Let’s Get Honest: More Business as Usual in Minnesota (Commentary on Grazzini-Rucki Case, Family Court)

2016 More Business As Usual in MN? (Criminalizing, Terrorizing, Jailing Mothers)

Let’s Get Honest blog gets honest on the Grazzini-Rucki case… An post from 2016 offers additional insight about the Grazzini-Rucki case, and the”power plays” and profits drive the family court system… 

I’ve been aware of an ongoing, escalating situation in Dakota County, Minnesota, involving a jailed mother facing multiple felony charges, a no doubt jubilant father undergoing reunification with his runaway teenaged daughters,  three (male) journalists who helped keep the police on-target, and pending felony charges for three others (one-and-a-half married couples) who allegedly helped with parental interference resulting from a custody order issued in the family court.

This mother of five became a fugitive long before she was accused of felony parental interference.  See news reports (some, below), and footnote, a  3/14/2013 post from the blog Carver County Corruption at the bottom of this post. The post dates to about a month before the girls ran away. It names involved professionals, but to those who pay attention, it also shows involved systems (such as child support) and the existence of family wealth as an incentive to “churn the case.”

Update to this post:  The 3/14/2013 post remains as footnote at the bottom, but I have removed my extended “dissertation” section on both Paul Reitman (showing other publications, persuasions, affiliations) and on the “NCJFCJ” which the comment mentioned, along with the NCJFCJ [National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges — a private, nonstock, nonprofit organization based out of University of Nevada-Reno, and one which you should learn about, and about which I have learned (a lot) and have a lot to say….] “family-serving” agencies systems-change “Greenbook” (1999 publication) and “The Greenbook Initiative” (eight-year pilot-demo-evaluation project involving NCJFCJ and historic friends among the domestic violence “industry” (I call it “cartel” — and I’m a survivor too,  but the term seems to apply).  This planned removal shortens the post by about one-third.  The removed material has already been published Feb. 25, 2016 under “What does Custody-Switching REALLY have to do with Unsound Psychological Theory? (Not much, actually)

I want to call attention to what this, including this case, means for women (particularly mothers) and will continue to mean regardless of who (Democrat or Republican) is elected next President of the USA.

I want to talk about the off-stage actors, the executive producers, involved in any and all custody disputes in America.  I want to talk about the behind-the-curtain scripts which are running along the same lines throughout the country.

A business model is a business model.  Jailed mothers, righteously-indignant fathers supported by journalists, and runaway/reunified teenagers is not about law, justice, or representative government gone awry, gone “rogue.”  It’s about the same government having been outsourced and outflanked by the for-profit/not-for-profit [tax-exempt, privately controlled] corporate wealth working through (and with) public institutions. It’s also about what happens when the population goes to sleep on the above; on public/private coordinated operations which cross multiple jurisdictions.

Did I mention, it’s about moving the money, local, intermediate, inter/national?

This case, and that it’s possible in this country, is a power-play by those involved, which always comes with a “spin” to justify the excess force inflicted.  These outrageous custody cases, decade after decade, are therefore predictable outcomes of the larger business model in place, particularly but not only in the family court venues.

Disclaimers, and my interest: I am not an involved party, have not personally met any of the involved parties (I live in California, they’re in Minnesota) but I have had extended ongoing phone or email contact (no personal) and occasional with some of those involved, though not recently, prior to the discovery of the runaway children this past season.  My contact resulted originally from submitting comments over time on one of the related blogs. So I am vicariously aware of the situation over time.  

I am hardly the best, or most immediate source of information on this case, but I do empathize as a mother with the gauntlets to be run, and I (particularly through this blog) am a good source of alternate information on the model court systems being set up to facilitate these fiascoes.  I also do not know anyone else who has focused on specific organizations based in Minnesota influencing the handling of domestic violence case, influencing custody-decision-making, and training judges and lawyers how to view custody disputes when domestic violence has occurred, other than those organizations themselves, who continue to promote their nationalized model decision-making processes.

I am outraged that this 50-year-old woman has been jailed; at the efforts spent to hunt her down, and the attacks in this case on anyone who even THINKS about aiding or abetting an individual who doesn’t side with Dad after the court-appointed psychologists and judge have already concluded that abuse didn’t occur, and the young ones were brainwashed when they show signs of independence from court-orders.   I do not endorse dropping children off in the care of people not their parents or legal guardian (which happened here) — but fact is, good choices are often not even on the table these days.

When  the family code, courts, and powerful personnel in and around them are able to basically alter the penal code, and start declaring “relationship” crimes greater than crimes against the person* or property (*which assault and battery against a spouse is), this leads to confusion in general about right vs. wrong, not a good state of affairs for any society.  Confused populations are easier to manipulate, and, as I have continued to learn by studying the trade associations and institutes, societies, etc., involved, the professions specializing in persuasion, behavioral modification, and re-framing of individual, and public perception of reality, have been main-lined onto the public, at its own expense, through public institutions starting approximately 100 years ago, and increasingly expedited and institutionalized, about 50 years ago (1950s, 1960s forward).

Confusion disables dissent — or directs it in predetermined (for those promoting the original confusion) profitable or favorable directions.  I will explain more in a subsequent post, but here are three links:

One more reference — when Scientology is adopting “confusion to induce hypnosis/suggestible state” techniques from renowned psychotherapist Milton H. Erikson.**  I’ve mentioned this on the blog before.  The reference is from a blogger who reports extensively on Scientology (Lermanet.com):

  • Coercive persuasion is antithetical to the First Amendment. It contains aspects which could be interpreted as constituting the illegal acts of fraud, false imprisonment, coercion, undue influence, involuntary servitude, intentional infliction of emotional distress, outrageous conduct, and other tortuous acts

**My mistake — I checked.  Milton H. Erickson is named as a psychologist and psychiatrist, not ‘psychotherapist.’  However, he is linked with the history of hypnosis as therapy…. Notice in the description of how focused on him as a person his therapy was (characteristic of the field, in my opinion.  There are always, it seems gurus, heroes, founding fathers of the “psych-” fields, either worshipped or attacked by the followers, making those who attack “heretics.”)

Milton H. Erickson

Milton H EriksonJust as it’s possible to talk about hypnosis before and after James Braid, so it’s possible to talk about hypnosis before and after Erickson. His influence is enormous – the vast majority of hypnotists or hypnotherapists practising today will use some form of Ericksonian approach. In a very real sense, he remade hypnosis in his own image.

Milton H. Erickson (1901-1980) graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1928, with an MA in psychology and an MD, and went on to hold senior psychiatric posts in hospitals across the US. His medical career culminated in an appointment as Clinical Director of the Arizona State Hospital in 1948, from which he retired a year later to concentrate on teaching, writing and private practice. He was also an associate editor for the journal Diseases Of The Nervous System, a consultant to the US Olympic Rifle Team, and a consultant to the US government during WWII, studying the psychology of the enemy and the effects of propaganda.

Erickson’s relationship with hypnosis was a very personal one. He first encountered it as a way of overcoming his physical limitations. Later, as Director of Psychiatric Research and Training at the Wayne County Hospital in Michigan, he conducted many experiments on hypnotic phenomena, such as hypnotically induced deafness and colour blindness. Above all, his interest was in the therapeutic value of hypnosis, and to this end, he adopted a unique approach. So unique, in fact, that it could be said that true Ericksonian therapy died with Erickson.

Website for The Milton H. Erickson Foundation (has a facelift since I first posted on it) shows a good likelihood that a family couples therapist might be skilled or trained in “clinical hypnosis” and that this prolific individual was central in supporting it over his lifetime:

…Despite almost constant, intense physical pain and the progressive loss of mobility which lead to confinement to a wheelchair in his later years, Dr. Erickson was prodigiously active.

In 1957, he and a number of colleagues founded the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and Dr. Erickson served as the Inaugural President. He also established the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis and served as editor for 10 years. During the 1950s and ’60s, Dr. Erickson published copiously, traveled and lectured extensively, both domestically and abroad, continued to conduct research, and was in high demand as a practicing psychiatrist. In the 1970s, restricted to his home by his physical condition, Dr. Erickson still conducted teaching seminars for professionals on an almost daily basis and continued seeing some patients. When he died on March 25th, 1980, at the age of 78, his seminars were booked through the end of that year and requests exceeded another year’s scheduling. Dr. Erickson left a written legacy of more than 140 scholarly articles and five books on hypnosis which he co-authored. …

Dr. Erickson revolutionized the practice of hypnotherapy by coalescing numerous original concepts and patterns of communication into the field. …The novel psychotherapeutic strategies which Dr. Erickson employed in his treatment of individuals, couples, and families derived from his hypnotic orientation. Atlhough he was known as the world’s leading hypnotherapist, Dr. Erickson used formal hypnosis in only one-fifth of his cases in clinical practice.

Dr. Erickson affected a fundamental shift in modern psychotherapy. Many elements of the Ericksonian perspective which were once considered extreme are now incorporated into the mainstream of contemporary practice.

(see “Store” — “Pioneers of Psychotherapy” DVD series being sold, $59/each. I’ve set it to the page include John and Julie d, names I recognized from researching healthy marriage/responsible fatherhood HHS grantees…).  Would love to say more, but not on this post focused on Minnesota.  “tba….” “You have NO idea” how closely this is entwined with the HHS-funded marriage-fatherhood programming….)


The history and development of these professions is documented, and can be studied — it’s fascinating, and illuminating.  You’d be amazed how much overall government policy today (especially in the social services) tracks right back to devoted fans (or foes) of Sigmund Freud, William James, and/or G. Stanley Hall.

When any individual or group is dealing with people able to inflict violence through excess force against them or an immediate family member (or even neighbor) AND one or more of the opposing parties is more skilled at the art of distraction and deception (including through inflicting repeated events triggering trauma), than the target person/population is at identifying it, that target person/population IS subject to coercion and violation of basic human rights.

Excess force used against targeted individuals — such as the jailed mother Sandra Grazzini-Rucki AND her children AND some bystanders who dared to offer refuge — confuses the on-lookers and discourages involvement, leading to their isolation.  This country HAS targeted divorced, and particulaly single mothers, as a class through the family court system, and federal programming — resulting sometimes in not just one, but two generations of, literally, fugitives.

List of MN counties from MN.gov.  Map, from “quickfacts.census.gov” Dakota County is in the Twin Cities / Minneapolis-St. Paul area…with Carver County just west, also nearby… (see red font on image, or click census link for clearer view).

Minn. County Map from US Census Bureau

Unless there is a major consciousness-raising and widespread diligent, detailed self-education on ongoing shift of government operations — including justice and the courts — into private hands, as coordinated and centrally planned BY private hands, for private profit — this is looking to be the new “normal.”

Over the next few posts, I’ll be showing and telling about some of this as it pertains to court-connected “systems change”organizations with the word “National” in their name, taking both public and private dollars, but already operating international.  And, tax-exempt.  Some of these posts may be intertwined with personnel from this case — but the behavior of the professionals, and the types of professionals involved, could easily be taken from other cases across the country

The most “convoluted” writing may come from my posting, then commenting, on published articles on the case.  When it gets to showing the organizations, it will probably read more consistently and be laid out systematically — after all, there is a business model in place here.  So, patience please!

Mother of Runaway Daughters took Lakeville girls to ranch, charges say” Prosecutors accuse Sazndra Grazzini-Rucki of “particular cruelty.”  Nov. 24, 2015, Star-Tribune, Brandon Stahl

Four days after two teens ran away from their Lakeville home, their mother and a friend took the girls to a western Minnesota horse ranch and left them there, until they were found two and a half years later, according to amended criminal charges released Monday.

The discovery of Gianna and Samantha Rucki last week led to three additional charges for Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, 50, who was arrested on Oct. 18 and now faces six felony counts of deprivation of parental rights. A search warrant of a St. Cloud home raided last month shows Lakeville police and U.S. marshals worked for months to build a caseagainst Grazzini-Rucki and then track her down to a Florida resort and spa.

This write-up makes it sound like the woman was living the high life having dumped off her kids just so long as their father couldn’t get them.  Not exactly, from what I’ve heard, and from some of the court documents in the case… AND NOT EVEN CLOSE. This woman was thrown out of her home under threat of arrest (for what, was unclear), without warning and without cause, after her divorce case was closed.  She was forbidden to even let her children know as they were sent off to school, and to take anything with.  Her wages were garnished below the ability to survive and a host of court orders attacking her ability to function, to own assets, or even a car apparently were already in effect.

Should Grazzini-Rucki be convicted, the county is seeking an aggravated sentence against her, saying she caused the girls’ father “particular cruelty” for depriving him of the girls for two years.  David Rucki has “suffered extreme emotional pain beyond what is normal for this crime,” Assistant Dakota County Attorney Kathryn Keena wrote in a notice to the court filed last week.

Assistant Dakota County Attorney, Kathryn Keena

No question there has been “particular cruelty” and “extreme emotional pain” was suffered in this case, but in the circumstances, it hardly seems to have started with Sandra.  Interesting it was a woman in powerful position emphasizing with the father in this situation; it’s a pattern familiar to women in family court disputes.

(I know little about ADA and so simply looked): Kathren Keena was among five finalists for district judge, First Judicial District, in 2004, as selected by a Commission on Judicial Elections, for the Governor (Pawlenty) to choose from, it gives her background as of that year.  From a list of releases at MNHS.org.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Leslie Kupchella January 14, 2004 (651) 296-0001


Saint Paul – The Commission on Judicial Selection today announced five finalists for two First Judicial District trial court bench vacancies.

The first vacancy occurred with the retirement of the Honorable Thomas R. Howe on December 2, 2003. The Supreme Court certified the continuation of this judgeship for Scott County. The second vacancy occurred with the retirement of the Honorable Thomas M. Murphy on January 3, 2004. The Supreme Court certified the continuation of this judgeship for Dakota County.

The finalists are Michael A. Fahey, Diane M. Hanson, Kathryn M. Keena, Michael J. Mayer and Kathryn Davis Messerich. ….

