An Injustice to ALL: Future of Our Children Radio with Brian Kinter, Michael Volpe and Sandra Grazzini-Rucki

This special episode of the “Future of Our Children Radio” with host Randy Davis features three guests who have all stared the evils of legal corruption in the face, and lived to tell:

CLICK ON LINK TO LISTEN: Future of Our Children: Kinter, Volpe, Grazzini-Rucki

Brian Kinter is a father victimized by family court who courageously fought back and regained custody of his children.

Brian is now a civil rights advocate raising awareness of family court and legal corruption, and advocates for judicial reform with the Judicial Accountability Movement (J.A.M.).

Journalist Michael Volpe extensively investigated and reported on cases of corruption, including family court and guardianship abuse cases.

Volpe’s coverage of the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki has gained national attention, and helped to shine a spotlight on the systemic failures in family court and the devastating effects on victims.

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is a loving mother who unjustly lost custody of five children and nearly her life after divorcing a wealthy, and well-connected abuser.

Ex-husband David Rucki is a dangerous abuser with a lengthy criminal history who was on probation for violating a protective order when given custody of the children. (For more info: druckipolicereports)

Sandra is now permanently banned from having any contact with her children after Rucki took out a lifetime restraining order against her on behalf of the children, which was illegally granted by Judge David Knutson and then reinforced by Judge Karen Asphaug.The order was granted despite the wishes of children, who have begged to live with their mother, and say they are happiest in Sandra’s care. There have never been any findings or allegations of abuse against Sandra, while there are multiple sources and reports of Rucki’s violent behavior. Rucki remains unpunished and has received preferential treatment from Judge Knutson and cronies in Dakota County.

The abuse, and threats to safety, was so severe that two of the eldest Rucki daughters ran away in April 2013 (for the second time). Sandra has been convicted of felony parental deprivation for her efforts to save the lives of her children.

As a result of over 6 years of continuous legal action against her, Sandra is now homeless, destitute and lives in fear that Rucki will make good on threats to see her dead and will do so with the blessing of Judge Knutson (Dakota County). She is battling corruption in every level of Minnesota’s judiciary and government.

This Epiode Includes:

A deeper look into the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Case and how she has been “set up to die or commit suicide” by Dakota County, and its corrupt judges and officials. The Grazzini-Rucki family court, child support and criminal cases are discussed in detail.

Collusion between the district judges in Dakota County, and Appellate judges, that have conspired to obstruct justice in the Grazzini-Rucki case, and have continued to issue rulings that defy justice, and served only to make Sandra’s ability to survive  impossible. Special focus on Judge David L Knutson aka “Korrupt Knutson”.

Discussion and updates on Dede Evavold and her blog “Red Herring Alert”. Evavold has been targeted for retaliation by both Rucki and Dakota County, who are now trying to shut her blog down in order to control media coverage of the Grazzini-Rucki case.

How the family courts are endangering the safety and well-being of children, and failing to protect children when allegations of abuse are raised.

Discussion on ways, we as citizens, can raise awareness of problems in family court and impact needed change. Includes ideas on how to help Sandra with her case.

CLICK ON LINK TO LISTEN: Future of Our Children: Kinter, Volpe, Grazzini-Rucki



Fighting B.A.C.K with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and Courageous Mother

Washington Irving quote. Public Domain:

Listen Online:Fighting B.A.C.K. with Courageous Mother

Original Air Date: Monday, June 19, 2017

On this episode of Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, courageous mother JF, shares her story of surviving an abusive relationship only to be battered through the family court system where she lost custody of her infant son to an abuser in a temporary order that continues to this day.

The State of Maryland later issued felony child abduction charges against JF for  efforts to protect her son after his father had bruised and battered him during a two day weekend stay. On May 24, 2017, after a three day jury trial, eight woman and four men briefly deliberated and returned a unanimous not guilty verdict. Despite this, the child has not been returned and remains in the custody of a dangerous abuser.

JF was the primary caregiver when she was forcibly separated from her son, age 15 months, due to an unjust court order that has denied any and all access for visitation for over 8 long months, and counting. Sadly, the fight for her child’s freedom, and safety, continues to be an unbelievable struggle in the Howard County Circuit Court, where a custody hearing will be held this August.

Tune in to Fighting B.A.C.K. to hear JF share her story.

Other topics discussed include: protecting children from abuse, family court failures and updates from Sandra on her story, and her case.

