX, “Ruby” made disclosures to Child Protective Services and to the Guardian ad litem that her father had hurt her. Based on this, and earlier disclosures made in SC and in MI, the courts in TX gave temporary custody to the maternal grandfather after stating they  would not release her to the father or paternal grandfather.

    Two weeks after returning home to SC, there was an emergency court hearing between “Ruby’s” parents. The court would not even hear about the new development that occurred in TX. They then gave custody of “Ruby” to her father, a 9 time convicted felon whom “Ruby” has now told 3 different agencies in 3 different states that he sexually abused her.

    The maternal grandparents have a court hearing on April 17th where they will be fighting again to get custody of this little girl.

    From Anon Listener, Read by SGR on Episode 7 of Fighting B.A.C.K. 3/27/2017
    (Show Link:


  2. Do you have any idea what you are writing about? Have you gotten any information from the other side? This is slander and ludicrous!!! You should be ashamed of yourself for posting such false accusations from a psychologically sick woman.


    • To respond to Rachael’s comment:

      The blog editors have read publicly available court documents regarding this case. The reason the blog has not posted a link to these docs is to protect the privacy of the minor child involved, who is being called “Ruby”, an anonymous name.

      Opinions aside, let’s talk about facts:

      The docs reveal that Jamie Leigh Cramer completed psychological evaluations, results showed no sign of mental illness. The psychologist said she believes that Jamie loves and cares for her daughter in an appropriate manner.

      Cory Rymal was also asked to take a psychological evaluation which showed that he displays characteristics of anti-social behavior, impulsivity and difficulty with authority and following rules. In addition, Cory brands himself as “The Anti-Social Socialite”. Cory’s results also show he is a moderate risk for violence. Cory’s online postings show he supports strange conspiracy theories that border on paranoia.

      Cory also has a history of alcohol and drug abuse; and has posted pictures online of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Cory has tested positive in court ordered drug tests for marijuana use. He also has a lengthy criminal history involving drug crimes. Cory continues to flaunt his drug use, and has recently posted a rap video online that included an image that says “Get High With Me”. Other words of wisdom from Cory include, “All my thoughts robotic, Paper as my profit, Pourin up the toxic…” Is this really a safe environment for a child??

      Other documentation suggests the child may have been abused by her father, Cory Rymal (this is just a sample, there is more):
      – A witness came forward to sign affidavits that they personally heard the minor child “Ruby” disclose allegations of physical and sexual abuse. The child also was witnessed to have acted out an incident involving being choked and identified the person choking her as “daddy”.
      -Jamie Leigh Cramer has an older son born from her previous marriage, which lasted 9 years. The father of this child has written an affidavit stating that Jamie is “an amazing mother”. The father says that Cory attempted to alienate his son from him and made disparaging comments.
      -A therapist diagnosed the minor child “Ruby” with PTSD and recommended contact with father, Cory, only occur in a therapeutic setting for her safety
      -A therapist found it concerning that the child made repeated reports that “her father touched her pee pee and her butt”. The therapist also says: “I find several things to be of concern regarding her (Ruby) behavior and her relationship with her father. These areas, while not necessarily indicative of abuse, do suggest that Ruby has been overstimulated sexually by what she has been exposed to or made uncomfortable by certain behaviors that have occurred with her father.”

      Given the volume of the evidence suggesting abuse has occurred, the visible fear and anxiety Ruby shows around her father,and professional recommendation that visits with father be supervised… the response of the courts should be to protect the child NOT the perpetrator.


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