Keena, of Hastings, has been an assistant Dakota County Attorney since 2000. She was an associate attorney with the Bellingham, Washington law firm of Zender and Thurston from 1997 to 2000, the Lyon County Attorney in Marshall from 1992 to 1997, an assistant Lyon County attorney from 1990 to 1992 and a public defender with the Velde Law Firm in Alexandira from 1989 to 1990. Keena earned her juris doctorate degree from Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul in 1989 and her bachelor of arts degree magna cum laude from Minnesota State University, Moorhead, in 1986.

(Continued from “Mother of Runaway Daughters took Lakeville girls to ranch, charges say“, Nov. 2015 article by Brandon Stahl)

Grazzini-Rucki, who is being held in lieu of $1 million bail, did an interview with ABC-TV’s “20/20,” her attorney, Michelle MacDonald, said Monday….

Yes, however nothing about Michelle MacDonald or this case reads even close to normal.  From April, 2015, “Above the Law” Lawyer Allegedly Tortured for Doing Her Job.”  (as outrageous as this sounds, and I’ve heard more than one side of it — hearsay of course — I question the wisdom of Ms. McDonald’s snapping photographs for a different case in the courtroom while handling anything so weighty as the Grazzini-Rucki case, at this stage in its development.  It just wasn’t too bright and, obviously (see link) didn’t turn out too well…)

The girls ran away from their home on April 19, 2013, [[ages 13 & 14, it says ]] amid a bitter custody battle between their parents. Before they disappeared, the teens repeatedly accused their father of abuse, but a court-appointed psychologist concluded that Grazzini-Rucki had brainwashed them. In November 2013, Dakota County Judge David Knutson granted Rucki full custody of his children, saying there was no credible evidence that he abused the girls.

Judge David L Knutson

Notice, someone forgot to name the “court-appointed psychologist.”

Must have been an oversight, as every one else seems to have a name in this story…  Anyhow, tell me “so, what else is new?”   What do we think court-appointed psychologists are there for to start with (let alone the family courts) other than to claim that abuse did not take place?

Not approving of parental interference, but in general:

The indignant “how DARE you!” attitude shown in the treatment of this situation, and by various reporters, including Brandon Stahl of the Star-Tribune and at least another, locally, rings one big, fat, hypocritical tone in the ears of any woman — and we are MANY — who has never seen prosecutors, or news reporters, give even “the time of day” mention to close, or similar, actions involving their own children, who have never even paused to show indignation at felonies committed (but not prosecuted) upon them or their children, including complete, overnight, cutoff of court-ordered contact.

More, from that same 11/24/2015 article makes it sound as though the real energy behind finding the missing girls was actually a lone reporter, Michael Brodkorb.

From my other “on-the-sideline” private communications, it appears that at least a few (Brodkorb, Brandon Stahl, and Steve Timmer of “Left.mn” blog) were working with each other, and some may have been politically motivated (Left, vs. Right, which Michelle MacDonald as Republican contestant for state supreme court justice represented)… These three were continuing to publicize the situation; see (November 2015), Steve Timmer’s “Dede Evavold?  Never heard of her,” written after the girls were found, but linking to some earlier articles, as follows:

Just in case you can’t quite place the name, Dede Evavold was Michelle MacDonald’s campaign manager in her bid for the Minnesota Supreme Court in 2014. MacDonald is Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s lawyer.  …  

There has been some kudos voiced for Brandon Stahl and Michael Brodkorb, writing for the Strib, in bringing some needed attention to the case; they certainly did.

I [Steve Timmer] trace the finding of the girls today to one particular story written by Michael Brodkorb (that I commented on here) where he reported that Dale Nathan had told Michael that he had information about the underground railroad that had assisted in spiriting the girls away. Shortly after Michael’s story was published, the police executed a search warrant on Dale Nathan’s apartment.

The information obtained in that search undoubtedly led to Dede Evavold, and on to White Horse Ranch

Meanwhile, last spring (May, 2015), on the side-lines on group-emails, commenting on various blogs, and from out-of-state (last spring), I commented in a group email on the political back-and-forth spin put on this custody case, I continued attempting to talk past party lines about areas of my own concern, including some which had roots in this state. The blog “Red Herring Alert,” supportive of Sam Grazzini-Rucki and with a marked conservative flavor was interested in taking on the progressive “Left.MN”

After looking up who was sponsoring the LEFT.MN blog platform (including some origins in a NY LLC), and realizing that Steve Timmer had demonstrated (elsewhere on his writings) some good investigative skills, on corporate ownership/money trail and otherwise), and on receiving a 5/6/2015 group email all excited that LEFT.MN had noticed Red Herring Alert (as a PAC), (circulating this link http://left.mn/2015/05/michelles-pitch-for-martyrdom/), I wrote:

Why is it so great that LeftMN has noticed the Red Herring blog?  “All PR is good PR” works if you have something to sell, or tell.  So what’s the real the ground-breaking message here – the courts are really, really bad and not abiding by the law?   …..

Why does this, from the group email “sidelines” look like watching some salmon swimming upstream, discussing among themselves “Wow, we got their attention! Great times ahead!“as if they were actually the fly-fishermen on the shores  (who actually have bait, hook, rod, reel, and some experience in how to reel ’em in?)

In any situation it’s possible to (eventually) figure out whether you are fishers or the fish.

Unfortunately, LEFT.MN doesn’t do comments fields, it’s a one-way, out-bound platform.  So I circulated by email what I’d have told those on the left if those on the right wouldn’t hear for more interest in politics than in identifying and reporting the scope of (bipartisan) money influencing the custody disasters that make the headlines..  All this was, again, last spring..

(Myself, as if to Left.MN):  “Gee, where does a public comments field go on such three-fold (Brodkorb, Stahl, Timmer) sport like this?  Are you just having fun, or is there interest in output other than on the pro/con side of the MacDonald and Grazzini-Rucki case?

“If you are, I am an (out-of-state, FYI, but aware of what’s been cooking in-state for systems-change organizations in Minnesota, for years).  I’m in touch with, if not in complete agreement with, some of the people you are having some fun with here.  Believe it or not, they are not all endorsing the martyrdom aspect, I wouldn’t be in touch unless at least one or two were ready to talk technical on specific organizations and associations in Minnesota with an agenda to “transform” the bad, bad courts with their expert insight. ”

(FYI that’s called “Family Court Enhancement Project” it has four major player participants (two are federal agencies, and one a long-established nonprofit — NCFJCJ — and another a NEWLY established (in MN) nonprofit who’s been working the conference circuit for years AS IF they were a legitimate, separate agency, and that’s “BWJP” _- Battered Women’s Justice Project.  BWJP spun off of “Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs” in Duluth, which it’s about time some of (y’all) got a grip on and started taking a position (pro/con) on. ) 

“It didn’t take long to see (I read your [Steve Timmer’s] complaint to the MNGOP, have the same issues with the courtroom photography, and don’t approve of Bible-thumping, or similar grandstanding behavior which doesn’t take into account other, $150M a year, $10M  a year, and “interlocking directorate of tax-exempt corporations collaborating)…. “

That last comment (para.) was in regard to events relating to Michelle MacDonald’s trials and tribulations regarding the campaign for supreme court justice.  Steve Timmer had written a sensible piece on the Republican Party’s handling of these matters, but those on the “right” who I’d been communicating with weren’t interested in what it signified — but into the sport, the debate, having become a target….gotten some press.  He was showing sensible writing — but being on the “wrong” political party, that didn’t matter in the partisan / political dynamics involved.

These are the matters I attempt to speak of with individuals, particularly the “NCJFCJ” — and I have since discovered new, intriguing information about some of its leadership’s private operations — with my first “leads” coming from an older tax return.  This information is public-interest, it’s relevant, and it may have more to do than seems immediately obvious to why custody cases NEVER seem to close, and before they do, if one side has access to certain amount of wealth, somehow at least one parent has to be broke, broken, and disgraced / humiliated / discredited in public (especially when such a parent may make a big stink and seek media coverage of their plight). …. And it doesn’t require the rest of us to literally follow the ins and outs of every single crazy case, to see the other data — the systems!

Back to Mother of Runaway Daughters took Lakeville girls to ranch, charges say“, Nov. 2015 article by Brandon Stahl:

It wasn’t until April 2015 that police got a new lead, when the Star Tribune reported the statements of a self-described witness to the girls’ flight.** Dale Nathan, a longtime critic of family courts and a suspended attorney, said that when Samantha and Gianna ran away, their mother picked them up in her car, and that he drove around with the three of them for two to three hours before he was dropped off.

**Who at the Star Tribune?  As this article is itself also in the Star Tribune, why not enclose a link to the article and let the reporter (Brandon Stahl?) take credit for it?

Soon after, Star Tribune blogger Michael Brodkorb started reporting on the case and interviewed Nathan. Brodkorb wrote in a blog post that Nathan had information on his computers about the girls, but would not turn that over the law enforcement.

Homes searched

Police searched Nathan’s home in August, where they say they recovered computers that had about 29,000 e-mails. Among those was a message sent two days after the girls went missing from Dede Evavold, a friend of Grazzini-Rucki’s, according to the search warrant. Attached to those e-mails were two typed letters from the girls, with handwritten notes under the signatures.

Maybe among the 29,000 e-mails, SOME of them relating to this case, they might find the one I sent Mr. Nathan a long time ago, attaching HHS grants to specific domestic violence groups in Minnesota (and as I recall the larger “Futures without Violence” in San Francisco) and asking why there was no significant conversation among the “family court reform groups” on the HHS grants, or the federal incentives to turn a custody case into a years-long personal nightmare once any form of abuse had been identified or alleged?

I have never met any of the individuals named here, but yes, as an observer had some phone and some on-line contact.  Mr. Nathan is elderly, and it appears to me he identified closely with the BMCC/CPPA/Barry Goldstein (Mr. Goldstein being another disbarred attorney involved in domestic violence and custody matters along with the “broken courts crowd.”  See my last post, June 2014 for more info!).

Moreover, none of the above were about to talk seriously about the role played by organizations such as AFCC, or even the truly unique role Minnesota as a state has played in transforming the family court system, in my opinion, to become increasingly hostile towards women, even as within the same state, a supposedly feminist nonprofit (government-funded) pushes the “liberation of the oppressed” ideology, directing decision-making away from the courts into the hands of “expert professionals” and pushing systems-change through behavioral-modification-oriented trainings.  (I refer to http://theduluthmodel.org/)

“…The City of Duluth was selected in 2011 as one of three national sites for the Blueprint for Safety Adaptation Demonstration Initiative, a project of the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, in partnership with Praxis International, a national training organization with offices in Duluth and St. Paul. (Other sites are New Orleans, LA, and Shelby County/Memphis, TN). Duluth is the second of the three demonstration sites to adapt the successful St. Paul Blueprint for Safety, developed in Minnesota in 2010.”

Look at the left side of the website and you’ll see two links:

  1.  DONATE and 2.  TRAINING.  That’s the essence of the organization.  However, as a 501(c)3 it still gets most of its money from “government” grants anyhow.
Recipient Name City State ZIP Code County DUNS Number Sum of Awards

  (HHS grants since about 1995 only.   Of this $23M, some grants show the organization plays a special role in administrative (HHS) handling of domestic violence in general — coordinated (FYI) with organizations in other states:

Fiscal Year Award Number Award Title Award Action Type Principal Investigator Sum of Actions

Somehow, not even people IN Minnesota and disturbed by custody results want to engage in open conversation about these various groups, what they do, what they signify (for example, DAIP “incubated” Battered Women’s Justice Project” for YEARS before it incorporated in 2013 just in time to  be announced as a trainer for “Family Court Enhancement Project,” which had already been in the works.  BWJP (such as it was, a non-entity, which by association really means “DAIP” (Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs)) has been all along collaborating with “AFCC,” another organization not enough talk has been about in these fields — as their “domestic violence consultant” when in fact, I don’t believe that DAIP reflects the voices of battered women as they have to deal with reality post-welfare (post 1996) at all.

Police raided Evavold’s home on Oct. 21, taking numerous computers, flash drives and phones. Lakeville police say they found evidence from Evavold connecting the girls to the White Horse Ranch in Herman, Minn.

Police went there hoping to find more information about the girls’ whereabouts, but instead found the sisters.

The owners of the horse ranch, Gina and Dale Dahlen, have declined to comment on the case.

The ranch, situated among cornfields and prairie, is about 160 miles west of the Twin Cities. On its website the White Horse Ranch describes itself as a nonprofit where abused children can heal by working with horses: “Broken children and hurting horses are able to bring each other to a place of healing through God’s unconditional love.”

This post started on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2016, doesn’t reflect latest, or ongoing, developments, in the case it’s referring to.  For that, perhaps read the headlines, or a blog run by two women, one of them involved in the case, “Red Herring Alert,” (<=a Thanksgiving week post; there are more) and/or “Carver County Corruption.” (<=posts tagged to Dakota County, several cover this case) I am not in the business of journalistic reporting of custody disasters:  there are too many!  I also don’t believe that reporting on them prevents their re-currence.  But, some do seem particularly “egregious” in a field where “egregious” appears to be the standard.

AND, Minnesota has been a critical state in the nationally-synchronized network of how (everyone) should “handling” domestic violence, child abuse, and of course, custody.

While concerned for (and outraged about the treatment of) this particular mother and her five children, and those who have dared even verbally or socially support her while she was under significant, prolonged, and multi-pronged personal attack (still in process),##  my over-riding concern is that next to no sustained and detailed social media blogging (let alone MSM syndicated or even local professional journalists) connects the dots between the custody case drama and the networks (system) of rapidly-evolving, privatized into quasi-judicial entities, and “court-connected corporations” driven by  national/international blue-print, model-based standardizing of systems across state and even national borders.

## For example, and as reported in…”Family Abduction Watch:Breaking: Gina and Doug Dahlen and Dede Evavold Charged in Sandra Rucki Parental Kidnapping Case” (1/12/2016, and this link has a series of articles dating back to 2015 and attempting to connect these individuals with Faye Yaeger, Amy Neustein, and others dating back to the 1980s, as the “Protective Parent Movement”):

In the historic Teenager Family Abduction Case in Minnesota,Gina DahlenDouglas Dahlen and Dede Evavold were charged on January 11, 2016 as third party conspirators in the Sandra Rucki Parental Kidnapping Case. This is one of the few times that alleged members of the protective parent movement or family court critics will be prosecuted. They have been charged with 2 counts of parental deprivation for their alleged role in hiding the Rucki girls.

