Annelise Rice, 19, Describes her Family Court Nightmare to Michael Volpe of CDN News

A younger Annelise Rice (YouTube). Quote: State v. Caroline Rice ( Edited Justice Blog.

(Minnesota): “Dad’s so scary when he gets mad, steam comes out of his eyes…” these are the haunting words of Annelise Rice who, as a child, was taken from her her mother, the primary caregiver, and then placed into the care and custody of her abusive and largely absent father, Brent Rice, by an unjust family court order.

Caroline Rice, mother, was herself a victim of Brent’s rage, and suffered numerous beatings and emotional abuse at his hands – with much of the violence occurring in front of her five children. Courageously, Caroline sought a divorce after 16 years of violence and fought to keep her children safe by filing for a restraining order.

Restraining orders, however, do not apply to family court proceedings and in that arena, a new level of abuse would begin. The divorce was finalized in December 2004 but a permanent custody order was not issued until March 2006. In the custody order, the five Rice children were ordered to be split between Caroline and Brent Rice. Caroline would receive sole physical and legal custody of the two oldest children, and Brent would receive sole physical custody of the three youngest children which included Annelise (with joint legal split between the parties).

The custody evaluator’s report ignored the presence of domestic violence in the family, despite countless police reports and the issuance of a no-contact restraining order. The report also stated that the abuse “was not substantiated” and there was no proof that the children had witnessed any violence. Further, when making the recommendation to split custody of the children the report explained that “it would be difficult for either parent to be the sole physical custodian of five children given the demands of full time employment and attempting to meet the needs and schedules of numerous children.” The decision was made despite the fact that court records describe Caroline as the primary caregiver, and records also state that during most of the marriage she was a stay-at-home-mom. So it had been proven that Caroline was able meet the demands of caring for her five children. After the ruling Caroline filed for an appeal which was rejected.

To uproot and separate the children from their mother and siblings, and from the only home they have ever known caused significant trauma that would later fuel a lawsuit Annelise would file as an adult.

At 19 years old, Annelise is legally recognized as an adult, and would no longer be silenced or controlled by the family court and its players. All the tears she has shed would seep into the ink of the pen she held in her hand, as she clawed her voice out of a hole of imposed silence to put the words to the paper that would become a deprivation of civil rights lawsuit.

Lauren Rice, sister, says,”It is our continued hope that ALL that read of the corruption, collusion and cronyism that exists in the family court system be exposed to the fullest extent….” A Mother’s Love: Caroline Marie Halonen-Rice Jailed for Protecting her Children- In Her Daughter’s Own Words- a Plea for Help, for Justice for Love

In an exclusive interview with journalist Michael Volpe of CDN News, Annelise Rice speaks out about her nightmarish childhood and recent Federal Civil Rights lawsuit against her Father, Hennepin and Carver Counties, along with Social Workers, Guardians at litem, and lawyers, seeking an excess of $240 Million in damages for deprivation of civil rights by tortuous intervention in a mother-child relationship and deprivation of rights under color of the law (Civil Action No. 17-cv-796 ADM/HB).

Read the full article from Michael Volpe here, and please consider leaving a comment on CDN News or Red Herring Alert to show your support of Annelise Rice in her courageous fight for justice: Annalise Rice, 19, describes her Family Court nightmare



Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case : Family Court Abuse Cover-Up

Public Domain:

Jamie Leigh Cramer writes these haunting words in an online post,”I have been sentenced to one year in jail and a bench warrant issued for my arrest. Custody of my daughter has been stolen without legal cause…My daughter is in imminent danger.

The individuals putting her in danger, those who are in control of this litigation, are utilizing loopholes silencing my daughter’s voice “Sheriffs, having eyes to see, see not; Judges having ears to hear, hear not; among the most dangerous things an injured party can do is to appeal to justice.” Mitchum v. Foster 92 S. Ct. 2151Family Courts : Sanctuary for Pedophilia , Rapists and Sex Abusers

Thursday March 16th 9-11 p.m. E.S.T. – Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki: Exclusive Interview With An “Insider” Who Will Share Shocking Details About the Jamie Leigh Cramer Custody Case. Journalist Michael Volpe, of CDN News, joins the discussion to share what he has learned investigating Cramer’s case, and to share insights on the struggle for justice in family court.

Listen in by clicking on the link:  Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case

Jamie Leigh Cramer is a mother from Michigan who is “on the run” with her 4 year old daughter after a family court awarded sole custody to Cory/Corey Alan Blair Rymal (or Rhymal), father. Rymal has an extensive criminal history (that includes 9 felony convictions, he has also admitted to using and selling drugs), and who was accused of sexually abusing his daughter. In addition, psychological tests showed that Rymal has is risk for acting out in a violent manner, displays anti-social behavior, has difficulty following rules and “may be somewhat affectively unstable“.

Corey Alan Rymal aka Red Eyed Wise Guy, mugshot 1/16/2016, Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Disorderly Conduct. Source:

During a “supervised visit” facilitated by Guardian ad Litem Addison Fender, Rymal, was allowed to take the child to the bathroom, unsupervised. While in the bathroom, Rymal was accused of abusing the child, which was recorded on an audio device hidden in the child’s skirt.

A therapist had diagnosed the child with PTSD after witnessing the child struggle with behavioral and emotional issues, and disclose graphic accounts of sexual abuse.

Tune in to Fighting B.A.C.K. tonight as we discuss Leigh Cramer’s custody case …and an abuse cover up perpetrated by the family court.

Listen in by clicking on the link:  Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case


Read More:

Mom says courts, authorities & police ignore indications of abuse by Michael Volpe (CDN)