(Whoever runs that site — it’s just a wordpress blog, positions itself as authoritative on a list of people and organizations, (“the leaders”) hatefully so.  It doesn’t particularly distinguish people from the groups they’re associated with, and (unlike my posts) reveals nothing about the groups mentioned as business entities.  From that long, and not very organized list, I’m familiar with several of the professionals listed on the blog (from their “conference circuit”) and have met a few over the years  as they are in California.  Where a group is mentioned, I can and sometimes do report on it as a 501(c)3 (date, size, place, reporting compliance, etc.). 

Overall, the tone on this blog seems hateful, specifically hating women. They even personally list Rita Smith, as former Staff (not board of directors, probably) of the Denver-based NCADV, which is simply a sort of umbrella organization taking membership fees from the statewide “domestic violence coalitions” taking HHS grants.  NCADV itself at least lists the state coalitions, including the one in Minnesota [Minnesota Coalition For Battered Women], (not referencing they are on the HHS dole, however). I see from its tax returns that NCADV has been “small” in recent years, but in 2014 more than tripled its revenues (contributions) that year.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence CO 2014 990 34 $524,935.00 91-1081344
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence CO 2013 990 26 $63,585.00 91-1081344
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence CO 2012 990 24 $146,040.00 91-1081344

Click on organization name (i.e., on NCADV) for year 2014 to see on the tax return that they have only 5 board members, 8 employees, and most of their $1.2M contributions that year (Part VIII shows) come from non-government sources, not particularly from “membership” either.  The prior year had been pretty lean; and it appears Rita Smith was perhaps an outgoing executive director that year.

Among the state coalitions listed at NCADV website (and searchable under http://TAGGS.hhs.gov, used “Advanced Search” for most details):

Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women MN 2014 990 28 $642,125.00 41-1381433
Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women MN 2013 990 24 $325,970.00 41-1381433
Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women MN 2012 990 25 $292,897.00 41-1381433

14 board members (mostly unpaid), 11 employees only.  Exec. Director Elizabeth Richards (not to be confused with NAFCJ.net’s Liz Richards of Anandale, VA) earned $74K, as compared to Rita Smith (NCADV) who earned about $174K the year I looked at.

Their total assets more than doubled in two years, as you can see.  Briefly, that happened only because contributions increased by just under 50% (from $701.6K to $1.0M).  Their $1.0M came about half from government and half from private, plus $15K “Membership.”  ( The prior year, I see, it was still about $500K government funding; it was the private sector that increased contributions then) In turn, in “2014,” their expenses paid about $7K membership dues to (unknown, but possibly to NCADV).  And for what activities?  Page 2 of the IRS form prompts organizations to put in a concise paragaraph and breakout the expense to revenues for each activity, , but (like some nonprofits) MCBW didn’t bother to fill it out (INCLUDING the prompts for Expenses, including grants (distributed) and Revenues) but said “See additional data” and attached an free-form essay on their wonderful work, which begins:

…The Coalition works to improve the lives of battered women and their families through public awareness, public policy, and Increasing the capacity of those who work directly with domestic violence victims.”

The first detail on the free-form essay of accomplishments (minus financial breakdown of costs as prompted on the IRS form) is apparently an email list which displays flags each time there is a DV femicide/homicide (both terms used):

MCBW has expanded the Live Violence Free flag campaign. The flag campaign is connected to MCBW’s Domestic Violence Femicide Report. Each time there Is a domestic violence homicide in Minnesota, participants in the flag campaign are notified via email and asked to display the flag image for one week as a way to increase public awareness and promote education in local communities.

…and next accomplishment, more media campaign, with Verizon sponsorship:

MCBW created and launched the “Real Love Is..”campaign with youth. This social media campaign was taken up by youth organizations around the state. A contest, sponsored by Verizon Wireless, awarded three youth organizations prize money for their winning campaigns. The campaign will be expanded upon during fiscal year 2015.

Funny how MCBW doesn’t see fit to mention the access and visitation grants or, really, deal with the family law system as perpetuating forced contact between people fleeing domestic violence, and partners who have threatened to kill, kidnapped, or are continuing to stalk them, regardless of impact on any children.  Funny how MCBW (and NCADV) also did not see fit to do a public awareness campaign on in-state groups which are pushing fatherhood, treating domestic violence as a social pathology (not a crime) and pushing expensive supervised visitation/judicial education / batterers intervention, i.e., driving funds to behavioral change professionals instead of leaving funds in the households of those raising the children.


Comments fields remain open, except to spam, any personal threats, or simple hate-talk.  Keep them informative (provide links or searchable information for other readers) or ask good questions, or constructive feedback please./// Let’s Get Honest. 1-23-2016.

FOOTNOTE: from http://carvercountycorruption.com/2013/03/14/dakota-county-mn-judge-david-l-knutsoncase-of-grazzini-rucki/

Post from Carver County (MN) Corruption, posted March 14, 2013 (almost two years ago) re: Grazzini-Rucki case.  This is a “copy and paste” job except, I may highlight certain portions.  Also available on the link:

Dakota County neighbors Carver County in Minnesota. Both Dakota and Carver County are in the First District Court.
[letter sent to 150 state reps and senators]

Judge Denies Mother Contact With Her Children
The case of Sandra Sue Grazzini-Rucki and her children.

Dakota County Judge David Knutson issued an order on September 7, 2012 that denies the mother of five children any contact with her children. He ordered mother to vacate her home of 15 years on the same day as the court order. Mother was able to take only a suitcase of her clothes. She was forced to leave her home and all of her possessions which she has never been able to recover. She was denied any due process. She was told she would be arrested and jailed if she refused to follow Judge Knutson’s orders. She now is homeless, has no vehicle, no bank accounts, no credit cards, and no assets other than her clothing. She has only her job as an airline flight attendant which she has held for approx 27 years while taking leaves to care for her children. As a professional flight attendant, she is routinely tested for alcohol and substance abuse. All her independent psychological evaluations are completely normal.

Her wages are garnished 25% for payment of past marital taxes even though mother has been left destitute with prior use of MN Care Insurance and food stamps after the divorce. Her ex-husband’s income is in excess of $200,000 per month and he retains all of the marital property. There was no hearing or any finding that she ever hurt or abused any of her five children in any way.
The five children, ages 10, 11, 13, 14, and 16, were ordered to live in the custody of two aunts. The four youngest children have lived with their maternal aunt for almost six months without support from anyone. The children have not had or been allowed any contact with their mother except for one three-hour heavily supervised visit in late December, 2012. They have not had any contact with their father who has physically and sexually abused them and who hate him. In court on February 26, 2013, this aunt said she no longer is willing to provide for the children. The oldest child, a boy 16 years old, now lives in the former home of his mother with his father, who we believe a car and other expensive gifts in an attempt to buy the boy’s loyalty. The four youngest children no longer have a relationship with their oldest brother.

Why did all of this happen? In late August, 2012, Judge Knutson appointed an “expert” to make a recommendation on the parenting of the children. This expert, Dr. Paul Reitman, met with four of the children for about thirty minutes. ## He conducted no other evaluations, tests, or analysis. Yet, on the basis of this meeting, he issued his report that the problem was caused by the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), a condition of the mother. Parental Alienation has been rejected by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Medical Association. They believe it to be unsubstantiated. In fact, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ)**  has published guidelines stating that “The theory positing the existence of ‘PAS’ has been discredited by the scientific community.”

My insert/interjection here has major two parts, based on references in that paragraph above.  (1) PAUL REITMAN, and (2) NCJFCJ as an organization and what it’s up to.
BOTH extended sections show why quoting NCJFCJ’s opinion on PAS is less relevant than what business it’s in, generally speaking… and a few terms that ought to be commonplace to people concerned about family courts. (“The Greenbook Initiative “being one of them)…..[[SEE NOTE NEAR TOP OF BLOG — THIS INSERT/INTERJECTION MATERIAL HAS NOW BEEN (MOSTLY) REMOVED TO A POST PUBLISHED FEB. 25, 2015, titled What does Custody-Switching REALLY have to do with Unsound Psychological Theory? (Not much, actually)]]

So, above, under paragraph “Why did all this happen?” at:


[letter sent to 150 state reps and senators]

Judge Denies Mother Contact With Her Children
The case of Sandra Sue Grazzini-Rucki and her children.Dakota County neighbors Carver County in Minnesota. Both Dakota and Carver County are in the First District Court.
[letter sent to 150 state reps and senators]

Judge Denies Mother Contact With Her Children
The case of Sandra Sue Grazzini-Rucki and her children. . . . 

Why did all of this happen? In late August, 2012, Judge Knutson appointed an “expert” to make a recommendation on the parenting of the children. This expert, Dr. Paul Reitman, met with four of the children for about thirty minutes. ## He conducted no other evaluations, tests, or analysis. Yet, on the basis of this meeting, he issued his report that the problem was caused by the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), a condition of the mother. Parental Alienation has been rejected by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Medical Association. They believe it to be unsubstantiated. In fact, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ)**  has published guidelines stating that “The theory positing the existence of ‘PAS’ has been discredited by the scientific community.”

Let me talk about the process of assumption of causation under situations of duress, or attributing cause after significant coaching from what appear to be strong (as to social media presence, sustained personal contact with group emails, and with involvement of nonprofits engaging PR specialists — which Center for Judicial Excellence, from its start around 2006, has been):

Women (mothers in custody/divorce/domestic violence/child abuse-involved court actions have been coached (online, group email lists, and sometimes at conferences, such as the Battered Mothers Custody Conference (“BMCC”) for years [by Broken Courts (now “Safe Child”) groups such as the Leadership Council, California Protective Parents Association, and others…] to fight and debate usage of a psychological theory instead of to analyze systems of organizations serving as court-connected conduits, and where opportunities for slush funds, money-laundering, and case-specific, or organization-specific potential kickbacks (through, for example, money that went “missing”).

They were discouraged from talking and thinking in analytical terms about nonprofits or the money, or about the federal grants.  They were encouraged to support organizations as their “Friends” and allies which promoted, as recently as the year 2010 [14 YEARS after PRWORA welfare reform] a book by two people prominent in the BMCC circuit over the years (including one of the conference’s founder, Mo Hannah, Ph.D.) called, and with its abstract, notice the use of the term “broken courts” and the call to reform them:

Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Child Custody: Legal Strategies and Policy Issues

Editors: Mo Therese Hannah, Ph.D. and Barry Goldstein, J.D

Civic Research Institute
Format: Hardcover Book
© 2010 approx. 710 pp.
ISBN: 1-887554-76-9

For many years protective mothers have complained that unfair custody courts are taking their children and forcing the children to live with abusive fathers. These concerns have now been confirmed by a definitive new book, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, ABUSE and CHILD CUSTODY co-edited by Dr. Mo Therese Hannah and Barry Goldstein. The book contains the most up-to-date research and information from over 25 of the leading experts in the US and Canada including judges, lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists, journalists and domestic violence advocates. One could reasonably argue about when the research became so clear as to confirm the failure of custody courts to handle domestic violence custody cases in a way that protects children. The common practices and approaches adopted over thirty years ago when there was no research available have been discredited, but they are so deeply ingrained that the courts have not been open to reforming the broken system. Today we know the system must be reformed. This book should be used by journalists to expose the problem, courts to fix the problem, legislators to reform the system and the public to demand the courts stop sending children to live with abusers.

The book was being sold for about $100, each, at subsequent Battered Mothers’ Custody Conferences — to women who were stripped down and strung out already by the system.  “Recommend OUR experts, theories, and research’ was the mantra. This “market positioning” at the expense of (the rest of the truth about custody-switching — and a good proportion that “rest” turns out to be!!) played right into the hands of these individuals/professionals as “protective mothers” or “broken courts” consultants.

As posted (that link) at organization NOMAS in Denver:  “pro-feminist, anti-racist, gay-affirmative, enhancing men’s lives.”

National Organization for Men Against Sexism
3500 E. 17th Avenue
Denver CO, 80206

As I saw it (first edition), there was not a single chapter on the child support system, and while mentioning “fathers’ rights groups” there was zero reference to the PRWORA-funded federal grants series, or, for example, key nonprofits’ influence in getting it set up, perpetuated, and etc.  And of course, nothing about the Access and Visitation grants.

Yet distressed mothers, women, were coached, for the most part, to fight this theory, sometimes even quoting well-connected associations (like the APA and the NCJFCJ) and organizations but without the same coaches publicizing and teaching about the connected, entirely relevant, information on who was propounding the “PAS” theory in conferences throughout (the land), in particular the APA- and NCJFCJ-friendly Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCCnet.com) and, individually, professional members of the same.  Essentially, this is like telling soldiers to surge forward into battle — without a scouting report, and of course without defensive weapons, or at times, even a roadmap.

Apparently this drama works well enough for psychologist-affiliated organizations and associations arguing theory — but I don’t see that it’s worked well for the populations supposedly being protected with that approach. What women were not told is the “professional courtesy” of silence about the underlying networked of organizations that are content to promote/debate PAS until the sun goes down — so long as those grants and court-referral businesses keep coming…

Overall, I believe that

NCJFCJ discrediting PAS is far less relevant than who is NCJFCJ as an organization, and what has it been doing over time.

**Let’s Get Honest comment on quoting organizations that discredit “Parental Alienation” to support mothers under attack — who has ANY idea who NCJFCJ is?

Back to the Carver County Corruption post of 3/14/2013

Nevertheless, Judge Knutson appointed another expert, Dr. James Gilbertson, to attempt to re-unify the children with their abusive father. He said he would “reprogram” the children to like their father—he saw them 3 times in 6 months. This failed leading to the February 26, 2013 hearing. At this hearing, Dr. Gilbertson arranged for the children to appear before Judge Knutson in a conference room. Judge Knutson listened to the children’s short statements and told them he was going to issue orders that they had to follow. The transcript of this meeting has been ordered. The mother has requested information from Gilbertson and Reitman such as appointment dates, payment history, and other documents, but these have been denied by the practitioners saying they are protected by the judge and do not need to follow the guidelines of their respective professional organizations. Judge Knutson has not allowed the opinions of any other professionals to be heard.

Dr. James Gilbertson, PhD

The four youngest children will now be homeless. They begged to be with their mother. Their lives have been seriously disrupted. The Guardian ad Litem (GAL), Julie Friedrich, initially agreed that they belonged with their mother. Her story has now changed. She told the children that everything had been given to their father, and that their mother was homeless and without a vehicle. (The children reported this information to their mother at the late December 2012 meeting.) Ms. Friedrich also informed the children that their mother was in a mental institution, in jail, had moved to Philadelphia, PA, had been fired from her job, and that mother’s whereabouts were unknown. Julie also told the children that their mother didn’t want them and that she was gone. She informed Dr. Gilbertson that no further contact between mother and children should take place. Mother has not been allowed to schedule any further visits with her children despite numerous

Guardian ad Litem Julie Friedrich

The youngest child, 10 years old, has a significant medical condition that since his birth has been attended to solely by his mother. His complex medical issues include dealing with numerous doctors, surgeries, and providing day to day care and attention. Over the last 10 years mother has been the sole provider of his care along with his pediatrician, Dr. Tim Anderson, who in a letter and in a conversation with Guardian ad Litem Julie Friedrich, stated that his mother has been the sole provider of his medical care and in the best interest of the child he should be with his mother due to her history of care and knowledge of all factors relating to him. He is placed at risk without her care.

Mother was the beneficiary of a life insurance purchased by her father, now deceased, that provided $1.3 million for mother’s use. This total amount was exhausted in the spring of 2012 when mother was ordered by Judge Knutson to pay substantial amounts for attorney’s fees and debts that became hers as a result of the original judgment and decree. She is now Pro Se, unable to afford her own attorney.

When David Rucki failed to pay the court ordered child support, the state pulled his driver’s license. Judge Knutson wrote an order to child support and the state noting that David’s license was not to be revoked now or in the future. This ruling breaks state and federal law. His passport also was removed according to state and federal law due to child support arrears, yet Judge Knutson is attempting to over-rule federal law by reinstating his passport in defiance of the Dakota County District Attorney’s affidavit telling the judge that he cannot do this as he has no authority to over-rule the US Department of State. This is clearly our of Judge Knutson’s jurisdiction, yet he has scheduled a hearing on the matter.

Judge Knutson refused to order the normal parental arrangement where one parent has primary custody and the other parent visitation. He refused to follow Minnesota laws on parenting. He refused to give mother any due process or to follow court rules of procedure. There is no penalty or consequence to him because of his violation of law and other abuses. He is not accountable to anyone. Judge Knutson is actually a member of the Board of Judicial Standards where complaints against judges are sent! He has refused to remove himself from the case, denied a change of venue, and no action has been taken against him for the clear violations he has enforced. A letter of complaint about Judge Knutson’s actions to the Board of Judicial Standards from concerned citizens in the Burnsville, Lakeville, and Eagan area had no effect whatsoever. Clearly, this needs to be changed. There needs to be legislative oversight of the judiciary.

Sandy Grazzini-Rucki was recently able to hire an attorney with the financial help of a close friend. Sandy retained a local attorney from the MacDonald Lawfirm in Minneapolis Minnesota. Link to pdf download of a scathing and impressive memorandum written by her attorney on behalf of Sandy and her children. LINK: MacDonald Lawfirm 90-3345


So, to summarize on the larger trends, from 1999 – about 2008ff, it was The Greenbook Initiative.  About 2008ff, now, with similar personnel/agencies, it’s “Family Court Enhancement Project.”

This is a continuing process — but as to NCJFCJ — it’s a membership association, private, non-stock, non-profit, tax-exempt, and its members include the judges of the family and juvenile courts across the land.  The intent to control, direct, and restrict HOW domestic violence is considered, handled, and labeled — I do not believe should be funded by the public institutions, run IN the public institutions, but driven by private corporations like this one, especially as taking funds from foundations representing some of the major wealthy families of the country (David and Lucille Packard  — of Hewlett-Packard (HP printers, remember?) or the MacArthur Foundation.  BUT, that’s what we have in place.

NCJFCJ is also now also a major player in the “Family Court Enhancement Project” I mentioned above; in fact, it seems they are the grantee, and the courts sub-grantees (double check– that’s as I recall) — at any rate, they are a technical trainer.  They were [with five other entities, or groups, ONE in Minnesota] also technical trainer on the recent OVW Discretionary Grant solicitation 2013, labeled “Court Improvement Program.”  I’ll be posting on it shortly.


Dakota County ADMITS Charging Evavold with Probation Violation Despite No Proof of Wrongdoing

Dakota County ramps up efforts to silence blogger Dede Evavold, of “Red Herring Alert”, despite Freedom of Speech protections guaranteed by the Constitution.Shocking revelations from the largely redacted evidence that Evavold received in the case reveal that Dakota County is issuing a probation violation against her, and threatening  jail, when there is no proof to suggest that Evavold did anything wrong..7/19/2017, Gilbertsen, John P: “I was able to locate a speicif article reference by the victim (David Rucki) and it did contain information and commentary on the victim(s), much what was negative and sensationalistic in nature. However, I was unable to determine who in fact runs the blog, as the postings are under Aliases which do not clearly identify the person posting…

And,“When I reported back to Supervisor Griffin I indicated I did not feel there was information that we could glean that make it clear Ms. Evavold is the writer or runs the blog..”

All charges against Dede Evavold in this fraudulent HRO should be dropped – there is no evidence of harassment, and no evidence that she is responsible for the posts in question.


Probation Violation Hearing

My contested probation revocation hearing is scheduled tomorrow (Nov. 2nd) in Hastings. This is just continued misconduct of public employees by intentionally and unlawfully attempting to harm me under the color of official authority. Even if I wasn’t falsely convicted, this would not be lawful or justified! 

“It is unjust for an accused to be troubled for an unreasonable length of time with the physical, emotional and material burdens of endless criminal prosecution.” As a matter of Fact By Sara Soliven De Guzman 

Below is a portion of evidence I recieved that is redacted to the point that it is meaningless. Apparently, all items required to be disclosed have been provided to me. On the Contact Detail page 12, it states that “this blog appears to be a conspiracty blog, though much of the attention appears to revolve around the case in which Ms. Evavold is one of the conspirators.” (Exactly, am I gagged from discussing my own case???)

“The most disturbing item of note was a video of the police interview of one of the apparently juvenile victims. It appears posting this item possibly may be a violation of privacy laws, particularly as the victim was a juvenile.” First of all, the victim was an adult when she was forcibly brought into the Lakeville Police Dept. to recant her testimony. This resulted in the addition of 4 more felonies against me instead of dismissal of the case. Secondly, this was posted prior to my trial and false conviction. The fact that the community corrections supervisor was troubled by the video and not the fact that witness tampering occurred and charges were trumped up against me, is extremely troubling to me.

Stay tuned for the outcome. . .

 Also Read:
  1. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO GIVE LEGAL ADVICE, IT IS INFORMATIONAL IN NATURE AND BASED ON ARTICLES THAT ARE ON LINE; TOTALLY SEPARATE FROM THE FORUM: FIRST: I do not understand why, the hearing/probation is in Hastings? Next, any criminal case where the alleged person, who is the defendant may have the case moved to their home or district. Change of venue…the defendant has the right to ‘discovery’ that is in the law, i.e. state constitution…As to the age of the tagged juveniles; Associated press clearly states the ages of two missing females
    Associated Press 11/19/2015 sixteen and seventeen… mathematically they are eighteen plus…as of today…this smacks of “‘An ex post facto law (corrupted from Latin: ex post facto, lit. ‘out of the aftermath’) is a law that retroactively changes the legal consequences (or status) of actions that were committed, or relationships that existed, before the enactment of the law. In criminal law, it may criminalize actions that were legal when committed; it may aggravate a crime by bringing it into a more severe category than it was in when it was committed; it may change the punishment prescribed for a crime, as by adding new penalties or extending sentences; or it may alter the rules of evidence in order to make conviction for a crime likelier than it would have been when the deed was committed. Conversely, a form of ex post facto law commonly called an amnesty law may decriminalize certain acts. A pardon has a similar effect, in a specific case instead of a class of cases. Other legal changes may alleviate possible punishments (for example by replacing the death sentence with lifelong imprisonment) retroactively. Such legal changes are also known by the Latin term in mitius.
    A law may have an ex post facto effect without being technically ex post facto. For example, when a previous law is repealed or otherwise nullified, it is no longer applicable to situations to which it had been, even if such situations arose before the law was voided. The principle of prohibiting the continued application of such laws is called nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali, especially in European Continental systems. This is related to the principle of legality.
    Some common-law jurisdictions do not permit retroactive criminal legislation, though new precedent generally applies to events that occurred before the judicial decision. Ex post facto laws are expressly forbidden by the United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (with respect to federal laws) and Article 1, Section 10 (with respect to state laws). In some nations that follow the Westminster system of government, such as the United Kingdom, ex post facto laws are technically possible, because the doctrine of parliamentary supremacy allows Parliament to pass any law it wishes. In a nation with an entrenched bill of rights or a written constitution, ex post facto legislation may be prohibited.” Wikipedia, under the creative commons licensing…2017. NO, they from Dakota County did not provide you with complete discovery…I was accountant for scientist and it was mandatory to provide full disclosure…when, a transaction was changed, the accountant can only draw a thin line through and required by FASB to initial each error or correction…in addition, any CR by law is required to transcribed hearings “verbatim.” Since this situation is extensive, I am limiting my feedback. However, I am seeing/ reading allot of RED FLAGS ARE POPPING UP…. IN ADDITION: NEWSWEEK PRESENTED THE ARTICLE: Did the Missing Rucki Sisters Want To Be Found?
    By Max Kutner On 11/21/15 at 4:25 PM, THIS CAN BE BROUGHT UP BY CORTANA…GOOGLE…WHY ARE THEY NOT IN COURT OR FACING LAWSUITS FOR LEAVING THESE ARTICLES UP FOR DISCOVERY ON THIS DATE…11/1/2017. This whole thing smacks of ‘crisis creating and persecution.’ Read NewsWeek article…they boldly reveal many details, including this ‘site.’ When this issue came about involving the blogger being charged with a crime…now…with the revocation…they are arbitrarily stacking your criminal points so you go to prison…plus costing taxpayers money on frivolous actions. These kids they are arbitrarily defining would be charged as juveniles in court as “truant.” IFF, they had committed any other crime they would have been prosecuted as such…..WHY WOULD THEY EMAIL YOU THIS INFORMATION? In a court of law, they required hard copies of any or all documents and or evidence that fits under the criteria for the “chain of evidence.” AS POPS USED TO SAY….SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN DENMARK…FISH IS NOT THE SKUNK IN THIS CASE…

    • Per the Intrastate Case Transfer Policy under Section A, subsection 4.B; any felony offender assessed low risk with other than financial, same similar, abstain conditions are ineligible for transfer.

      • I could not find what you tagged as Intrastate case transfer policy with SECTION A. subsection.4.B. in Minnesota.
        http://www.doc.state.mn.us/DocPolicy2/html/DPW_Display_TOC.asp?Opt=206.020.htm |http://www.doc.state.mn.us/DocPolicy2/html/DPW_Display_TOC.asp?Opt=201.020.htm
        What, I do know is that any case adjudicated is to follow the guidelines under Minnesota Department of Corrections. their authority is based on listed MN. Statutes. Change of venue would occur in/before the actual determining adjudication.

        Minnesota Department of Corrections

        Division Directive:                 201.020                       Title: Post-Sentencing Activities
        Issue Date:                             9/6/11
        Effective Date:                      10/4/11

        AUTHORITY:           Minn Stat. §§ 609.165; 609.14; 243.05, subd. 1(d), subd. 1a, subd. 6; 243.166, subd. 4(b); 244.20; 244.24; 244.057; 256J.26; 243.1605
        Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure 27.04

        PURPOSE:    To safeguard the community and meet the program needs of offenders.

        APPLICABILITY:    All Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) field services staff.

        DIRECTIVE: Agents must supervise offenders in accordance with this directive.

        Recreation/leisure activities – pro-social activities that contribute to the optimal development of each individual by improvement of recreation skills, health, well-being, and quality of life.

        A.        Case assignment: upon receipt of either a transcript of sentencing or a court’s notice to the department, the designated field services staff activates a case file and assigns an agent.  The assigned agent is responsible for the case until the case is discharged, revoked, or officially transferred to another agent.

        B.        Face sheet/post-sentence investigation: the agent completes a face sheet or post-sentence investigation (court service tracking system (CSTS) merge documents) for cases that did not receive a pre-sentence investigation within 30 days of the notice of sentencing or court notification.  Each section must be completed as follows:
        1.         Client information: fill out completely.

        2.         Offense information: fill out completely.

        3.         Prior record: a chronological list of prior convictions including date of offense, offense, location, and disposition.

        4.         Offense/official version: an official statement of the offense summarized to include the basics (who, what, when and how the offense occurred).  It is not permissible to attach a complaint or other document in lieu of the official version.

        5.         Defendant’s version: the defendant’s statement of the offense.

        6.         Disposition: the sentence, including all special information, imposed by the court.

        7.         Special conditions: fill in completely.

        8.         Victim: fill in completely.

        9.         Education/training: fill in completely.

        10.       Employment/military: fill in completely.

        11.       Family data: fill in completely.

        C.        Probation agreement: the agent must complete the Probation Agreement (CSTS merge document) immediately after the offender is placed on probation, but no longer than 30 days following sentencing.  If the offender moves to another area before the Probation Agreement can be prepared and executed, the agent must send the prepared, unsigned agreement (along with a Transfer Investigation Request) to the agent in the receiving area for execution of the Probation Agreement.  The format for the Probation Agreement is as follows:
        1.         Heading: fill out completely.

        2.         Special conditions: list the special conditions imposed by the court.  The special conditions must be typed on the agreement before it is signed and witnessed.

        D.        Case recordings: agents must promptly document all contact with and about an offender by recording a chronological entry in the CSTS preceded by the appropriate codes identifying the type of contact conducted.

Dakota County Corrupt Courthouse Event: Tour Infamous Court at Center of the Grazzini-Rucki Case

Dakota County Judicial Center, Hastings, Minnesota

..all this courtroom has done has cause misery and heartache…” except of a letter written by one of the Rucki children, April 2013

The public is invited to celebrate Constitution Day at the Dakota County “Open Courthouse” event on September 15… held at the epicenter of corruption in Minnesota: the Dakota County Judicial Center. The free, open-to-the public event, will run from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2017 Dakota County Open Courthouse Event

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour, and experience firsthand, the infamous courthouse at the center of the Grazzini-Rucki custody trial, and criminal trial where unconstitutional abuses of power by the courts, judges, court officers and law enforcement occurred. Both cases also involve rampant violations of the constitutional rights of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, as well as the 3 co-defendants in the criminal trial.

The public is advised to enter the Dakota County Judicial Center at their own risk – law and justice mean nothing here!

Judge David L. Knutson will make a special appearance at the 12:30 Welcoming Ceremony, held at the Jury Assembly Room, Lower Level.

Wonder if Judge Knutson would be willing to answer questions such as:

**Why did you give custody of five children to a dangerous abuser?

**Why did you ignore the abuse allegations raised by the Rucki children?

**Do you think it is appropriate for a judge to ignore allegations of child sexual abuse?

**Do you think it is okay for a judge to call a child abuse victim a ‘liar’ when they disclose abuse?

**Why did you release David Rucki after several violations of a protective order?

**How is the public supposed to trust the courts when they see you break the law and go to such extreme lengths to give custody to a violent man and deprive a fit, loving mother of custody?

**How do you defend your violations of the Constitutional rights of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki?

**Why did you give such a light sentence to child rapist Dennis Roy?

**Do you support 1st Amendment rights? If so, why are you limiting the free speech of blogger Dede Evavold?

Chances are Judge Knutson, the coward he is, won’t be taking any questions from the public and will continue to hide behind the skirts of judicial immunity.

Judge David L Knutson

The court, judges, prosecutors, police and many layers of corruption within Dakota Count colluded to give sole custody to a dangerous abuser, David Rucki, and worked to cover up their crimes in doing so, to detriment of the five Rucki children. Mother, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, who, fought to keep the children safe from harm is now being punished and criminalized while the real criminals go free.

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki was a loving, stay-at-home mother of five children, and former Mrs. Lakeville, who has been victimized, deprived of her rights and due process, and forcibly separated from her children due to injustice and corruption in the family court and criminal court of Dakota County. Sandra’s situation is so dire that she is now living in hiding – and her children have been given into the custody of a dangerous abuser with a long history of criminal acts and violence against his own family. druckipolicereports

Dr. James Gilbertson, PhD


Guardian ad Litem Julie Friedrich


Paul Reitman

The Rucki children have raised abuse allegations against their father only to be told by Judge David Knutson, Guardian ad Litems, Julie Friedrich and Laura Miles, and court-ordered therapists, Dr. Paul Reitman and Dr James Gilbertson, that they are liars and in need of de-programming. And this has occurred – the Rucki children were forced into “de-programming” using methods similar to what is done to a POW camp in order to get the children to recant abuse allegations, and then forced into complying with the courts demands even as it has proved detrimental to their safety and well-being.

If you heard a child come forward with an allegation of abuse like this, would you honestly walk away and do nothing?? That is exactly what Judge Knutson, and others, have done to the Rucki children.

In April 2013, one of the Rucki children wrote a letter to describe how she witnessed her father, David Rucki, abuse her mother, and stated that he was also violent and threatening to other children – to the extreme that her even friends feared visiting the Rucki home.

The letter (which was not allowed to be submitted as evidence in Sandra’s criminal trial) included this statement from her daughter,” I know the difference between a lie and the truth….

I stand here today to tell you the truth about my father. To begin with, he has not only told my family that he is homicidal, but sat us down at kitchen table and yelled at us saying that he was not only going to kill me but my brothers, sister and mom. Not even a week later I received a horrifying voicemail of 6 gunshots. He has also choked, slapped, and hit and verbally abused my mother repeatedly throughout their. marriage. He also has lost it on us kids more than a number of time physically and verbally. Also he has made sexual comments to me over the year about my boobs look bigger and so forth and over the year many of my friends could not hang out with me because of my father. The day my father officially moved out of the Ireland place home was not only a day of peace and happiness but safety in the household…Letters from Rucki Sisters April 2013

Sandra has continued to be the punching bag for her abusive ex-husband, David Rucki, even after she fled the marriage by agreeing to divorce in 2011. – Rucki conspired with “Korrupt Knutson” to batter, and destroy, Sandra by using the legal system in the same way that he once used his fist to beat her into submission.

As a result of family court proceedings, Sandra was court ordered by Judge Knutson into a “lifetime of servitude,” stripped of her children and custodial rights, her home, her employment, and her freedom— she is now homeless and destitute, hunted and harassed by ex-husband, David Rucki, who has promised to “see her dead.”

Tour stops in the Dakota County Judicial Center, important to the Grazzini-Rucki case, include: Self Guided Tours: Dakota County Open Courthouse

The public is invited take self-guided tours of the Dakota County Judicial Center, with stops including courtrooms and other areas of interest, and the chance to hear from a local district court judge or other justice system officials.

Jury Assembly Room/Jury room This room is the notorious site where jury tampering occurred in the Grazzini-Rucki criminal case (July 2016). Jury tampering is a factor that contributed to Sandra being found guilty, by tainting the jury with prejudicial information before the trial began.

During jury selection, nearly all of the 60 members of the jury pool admitted they had heard or read about the Grazzini-Rucki case; meaning the jury had been influenced even before the trial began. In criminal cases that receive a lot of publicity it is common to hold the trial in another jurisdiction – that didn’t happen here because Dakota County waged a vendetta against Sandra, and probably won’t give up punishing her until she is dead.

In another instance of jury tampering, an article from the Star Tribune regarding the Grazzini-Rucki case was found in the jury room. It should be noted that the article was written by a blogger who has a close relationship with David Rucki, and has expressed admiration of Judge David Knutson. The blogger was contracted at the Star Tribune to cover the Grazzini-Rucki case as part of an “experiment” that went massively awry when the paper was used to promote propaganda and false and misleading information about the Grazzini-Rucki case; articles specifically do not mention or include documentation of abuse or Rucki’s lengthy history of violence. So what the jurors saw was a news article written as a hit piece against Sandra, who was vilified, and unable to defend herself against the impressions formed in the jurors minds outside the courtroom.

In another instance of jury tampering, one juror admitted to being at a party with Rucki’s relative, and Judge Asphaug refused to have this person disqualified after they promised to remain neutral.

If that were not bad enough, two bloggers covering the trial approached the jurors and asked them to speak about the case. Due to the severity of the allegations, Judge Karen Asphaug stopped the trial in the middle of proceedings, left the bench and went into the jury room to assess the damage. Inappropriate contact with a juror is grounds for a mistrial; despite this, Judge Asphaug continued with trial, once again making excuses for a jury that could not possibly remain neutral after being pressured and influenced before trial began.

Book and ReleaseSandra Grazzini-Rucki was held in Book and Release several times during the course of her criminal trial. If walls could talk, the walls of the book and release room would drip with anguished tears.

Sandra found herself in the Book and Release room not as a criminal but as mother who fought to protect her children from abuse, risking her own life and freedom to do so.

In her former life, Sandra was a stay at home mom who lavished her time, energy and love on her five children. She worked as a flight attendant and had a spotless 30+ year history of impeccable service, and was loved by crew and guests alike. After surviving an abusive marriage that nearly cost her life,  Sandra looked forward a fresh start…hope for the future was short-lived because ex-husband, David Rucki, would escalate his attacks against her in a new arena: family court, where he is assisted by a powerful and korrupt judge, David L.  Knutson.

The result of 6 years of continued legal abuse, and humiliation in family court, is that Sandra is destitute and homeless. She has survived stalking and death threats from Rucki (and people on his behalf) but the nature of the court orders have left her barely surviving. By order of Judge Knutson, her home, all her belongings, and even pictures of her children have been taken. David Rucki has been awarded 100% of the marital property including 4 homes and all the contents within, 9 classic cards and has dumped huge amounts of personal debt onto Sandra. Rucki is also granted nearly $1,000 a month in child support, and motioning the court for Sandra to pay thousands of dollars for legal fees, even though Sandra has not worked for almost two years and is unable to meet her own basic needs. With 6 felonies on her record, it is doubtful that Sandra will be able to return to work as a flight attendant – or be hired anywhere else. The State of Minnesota once extended assistance to Sandra but since has terminated benefits. Now she has no means to pay for food or basic necessities that most take for granted. Rucki lives like a king, devising new ways to torment poor Sandra.

Sandra was forced to witness continued abuse inflicted on her children then was jailed for trying to protect them when they were forced to go on the run to protect their own lives. She was confined in the Book and Release Room, hands in cuffs, while the real criminals – David Rucki and Judge Knutson – go free.

Courtroom 1F: Mock Jury Selection Demonstrations – Courtroom 1F is where Judge David L. Knutson presided over the Grazzini-Rucki custody trial (September 11-12, 2013).

It is here that Sandra lost custody of her five, precious children and would forever be banned from having any contact with them. Dangerous abuser David Rucki is awarded sole custody, despite for being on probation for violating a protective order against Sandra. At the time of the custody order, two of the Rucki children are missing – they ran away in fear for their lives due to their father’s abuse and Judge Knutson’s failure to protect them.

Courtroom 1F is also where lawyer Michelle MacDonald was forced to represent Sandra Grazzini-Rucki while handcuffed and strapped to a wheelchair and without her files and notes, pen/paper, glasses, shoes, and even without her client – and without ever being charged or booked. (Sandra, and several court witnesses, left the courtroom that day after Judge Knutson told them that trial was over and that MacDonald was being arrested.) Judge Knutson took these outrageous actions as retaliation against MacDonald because she had filed a federal lawsuit against him, on behalf of Sandra, and asked that he recuse himself from the trial. Lawsuit: Female Attorney Strapped to Wheelchair in Court

Judge Knutson continues to retaliate against Michelle MacDonald and has actually filed a complaint against her law license, stating she failed to properly represent Sandra in the custody trial – after he alone made it impossible for Sandra to obtain a fair trial.

Judge Knutson avoids any responsibility for his unethical, and illegal actions, by hiding behind judicial immunity like a coward. Judge Knutson now sits on the Board on Judicial Standards, which oversees complaints against judges. Judge Knutson’s role on the Board has greatly contributed to the public trust in the judiciary eroding to an all time law… the people of Minnesota do not respect judges anymore – they fear them.

While the Dakota County Judicial Center celebrates Constitution Day, the public is unaware that they are celebrating at the very alter, the judge’s bench in courtroom 1F, where the gavel has slammed against the Constitution, shattering it rendering it void.. as if our very Constitution were made of glass, and could be easily discarded.

Judge Karen J Asphaug

Courtroom 1DScene of “Rigged Trial” – It is here the Grazzini-Rucki criminal trial was conducted under the jurisdiction of Judge Karen Asphaug (July 25-28, 2016).

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is found guilty on 6 counts of deprivation of parental rights after Judge Karen Asphaug disallowed the majority of evidence supporting the affirmative defense she raised.

Sandra raisde the affirmative defense in her criminal trial, meaning she admitted to assisting her daughters because feared for their safety. If the jury found enough evidence to support the affirmative defense, Sandra could be exonerated. Sandra’s defense depended on proving why she feared for the safety of her daughters. Judge Asphaug suppressed 75% of defense evidence during the criminal trial including: witness testimony, Rucki’s criminal history, CPS and social service records documenting the abuse of the Rucki children, evidence of stalking, protective orders Sandra took out against Rucki, and more..

Sandra is actively appealing the decision.

Holding CellThe Adult Holding Cell is where attorney Michelle MacDonald was detained, and she says “tortured” by order of Judge Knutson, during the Grazzini-Rucki custody trial (September 11-12, 2017). Judge Knutson ordered that MacDonald be detained because she took pictures in the courtroom when it was not in session. The popular story is that MacDonald got in trouble for taking pictures of Deputy Timothy Gonder. Just do a social media search and you will see that pictures are routinely taken in the Dakota County Judicial Center, and no one else is punished in the way MacDonald was. The truth is that the pictures were taken of the court docket to document irregularities in the scheduling of the case. MacDonald was documenting, in pictures, the illegal actions of Judge Knutson and, to him,  had to be stopped.

After the trial (which was not a trial in any sense of the word!), attorney Michelle MacDonald was not allowed to leave court but, instead, was unlawfully detained for through the night and into the next day. MacDonald was held for more than 24 hours without being booked, charged, or allowed bail, bond, or to make a phone call. She was never read her Miranda rights.

Interesting enough, Judge Michael Mayer, who presided over the juvenile trial of the runaway Rucki girls, made a personal appearance to the detention center to witness MacDonald’s humiliation, and tears. With a snide laugh he taunted her by saying, “Having a rough day?”

Also present was Deputy Timothy Gonder, the personal thug of Judge Knutson. Deputy Gonder manhandled Michelle MacDonald and meted out punishment by unofficial judicial order. Gonder would also make an appearance when Sandra was injured while being held in the Ramsey County Correctional Facility during criminal proceedings, and would be the subject of a PREA complaint after he took inappropriate pictures while she was handcuffed to a bed, and made special efforts to humiliate her.

MacDonald later filed a lawsuit, claiming the sheriff’s office engaged in seven of the internationally recognized forms of torture: sexual humiliation, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, solitary confinement/isolation, temperature extremes, sensory bombardment and psychological techniques.

The lawsuit describes the cruelty inflicted on MacDonald – deputies turned the temperature of the room down to freezing and kept the bright lights on all night to keep her awake. MacDonald took the toilet paper and wrapped it around her head and body and feet to keep in an vain effort to keep warm. The guard came in and ripped it off her, saying she was not using it properly. Pictures were taken of MacDonald in her cell in an effort to humiliate her. Guards made comments about prisoner suicide as a way to intimidate her. All of this MacDonald suffered because she bravely defended Sandra, and her Constitutional rights, in Judge Knutson’s lawless court, room 1F.

Michelle MacDonald was eventually released, no charges were ever brought against her related to this incident. Judge Leslie Metzen ultimately determined that Michelle MacDonald’s civil rights had been violated by the illegal search and seizure of the camera.

 Courtroom 1B: Interactive Television (ITV) Demonstration and Judge Chamber 109

The Judge’s Chamber should be called the Torture Chamber for what was done to the Rucki children in the Dakota County Judicial Center.

In February 2013, the Rucki children were summoned to the chambers of Judge David Knutson. The Rucki children not only disclosed abuse to Judge Knutson but clearly stated their preference to live with mother, Sandra, where they felt safe and loved. Enraged, Judge Knutson ordered that the proceedings be sealed.

That same day, David Rucki had a pending case in criminal court for violating a no-contact order that prohibited him from contacting the children. Judge Knutson made special efforts to have all criminal charges against Rucki dismissed, which did happen.

Even after hearing serious allegations of abuse from the Rucki children, and with knowledge that Rucki violated a no-contact order, Judge Knutson ordered that very same day the children be forced to a visit their father. Dr. James Gilbertson, therapist, recommended the children be held in a room and an armed bailiff be used as a show of force in order to get the children to comply. Court records reveal the older children – specifically S.R. and G.R. were viewed as a problem. The “problem” being that they raised abuse allegations and were vocal in objecting to forced visits with Rucki (i.e they didn’t go along with “the programming”).

Another tactic used on the Rucki children, at the recommendation of Dr. Gilbertson, is that the older children were separated from the younger children. This was done so the younger children would have no protection and no advocate, and could be psychologically broken down more easily, and thus, easier to control.

At other times, court records reveal, the Rucki children were brought to the courthouse by order of Judge Knutson, where they were held for hours, in a room without food or drink, without toys, and without comfort of any kind. An armed bailiff was posted at the door to prevent escape. The records reveal the children were extremely anxious and upset to be brought to the court, which would be understandable considering what the children had to endure.

On one occasion, Dr. Gilbertson recommended the children be forced to sit in during proceedings and watch what happened as David Rucki raised false, and outrageous allegations against Sandra, who was then punished by Judge Knutson – who always ruled in Rucki’s favor. The children were sent a clear message that their mother, and protector, could no longer protect them.. that their father held all the power.

Other times, the Rucki children were detained in the courthouse and then forced, against their wishes, to visit with their father, Rucki. There are allegations that Rucki would intimidate the children during visits, give them the middle finger, that he was angry and made veiled threats. Even Dr. Gilbertson records in his notes that the children were visibly afraid of Rucki. Yet “reunification therapy” continued… it is no wonder that the children attempted to run away after their cries for help were ignored, and they were subject to further abuse.

In-Custody CourtroomMoney is the root of all evil.. the In-Custody Courtroom is where Sandra Grazzini-Rucki was brought for a bail hearing on November 6, 2015 and a $1 million dollar bail was issued for a defendant with no prior criminal history, and for a non-violent crime.. Sandra’s bail was much, much higher than most serious offenders.

Is at coincidence judge assigned to do bails that was none other than Judge Knutson?!? However, since Judge Knutson was busy with other tasks that day, the stand-in judge stepped in on his behalf and blindly ordered the astronomical amount of bail without a second thought.

The situation is even more unusual because Sandra was removed from the in-custody courtroom and taken, through a back hall, into a room hidden from public view, where bail was issued.

On February 24th, Sandra was released on her own recognizance. Outside of these trumped up charges, she remains law abiding and poses no threat to anyone.. other than the corruption in Dakota County that does not want to be exposed.

Banner – Source – http://www.mncourts.gov

Pt. II Diesel Therapy: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s Torturous Journey on Prison Transport

Public Domain: wallpapersin4k.net

Continued from Part 1: Diesel Therapy: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s Torturous Journey on Prison Transport

U.S. Marshal Mayhem

At 66 minutes into The Grazzini-Rucki Story as You’ve Never Heard Before  Sandra bravely shares what happened when she was apprehended by U.S. Marshals, her time in jail, and the horror of prison transport.

On October 18, 2015, Sandra was working as a flight attendant, and during her layover sharing a hotel room with a co-worker (which normal for that profession). Sandra went to bed as usual but later was startled awake by voices shouting her name. She opened her eyes to see four men with shotguns pointed at her face, wearing full swat gear with goggles over their eyes. Sandra was grabbed by the arm and yanked to the ground. She was then handcuffed and walked into the next room where she saw her co-worker, also in handcuffs.

The co-worker was sleeping on a couch in another room when, without warning, U.S. Marshals kicked the door in and threw the co-worker to ground. Gus were drawn against his head and he was handcuffed behind his back. The co-worker has never been charged with a crime, he was only subjected to this terrifying treatment because he was in the same unit as Sandra at the time of capture.

U.S. Marshals tore the hotel room apart, asking “Where is the guns?” “Where is the kids? Sandra was shocked to learn that she was charged with gun running, kidnapping and human trafficking. Keep in mind, news of the “sealed” arrest warrant had been reported in one of the largest newspapers in Minnesota two months prior – and according to their report Sandra was only being charged with felony deprivation of parental rights. The U.S. Marshals were acting on false information, even though the entire State of Minnesota had been notified of the real charges through the press: Mother sought in case of two missing Lakeville girls

After weeks of surveillance, and use of extensive manpower on the tax payer’s dime, the U.S. Marshals turned up two flight bags and two flight attendant uniforms in their exhaustive investigation that somehow was not able to detect the phony charges. All of Sandra’s belongings were confiscated and have never been returned. Dave Oney has a lot of explaining to do about the Marshal’s mishandling of the Grazzini-Rucki case, yet remains purposefully evasive.

The U.S. Marshals is the oldest law enforcement agency in the Department of Justice and supposed to be the most experienced, and yet they have been bamboozled by the officials of Dakota County, which is nothing more than a blip in the middle of the Minnesota cornfields. How does a podunk Prosecutor’s office con the U.S. Marshals into believing a stay-at-home mom and flight attendant of 30+ years with an impeccable service record is a violent criminal? The role of the Marshal’s in the Grazzini-Rucki case should be investigated, continued silence and cover up erodes public trust in the program, and hints an even bigger problem may exist.

Once the U.S. Marshals detain a suspect the next step is to take them into federal custody – but that never happened. Sandra was told by Marshals that “this never happened before” and “there was a misunderstanding” regarding the serious, felony level charges leveled against her. Misunderstanding? How is that possible – the reporters at the local press knew what the charges were, and have rigorously defended their story – and yet the U.S. Marshals can’t get their story straight! Dakota County refused to sign Sandra into federal custody and instead asked the Marshals to handle the case as “just a local issue. Sandra was booked into a county jail based on the sealed warrant. Btw Dave Oney claims the Marshals went to these lengths because Sandra was a fugitive. But the warrant was sealed so it is impossible for her to be a fugitive – how can you flee from something that you do not know exists?

Shackled, Shoved Into a Dog Cage

Sandra was booked into jail in Osceola County, Florida, based on the warrant from Dakota County/Prosecutor Keena. Despite the “misunderstanding”, Sandra was still being held as a federal fugitive and placed on the maximum level of security. This meant that Sandra was placed into a cell block reserved for the most serious offenders, and roomed into a prison cell with a women who murdered a man during a robbery by shooting him the face with a shotgun. Sandra says about the cell block she was placed into that it was “like Charlie Manson on steroids”.

The cellmate was surprised to see Sandra enter, stating she is at the high level of security, as a convicted murdered, and says she does not get roommates because of her crime. Sandra recalls being questioned by the cellmate as to why she was there. Michael Volpe comments that the authorities refused to fix the error because they probably wanted Sandra in maximum security, with a dangerous cellmate.

Public Domain: wall.alphacoders.com

If Sandra thought her situation was dire, things were about to get worse as she was given a strong dose of “diesel therapy”.

At 76 minutes into the show Sandra’s voice begins to tremble as she recalls the moment she was dragged out of the cell in the middle of the night, and her ordeal on prison transport began. Luckily for her, the prisoners warned Sandra to put multiple pads in her pants (prisoners are rarely given bathroom breaks). Sandra was also warned that she would be deprived of food and water. From behind bars, Sandra looked North toward the freedom star, her view was obstructed by cinder block walls and darkness. Even in her worst nightmares, she could not imagine the journey ahead.

Prison transport vans are outfitted with interior bars or cages; the rear cargo area where the prisoners are held usually has no windows and relies on ventilation from an inadequate cooling system with few vents and unpredictable service. Transport vans do not have toilets or beds. Medical services are not provided, and prisoners are commonly deprived of medications. Food is in limited supply and water, rationed. There is no contact with the outside world – no way to reach family, friends or even your attorney. Prisoners disappear on a long, lonely road that intersects on American highways yet goes entirely unnoticed.

When Sandra describes how she was handcuffed, she could be describing a medieval torture device. Sandra’s wrists were first handcuffed. Sandra’s feet were then shackled. On long transport trips, handcuffs often cut into the skin, causing circulation problems. Long trips with rough metal cuffs rubbing against the skin cause chafing or sores. And if that was not enough – like Sandra is the Incredible Hulk who could rip out of chains at any time?!? – her hands are then secured to her feet with another chain. Sandra says she was forced to assume a “squatted down position”. Imagine being forced to remain in that position for 12-16 hours a day, unable to stretch or move.. sleep is nearly impossible. That is what Sandra endured.

But shackles and chains for this petite, former beauty queen whose booking records note she is all of 112 pounds and stands all of 5 feet tall is not enough.. because Sandra was then placed into what she calls a “dog cage. All of this Sandra because she fought to protect her children from abuse against a family court system that ignored their cries for help and put the children in harm’s way. Some may call Sandra a criminal but it is clear that only a mother who truly loves her children would make such great sacrifices for their well-being, even risking her life for them.

Sandra says about prison transport, “I don’t know how many states we hit”.The van criss-crossed across the country – “from Florida up to Georgia down to Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, over to Dallas , Oklahoma back to Kansas, Missouri, back up to.. I hit so many states…” When the van stopped at a jail, Sandra was booked, meaning her mugshot was taken and she was temporarily assigned a cell. A trail of mugshots exists to document this horrific trip. Once Sandra’s beautiful face graced glamour shots and public events, the toll the transport has taken on her can be seen in her tired eyes and pale complexion, she is barely hanging on.

Almost the entire trip, Sandra remained shackled and shoved into a dog cage. David Rucki’s own dogs were given better treatment that Sandra… his use of the legal system to pummel his ex-wife is more effective at inflicting damage than the bruises he used to leave on her. And if the legal system were not enough of a threat, Sandra was placed on transport with the “worst of the worst” – rapists, murdered, lifelong criminals, whose last breath of fresh air would be experienced on the shuffled walk between the transport van and the big house.

Prison transports are known for lengthy trips, where prisoners may spend sometimes up to 12-16 hours per day on the road, in confines. Sandra pleaded with the guards to be let out of the dog cage. She could barely move so she used her voice to reach beyond the cage. Sandra pleaded with the guards to look her name up on the internet, to visit websites (the same sites David Rucki is trying to shut down!) and research her story. Sandra hoped that if the guards knew about her story they would know that she is not dangerous criminal, not convicted of any crime, and perhaps would relent. The drivers did look Sandra up. And after reading more about Sandra they said “something is not right here” and “they lightened up on me a bit – a bit”.

Fears for the Future

It took almost 3 weeks for Sandra to arrive back to Minnesota on the prison transport from Florida. What kept her strong  in the darkest of times is memories of her children, and the love she has for them. 

In June 2017, the Justice Department launched an investigation into the nation’s largest prison transport company, Prisoner Transportation Services due to allegations of prisoner abuse. According to Business Insider,”Since 2012, at least five inmates have died on PTS vans from alleged medical neglect. Since 2000, another two dozen people have been killed or seriously injured in more than 50 crashes on private extradition vehicles nationwide.Justice Department probes alleged abuses on prison transport vans

The threat that Dakota County will issue another warrant hangs over Sandra’s head, like a noose, head every day. Laws have been routinely broken in the Grazzini-Rucki case and there would be no way for Sandra to protect herself. In the darkest of and held in a jail until the gates of hell to a prison van open, and she is subjected to another degrading transport… a journey she may not survive.

Sandra has vocally expressed in interviews, that she will continue to fight for justice until her children are safe, for them she would risk her life.


Grazzini-Rucki Sources:

Does a recently found police report exonerate Sandra Grazzini-Rucki?

Unwarranted: Was the Arrest Warrant Against Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Improperly Handled?

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and I Talking About US Marshals Corruption in her case

Prison Transport Sources:

Diesel Therapy: U.S. Marshals Oversee Medieval Torture Caravan

https://www.Inside the Deadly World of Private Prisoner Transport

Dierdre “Dede” Evavold Appeals Criminal Conviction

From Red Herring Alert blog… Dierdre “Dede” Evavold filed an appeals her criminal conviction State of MN vs. Deirdre Evavold A17-0200

Dede Evavold

Evavold Appeal 2017  is a compelling read that begins with the argument that Dede was wrongfully charged and convicted of parental deprivation and that, quote (p.5), “The affirmative defense did not need to be raised as there was substantial evidence supporting the affirmative defense. The state had all evidence that no crime was committed and that the girls ran away because of abuse...” That statement is validated by police reports that show when paternal aunt Tammy Love reported S.R. and G.R. as missing that she admitted the girls had run away because they were “upset because court ordered her and her sister to live with aunt…” Another police report dated 11/23/2015, the day the girls were found living at the Dahlen ranch again affirms they did run away of their own free will and would run again if forced to live with their abusive father,”Both girls made it very clear to me that if they were forced to go with their dad, they would run again…

The appeal also argues:

*The State purposely ignored allegations and documentation indicating child abuse of S.R. and G.R. occurred.

*The State refused to investigate allegations of witness tampering because it would hurt its case to do so.

*Additional charges were filed against Evavold after S.R. was forced to recant her statements due to pressure and intimidation asserted against her by father, David Rucki, and paternal aunt, Tammy Love. S.R.’s story then changed from her original statements, which is witness tampering. The State should have never been allowed to proceed with prosecution due to witness tampering. (p.8-9)

*The Dakota County Attorney’s Office obstructed the discovery process and failed to provide all evidence available to Evavold. (p.12-21)

*Prosecutor Kathryn Keena attempted to force Evavold to plead guilty without allowing her to see all of the evidence of the case, which has been dubbed a “trial by ambush”. (p. 16-17)

*Judge Karen Asphaug should have recused herself from the case because she was involved with previous criminal proceedings involving David Rucki where she ruled in his favor, and then concealed her role in the cases. (p.21) (Also read this expose written by journalist Michael Volpe on the subject: Did judges in Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case previously fix husband’s cases? )

*Judge Asphaug assigned herself to all 4 criminal trials relating to the Grazzini-Rucki parental deprivation case, “this action led to knowledge of disputed facts and affected impartiality“.

(Side Note: Judge Asphaug’s husband David Warg is a former partner in a law firm with Judge Tim D. Wermager. Judge Wermager was the first judge assigned to the Grazzini-Rucki divorce. Wermager sworn in as judge)

*Due process violations prevented Evavold from getting a fair trial.

Additional information about the Grazzini-Rucki case, and the criminal trial of Dede Evavold can be heard at the following link: Dede Evavold: Paying for Being an Activist for Change. Village Connection Radio with Fletcher Long and Carlos Rivera.


Judge Karen Asphaug (Twitter)

Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom

Assistant Dakota County Attorney, Kathryn Keena

REPOST CDN NEWS: Does a Recent Police Report Exonerate Sandra Grazzini-Rucki?

Does a recently found police report exonerate Sandra Grazzini-Rucki? <– READ FULL ARTICLE! 

Michael Volpe, of CDN News, reports on a newly released police report from the Lakeville P.D. that reveals that runaway teens, Samantha and Gianna Rucki, fought against returning to their father after being discovered living on a therapeutic horse ranch after going into hiding for more than 2 years. The girls decided to run away after the family court system failed to protect them from an abusive father and placed them into a custody situation they felt was unsafe.

That Samantha and Gianna threatened to run away from their father’s care AFTER being discovered by police the supports defense raised by mother, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, that she hid them for their safety (which is an affirmative defense). The girls demonstrated palpable fear of their father, David Rucki. It also validates the defense of Doug and Gina Dahlen who claimed both girls repeatedly threatened to run away if returned to their father, and they allowed the girls to stay on the ranch for their own safety, and that the girls were free to leave at any time but chose to stay of their own free will.

The police report, from November 21, 2015, was never seen before by Sandra who was charged with parental deprivation for her efforts to protect her daughters. As part of the discovery process, this police report should have been turned over to Grazzini-Rucki, and the 3 other defendants charged in this case.

According to Volpe: “If the Dakota County Prosecutor, whose office prosecuted the case, failed to provide this police report, this would be a “Brady violation” named after the U.S. Supreme Court Case Brady V Maryland, in which a conviction was overturned after prosecutors failed to provide exculpatory evidence, meaning, in this case, evidence favorable to the defense. In order for a legal proceeding to be just, all evidence must be shared with both sides…Ignoring Brady is not only an egregious violation of prosecutorial ethics…

Volpe goes on to say: “Given this issue, under normal circumstances, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s conviction would have been thrown out. But nothing has been normal in this case.

READ the police report for yourself –  Lakeville P.D. Supplement Report Grazzini-Rucki 11/21/2015

Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom

Upon being found at a therapeutic horse ranch belonging to Doug and Gina Dahlen on 11/18/2015, the Rucki sisters told police they would run away again if returned to the care of their father, David Rucki.

According to the police report: “Samantha and Gianna came down, and immediately told us that they would not go back to their father. We told them that our first concern was their safety. I did ask them about the last time that they had heard from their mother, and they told me that they would not say anything without a lawyer.The report also indicated that Samantha has quote “issues with males”.

Arriving on scene was Detective Kelli Coughlin from the Lakeville police, who previously responded to an incident where Rucki swore and threatened a member of ex wife, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s family. The previous police report shows Rucki’s propensity towards violence, and the very real fear other people have of him. It also shows that Coughlin had knowledge of Rucki’s abuse violent behavior towards his family, and when the Lakeville P.D. pushed to return to the Rucki girls to a home they felt was unsafe, the Lakeville P.D. did so with full knowledge of the case, including abuse allegations.

The police report indicates the victim is fearful for his family and feels Rucki will follow through on his threats that include “I‘m coming after you and you won’t see me coming” and “It probably won’t be me (that will get you).” At the time of the incident, Sandra’s mother died the night before after an agonizing battle with cancer. While the family was still grieving Rucki fought to gain control of the family trust, and threatened and intimidated family members to stake a claim on something that was not legally or rightfully his. Rucki Police Report

Samantha and Gianna were assigned a social worker and also given a lawyer, both argued in court on behalf of the sisters that they their father and did not want to be placed in his care. The sisters stated they would attend therapy and not attempt to run away again if they were able to stay in foster care. Judge Michael Mayer of Dakota County denied the request, the sisters were sent to reunification therapy in rural California and then were placed backed into the custody of David Rucki, father, against their will.

Grazzini-Rucki Case Suggests Witness Tampering, Continued Abuse of Runaway Rucki Girl


Because the witness told investigators that her father made her change her story and her story did in fact change from previous statements, it is apparent that witness tampering occurred.” – Motion filed by the Dahlens 12/23/2016

(Dakota County, Minn): More evidence supporting that David Rucki has abused his children in the past, and continues to emotionally and psychologically abuse S.R. emerges from the criminal trial of Doug and Gina Dahlen…

Doug and Gina Dahlen, the couple who sheltered S.R. and G.R. on their therapeutic horse ranch for 2 1/2 years, filed a motion to request an evidentiary hearing regarding witness tampering on 12/23/2016 in Dakota County. (The Dahlens have since plead “guilty” for felony charges of parental deprivation under questionable circumstances).

Read the motion in it’s entirety: Dakota County accused of witness tampering in Doug and Gina Dahlen case

Doug and Gina Dahlen

Doug and Gina Dahlen

The motion was filed to request a hearing to determine whether witness tampering has occurred. The alleged witness tampering is based on David Rucki, the Lakeville P.D. and Dakota County’s treatment towards S.R. – one of the teen girls who fled after Judge David L. Knutson placed her in an unsafe environment.

Public Domain: http://chainimage.com/

Public Domain: http://chainimage.com/


The motion details the heart wrenching day that S.R. and G.R. came to the Dahlen family. In late April of 2013, both girls came to the ranch, and according to the motion,”When the girls arrived, both were very emotional, crying and appeared scared. Both girls appeared extremely fearful to the Dahlens. In fact, the Dahlens had never seen two girls so visibly and physically frightened. In essence, they were scared for their lives.

S.R. and G.R. had good reason to be afraid of David Rucki. When the girls became more comfortable with the Dahlens, they shared their fears, and painful memories. According to the motion, the girls told the Dahlens that Rucki made threats, displayed sexually inappropriate behavior, and police were called a number of times after he violated restraining orders.


According to the Dahlens, the girls reported that they were scared of Rucki and he “had a habit of peeking in outside windows..” The Dahlens said talking about their home life, and the thought of returning to the care of their father (Rucki) made S.R. and G.R. so upset that they would shake and become physically sick “with fear and panic“.

It should be noted that S.R. exhibited the same emotional and physical symptoms as to what the Dahlens observed when she was questioned by social workers and police after she had been recovered; when making statements regarding her home life prior to the divorce, abuse and the events leading up to when she ran away. The difference is that the Dahlens correctly identified S.R.’s reaction as a traumatic response, but when S.R. was put back under the control of Dakota County the abuse cover up continued and S.R. was labelled “fragile” and in need of de-programming.

The motion states that Dahlens permitted S.R. and G.R. to stay at their Ranch because they reasonably believed that the girls were at risk for physical, sexual or emotional harm if they returned.

S.R. and her sister G.R. went into hiding, living with the Dahlens for 2 1/2 years. In an interview with ABC 20/20, Gina Dahlen says the teen girls “made a new life” for themselves on the Ranch, and they were free to leave anytime they wanted but chose to stay. While staying on the Ranch, S.R. and G.R. were home schooled. The girls did chores on the Ranch, and helped with the website – but never used the internet to contact their father or make an effort to return to Lakeville, where they lived. Dahlen says there was no effort to conceal the girls, they used their real names and went into town, socializing with others.

This is also confirmed in social worker notes, taken from an interview conducted after the S.R. and G.R. were discovered living on the Ranch in November 2015, (Social Service Records – Rucki ) “The girls appeared well cared for and like it at the (redacted).”

The social worker reports that S.R. told her,”It was so great up there.” And,”They were given hugs and love. She loves Doug and Gina and says Gina was like a mom to her.

S.R. also told the social worker about the abusive, dysfunctional home environment created by her father, David Rucki, and warned that she would run if placed back into his custody.

G.R. says this about the Dahlens,”She feels Doug and Gina gave up their lives for them. She feels at peace there, they talked about God and read the Bible. They taught her to forgive.

When asked about her father, G.R. told the social worker, “She still feels fear of dad… She does not want to live with him and she feels he still has control over her. She does not feel mom played role in her thoughts or feelings about her dad.” G.R. also stated that she will run if made to return to dad.


(Note: Inquiry by Justice blog.. these comments are NOT part of the Dahlen’s motion)

It is unknown if S.R. or G.R. have attempted to run away again but it is known that the sisters were put through intensive de-programming (aka mind control) and reunification therapy at Transitioning Families, a  ranch  situated in a remote location in California. It could be argued that David Rucki’s efforts to put S.R. and G.R. in the program at Transitioning Families is a form of witness tampering.

Transitioning Families was chosen because if the girls did attempt to run away they would have no place to go. Court records state that S.R. and G.R. were both willing to attend therapy in Minnesota, and promised not to run if placed in a foster home. There was no need to send the sisters to California because they could undergo therapy in Minnesota, where they live, and where they would receive ongoing treatment (if needed). There would be no risk of running if the girls were placed in a foster home, and allowed to transition back into their lives at their own pace and comfort level.  But that didn’t happen.

Dr. Rebecca Bailey, Transitioning Families

Dr. Rebecca Bailey, Transitioning Families

Therapist Dr. Rebecca Bailey, of Transitioning Families, facilitated reunification between David Rucki and the girls. At the time of reunification, Rucki was on probation after being convicted of a violent road rage incident. Yet Bailey showed no concern for the safety of the girls, despite Rucki’s lengthy criminal record, that included being referred to anger management and psychological testing as part of probation. In an interview with a local paper, Rucki says Dr. Bailey determined that he does not pose a danger to anyone after an incident where he was kicked in the privates by a pony, and did not show signs of violence. However, that incident does not qualify as a valid psychological assessment, or involve the use of acceptable medical practices. Evidence suggests that Dr. Bailey ignored and/or dismissed abuse allegations raised by the Rucki children, as well as evidence supporting that abuse did occur. Dr. Bailey also failed to consider Rucki’s history or do a risk assessment when forcing the S.R. and G.R. (and their siblings) into reunification. The end result of the Transitioning Families program was that adults who are skilled in psychology used isolation and programming tactics to get two vulnerable, frightened teenage girls to recant abuse allegations. From the motion filed by the Dahlens (p. 5) “Intimidate can simply mean to make timidIn the Eighth Circuit, exhortations to remain loyal to one’s people or family is sufficient to support a conviction for witness tampering...”

The way testimony was taken from S.R. during the criminal trial of her mother could also be considered witness tampering. During her criminal trial, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki attempted to subpoena S.R. (who had turned 18) and G.R. to appear and testify. Grazzini-Rucki’s efforts were challenged by both David Rucki and his attorney, Lisa Elliott, and by Prosecutor Kathryn Keena. Their arguments were supported by Dr. Bailey, who wrote a letter to the Court, stating she did not feel the girls were capable of testifying and recommended that if S.R.. were to testify it should be by video only. Dr. Bailey’s letter was submitted to Judge Karen Asphaug for review. Grazzini-Rucki and her attorney were not given a copy, nor allowed to read it. Judge Asphaug agreed with the recommendation, G.R. was not allowed to testify and S.R. could testify by video only.

S.R. testified by video conferencing under extremely unusual circumstances. S.R. was out of view of the jury and present with her in the room was father, David Rucki, paternal aunt Tammy Jo Love (her fear of Love caused S.R. to run away), and both paternal grandparents and an armed bailiff. The defense attorney was limited in the questions he could ask and evidence of abuse was suppressed.

According to the motion (p. 5),”Witness tampering can be overt or subtle and includes emotional manipulation…The Minnesota Supreme Court has recognized that even ‘general or specific threats of reprisal’ would constitute witness intimidation…The Court has also acknowledged that  the mere presence of spectators in the courtroom can result in witness intimidation.


Doug and Gina Dahlen raise a compelling, and legally sound, argument that witness tampering involving S.R. did occur.

From the time S.R. and G.R. stayed at the Ranch until their tearful good-bye, the girls have consistently told the same story about the abuse they have endured at the hands of their father, and the failure of the family court to protect them, is the reason why they ran away, to seek safety. Upon return to Rucki’s care, S.R. told law enforcement that she was  pressured and guilted to recant by her father and Tammy Love. S.R. also stated that court paperwork was “all over the house“, that the issue was constantly raised, and she could not get away from it.  When S.R. did give a statement to police, it was Rucki who drove her to the police station.

Journalist Michael Volpe has extensively researched the Grazzini-Rucki case, and has uncovered another aspect of possible witness tampering involving the same incident: David Rucki claims indigence, hires two private lawyers This article offers additional insight on the questionable interview with S.R. and police, conducted on June 30, 2016. During the interview, S.R. reveals that she had been reading about her family’s involvement with the court system on the Carver County Corruption blog. S.R. said she discovered the site after going to the library, logging onto a computer, and doing an internet search on her name.

At the time of the interview the Carver County Corruption blog had been permanently shut down. Another blogger writing about the Grazzini-Rucki case had removed articles she had written from her blog, and stopped covering the case altogether. These events happened in response to a June 7, 2016 letter written to the blog owners from a law firm employed by David Rucki. The letter implied the bloggers could face “various civil claims” against them and “litigation seeking substantial damages“. As a result, the blog articles were taken down, and S.R. was no longer able to freely access information offering another perspective on the case. It should also be noted that the Carver County Corruption blog gave S.R. a voice because it posted letters and comments she provided to the courts. In a broader perspective, shutting down the blogs has also limited the public’s access to information and documentation regarding the Grazzini-Rucki case; and attempted to make one viewpoint – that of David Rucki – the dominant source of information.


The Dahlen motion also implicates Lakeville police in witness tampering, stating that (p. 8), “Law enforcement investigators in this case apparently avoided asking SVR questions which would develop responses favoring the affirmative defense. Anytime the possibility arose that David Rucki would be portrayed in a negative light, Detective Coughlin backed off.

During the June 30th interview, S.R. told Det. Coughlin that she was brought to the interview against her free will, and pressured and guilted into recanting abuse allegations by Rucki and Love. The pressure was so intense that S.R. began to cry.

The motion states that Det. Coughlin never asked S.R. to elaborate when speaking about issues related to abuse. And that S.R.’s statement to police shows change from the story she has consistently told prior to being recovered. S.R.’s testimony takes yet another turn in court, where claims to not have seen or remembered abuse, and stated that she was not in her right mind when speaking to police.

Perhaps the impact of reunification therapy at Transitioning Families has taken its toll? Perhaps Rucki and Love have finally crushed her spirit? What has not changed is that S.R. remains tearful, emotional and her body language indicates trauma – she shakes or curls up into a ball when questioned. And that is the tragedy of the Grazzini-Rucki case, that the court system has completely failed to protect the Rucki children from the abuse they endured and witnessed, and instead protected the abuser, to the detriment of the children.

The Dahlen motion has not only raised concerns about witness tampering but at its core, it is a statement that raises serious concerns that S.R. (and the other Rucki children) is being emotionally and psychologically abused and continue to be at risk in the care of David Rucki.








Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Sentenced – Kathryn Keena Breaks Promise to Runaway Teen


Sept. 21, 2016 – Sandra Grazzini-Rucki prepared this statement to be read by her family law attorney after sentencing.

Sept. 21, 2016, Dakota County, Minnesota: A sign posted outside the courthouse by a religious group read. “When will the suffering end?

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki was sentenced today for her role in assisting her teenage daughters, who ran away from their paternal aunt, and the influence of their abusive father, in April 2013. A jury found Sandra guilty of 6 charges of felony deprivation of parental rights after Judge Karen Asphaug suppressed 75% of defense evidence. Sandra raised the affirmative defense, meaning her actions were taken to protect her children from imminent harm. The evidence suppressed supported claims of abuse. Other evidence was withheld from Sandra and her attorney by the State. Many claim this was a “rigged trial”.

Prosecuting Attorney Kathryn M. Keena sought an aggravated sentence against Sandra, which meant she would be given a much harsher sentence than what guidelines allow. Aggravated sentences are usually reserved for severe crimes like deviant sexual crimes, terrorism and repeat offenders. Keena had to drop her motion for aggravated sentencing because the charges did not meet the legal standards. Sandra has no prior criminal history and has complied with all the terms of her release while out on bond. She also has credit for 133 days spent in jail. Keena Drops Aggravated Sentence

Judge Karen J Asphaug

Judge Karen J Asphaug

However, Judge Asphaug found a way to manipulate the legal system in order to give Sandra a much harsher sentence. The sentence includes 6 years of probation, double the usual sentence – Judge Asphaug ruled that paternal aunt Tammy Love is also a “victim” in this crime. In addition, Judge Asphaug stretched out the sentence over 6 years to include a 15 day sentence every year, commencing on November 19th when the runaway Rucki girls were found. Guidelines say the most time a defendant can serve for what Sandra is charged with is one year and one day but Judge Asphaug found a way to lengthen the sentence for 6 years. Taxpayers will bear the financial burden of this unnecessary expense; and a bed in jail will be taken by Sandra who poses no risk to society, while a more serious offender is denied what they deserve.

Judge Asphaug also ruled that Sandra must pay several heavy fines. The law states that if the fines are not paid the judge can order additional penalty, which may include jail time. The fines include: $10,000 restitution to the Crime Board to cover costs for reunification therapy with an abusive father (reunification therapy is controversial, and not widely approved of by psychologists), undetermined costs to pay for therapy for the children, and two $944 dollar fines plus $80 court fees. Not to mention the costs for probation. Court records indicate that Sandra is currently receiving state aid, she was formerly employed as a flight attendant until jailed and extradited to Minnesota. With 6 felonies on her record, Sandra will certainly have difficulty finding employment, and have difficulty maintaining employment if forced to go to jail for 15 days every year plus other restrictions imposed by the terms of release. That being said, it would be very unlikely that Sandra could afford the fines, which may result in further jail time beyond her sentence. Judge Asphaug also ordered Sandra to sentence to serve, and if she does not comply, she would face additional jail time beyond her sentence. In effect, an aggravated sentence was imposed on Sandra by Judge Asphaug and Prosecutor Keena, who found a way to manipulate the legal system to exact a punishment that goes well beyond the guidelines for this crime.

Assistant Dakota County Attorney, Kathryn Keena

Assistant Dakota County Attorney, Kathryn Keena

Kathryn Keena admitted in court that she “made a promise” to S. Rucki and said to the teen that she “will not request any additional jail time and will keep that request”.  Judge Asphaug interrupted and said the “Court did not engage in promises” and she is “learning of it for the first time today“.  Making a “promise” with a vulnerable, traumatized teen is unethical and an abuse of power. It also gives the appearance that Keen bribed S. Rucki to testify – meaning she told S. Rucki that if you testify against your mother, I “promise” not to seek any additional jail time for her. Kathryn Keena unapologetically broke her promise to S. Rucki today. Keena has taken her place in the long line of Dakota County court officials who have violated the trust, and exploited the Rucki children.

Another interesting moment at sentencing was the lengthy “victim impact” statement read by David Rucki that included, “the woman in court today is not the woman I married 25 years ago – the woman I married suddenly became who she is now, a convicted felon“. Rucki elaborated about the pain he experienced in the 944 days his teen daughters went missing.

The police reports, CPS reports, witness statements, need for repeated reunification therapy because the children showed signs of fear towards Rucki (and raised abuse allegations) and even a letter from Dr. Gilbertson to the Court all illustrate the pain, terror and abuse Rucki inflicted on Sandra and the children. To believe that Sandra alienated not only her children but alienated so many people to turn against David Rucki is not only improbable but ridiculous.

When David is talking about his pain, and eliciting public sympathy, consider this…

G was interviewed on 11/23/15. She reports dad was always screaming at mom. Neighbors called the house the ‘Scream House’. She thought her home situation was normal as she didn’t know any different… Her dad would stalk the house when they were with mom.  He showed anger like ‘I’m gonna kill you’. She got no hugs growing up…”   Rucki CPS Reports

There are two prevailing emotional themes that these children speak to: One is fear of being in the presence of their father  given what they allege to he being an angry and violent person. A second theme is anger over his alleged mistreatment...It is my opinion that the children’s fear issue needs to be addressed directly, and that can happen when there is exposure to the specifically feared object, situation, or person, i.e.  father…

I would work with Mr. Rucki to have him present a certain structure and accounting of his own behavior while the family was intact that would acknowledge the volatile family history and express his empathy for the children’s painful memories..” Dr. Gilbertson Letter to GAL Julie Friedrich – Feb. 6, 2013

Dr. James Gilbertson, PhD

Dr. James Gilbertson, PhD

Q (Kelli Coughlin): So how has it been since you’ve been back home?

A. (S. Rucki) I work 40 hours a week.

Q. Ok

A. Otherwise I am in my room or I am out.

Q. Do you feel secluded?

A. I am going to move out as soon as I can start driving and get money saved up. I can’t be around this anymore.” Kelli Coughlin, Lakeville PD, interview with S. Rucki

Dakota County and the State of Minnesota has not only sentenced Sandra but their ruling has condemned every abused woman, and every abused child in family court. A clear message is being sent – if you talk about abuse, you will not be believed and you may lose custody, lose your home, lose your career and your freedom. This tragedy could have been prevented had Judge Knutson and the family court system appropriately responded to the concerns of abuse, and intervened early on. Instead the court’s actions enabled abuse to continue to the point where the home was so unsafe that 4 out of 5 children threatened to run away and two succeeded in running away. 

After sentencing, attorney Michelle MacDonald (Sandra’s family law attorney) read a statement that Sandra had prepared ahead of time. The statement said, in part, “For the last 5 years, I have had to endure the loss of my children (all 5 are named). They alone are my world…And now I’m paying the price for what any parent would do for their children – protect them from harm.”

Sandra is now in custody; ironically it is only behind bars that she is truly safe from David Rucki. Sandra is expected to appeal.

Dakota County Judicial Center

Dakota County Judicial Center

The Fix: Grazzini-Rucki Case Discussed on “The Long Version”

According to host,  Fletcher Long, there are many ways the government can fix a trial – the justice system is designed to benefit, and profit the government. The fix discussed in this episode of “The Long Version” is the Grazzini-Rucki criminal trial and the miscarriages of justice that happened in the family law case.

The Fix: the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Story” with Fletcher Long features guests, Michelle MacDonald and Michael Volpe.

Listen to “The Long Version with Fletcher Long” podcast: http://longversionw4j.com/podcasts

The opponent against you in the criminal trial is the government. The government pays the judge, he is a party in a criminal court. Exclusionary rules never benefit a defendant, they help the government win cases. The private citizens don’t pass rules of evidence. Rules of evidence are passed and adopted by Legislators, and Legislators work for the government. All the money flows from one entity and that entity is in that court.. it is the ultimate David and Goliath scenario, you are always and perpetually beating your head against a wall and that wall is the adversary in court.” – Fletcher Long

The Fix in the Grazzini-Rucki Criminal Trial

In the podcast, Fletcher Long and Guests discuss the elements of the Fix that are present in the way Dakota County mishandled the Grazzini-Rucki criminal trial.


  • Judge Karen Asphaug did not allow jury to hear evidence that would give context to why the affirmative defense was being raised.
  • Evidence was excluded that would show why Sandra Grazzini-Rucki was afraid of ex-husband, David Rucki. Evidence was excluded that demonstrated Rucki’s predilection towards violence (evidence that Rucki had 3 prior protective orders filed against him was excluded, as well as CPS reports that investigated and documented abuse allegations raised by the Rucki children, and more).
  • Judge Asphaug only let certain pieces of information in so that the jury only heard one side of the story, that being told by Prosecution ( Kathryn Keena).
  • Judge Asphaug would not allow evidence in that would impeach testimony or refute allegations raised by the Prosecution. Long says that you have a right under the 6th amendment to confront your accuser. To deny a defendant the right to confront the government’s proof is fixing the trial to the government’s benefit.

Allegations that Judge Asphaug and Prosecutor Keena are working together, and working to exclude and discredit evidence are raised. Long states that when the Judge and the Prosecutor are working “in concert” or working together against a litigant, that gives the appearance to the jury that the defendant is guilty and eradicates the impartiality of the judge.

Judge Karen J Asphaug

Judge Karen J Asphaug

Defendants also have a Constitutional right to call witnesses in order to raise a defense. Judge Asphaug did not allow several witnesses to be called.

Long also says that it is “prosecutorial misconduct” for Dakota County to insinuate that Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is a bad mother, or is guilty of any crime, because she sought to call her two daughters as witnesses. Long comments, “It is not okay to say something that does suggest guilt DOES suggest guilt.” Long says that a defendant “is in a fight for their life” and has a right to raise a defense, and to call witnesses as part of that defense. Calling a witnesses does not suggest or prove either innocence or guilt, and is a crucial part of ensuring a fair trial.

Assistant Dakota County Attorney, Kathryn Keena

Assistant Dakota County Attorney, Kathryn Keena

For thought – Assistant Dakota County Attorney, Kathryn Keen,a called the son N.R. as a witness, and was not subjected to similar speculation or accusation that she was harming a child.

Michael Volpe says:What this story is really is the story of an abuser who is being covered up by major parts of the State of Minnesota.

This is a very important discussion, to get the full benefit of what was discussed please visit and listen to The Long Version, podcast: The Long Version Podcast

Dakota Co. Courthouse


Michael Volpe Reports: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Convicted After 75% of Defense Evidence Withheld


Journalist Michael Volpe, Communities Digital News (CDN), recently wrote an article describing a short history of the Grazzini-Rucki case, offering new details about abuse allegations and other evidence that was withheld from the jury in Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s criminal trial.

Sandra raised the affirmative defense at trial, meaning she assisted her teenage daughters in running away because she feared for their safety. Volpe writes, “Approximately 75 percent of the evidence her defense planned to use was disallowed by Dakota County Judge Karen Asphaug.The jury was only presented with one side of the story, that of Assistant Dakota County Attorney, Kathryn Keena, and was not allowed to review  evidence and supporting documentation or hear from crucial witnesses that would provide additional information on the events leading up to when the Rucki sisters ran away. This means the jury was not allowed to gain an understanding of the context in which Sandra made her decision.

Sandra will likely appeals with decision.

Read the full article here: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki convicted of hiding daughters

Please like, share, repost and comment on our article and Volpe’s,

your support and feedback is important!

Judge Karen J Asphaug

Judge Karen J Asphaug

Kathryn Keena

Kathryn Keena