Fighting B.A.C.K. with Courageous Mother

Fighting B.A.C.K.: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki with Guest Neil Shelton: “You Cannot Go Through This Battle Unscathed”

Listen Online:Fighting B.A.C.K. with Neil Shelton, Growing UP Mayberry

Original Air Date: Monday, May 8, 2017

Host Sandra Grazzini-Rucki interviews Neil Shelton of “Growing Up Mayberry”.

Mount Airy, North Carolina aka “Maybery” is the fictional setting for the all-American hometown portrayed in “The Andy Griffith Show” it has now become infamous for the extreme injustices inflicted on Neil Shelton. The dark side of Mayberry has been exposed…Andy Griffith and Don Knotts (Barney Fife) must be rolling in their graves!

Neil is the victim of a conspiracy involving his ex-wife and her attorney Sarah Stevens, a powerful state legislator, who sought to destroy him in a divorce. Neil has been forcefully separated from his children, stripped of everything he owns, financially devastated to the point that he became homeless, arrested 79 times on false charges by the Mayberry police (but never convicted) and falsely imprisoned. Neil has survived this incredible ordeal is fighting back!

Neil has since filed a civil lawsuit, seeking damages against the State of North Carolina, including 10 public figures and agencies, including Sarah Stevens. Neil has also helped to build “Future of Children” radio network, along with other hosts.

Click on this link to listen in: Fighting B.A.C.K. with Neil Shelton, Growing UP Mayberry

Neil Shelton

Read More:

Growing UP Mayberry Facebook

From Neil Shelton: Restraining Order Abuse, false psych hold and false arrests

William Neil Shelton’s very ugly divorce takes a new turn (Michael Volpe, CDN News)

Mount Airy resident sues state legislator, others

Fighting B.A.C.K. with Deborah (Goodman) Stacy: “I shouldn’t be tortured or punished for doing the right thing…”

Public Domain Image: Edited by Justice Blog.

That I couldn’t believe.. in essence they’re not letting you get divorced, all those years. And that bothered me because it’s almost like a violation of your civil rights. I have a right to get divorced. I have a right to move on with my life, how I chose to, and not be judged. I give 110% of myself to my children and I shouldn’t be tortured or punished for doing the right thing or for putting money away and making sure that I can provide for my children….why would they want to hurt children?” ~ Deborah (Goodman) Stacy commenting on the family court system in Rockland County

Listen Online: Fighting B.A.C.K. with Deborah (Goodman) Stacy – Screwed by Rockland Courts

Original Air Date: Monday, May 1, 2017

Tune in to “Fighting B.A.C.K.” with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki to hear the story of Deborah (Goodman) Stacy, a courageous mother of two children who has been fighting against injustice in the family court of Rockland County, New York for the last 7 years.

A temporary custody order was issued by Judge Berliner in 2010 but custody has never been finalized, the case continues to linger in the court system with Deborah and the children hanging in limbo. Deborah currently retains physical custody of the children but has not been officially granted any custodial rights (physical or legal custody). Andreas Lempa, ex husband, lives overseas and has no relationship with the children by his own choice”.

Topics discussed include: the outrageous and illegal actions of Judge Victor J. Alfieri Jr., misconduct by Family Law Guardians/Guardian ad Litem and retaliation against parents who raise complaints against family court and its judges, GALs and other professionals.

Judge Victor J. Alfieri, Jr.


Journalist Michael Volpe just released an article about the Goodman case:


Judge Berliner has recently issued an order in the Goodman case from a trial that happened over a year ago.

Deborah, a housewife, has been ordered to pay a $300,000 divorce settlement to be paid to ex-husband, Andreas Lempa.  Lempa earns a six figure income annually; he is ordered to pay child support but does not pay spousal support.

Deborah says Judge Berliner issued the settlement without considering all the facts, including that money now being considered as a marital asset is in fact part of her own savings, that existed before the divorce, making it a non-marital asset. .

In addition, Andreas admitted during a deposition that he moved money out of his own investment account before the hearing, giving it a low balance. The total balance of the investment account was not included in the equitable distribution of the divorce. even though he is clearly hiding assets. 

A reader comments on the article that, “‘I think a more appropriate title would have been “Housewife told to split HER assets with ex husband, who was allowed to suppress his.‘”

Deborah believes the court ruling was issued to punish her for speaking out about the problems existing in the Rockland County family court.

Also Read:

Facebook: Justice in Rockland Courts


Fighting B.A.C.K. with Mary and Coz Whitten: Sisters Fought to Protect Beloved Uncle from Guardianship Abuse

Harvey Whitten was a medic in the Korean War

Beloved Harvey Whitten

Listen Online:Fighting B.A.C.K. with Mary and Coz Whitten

Original Air Date: Monday, April 24th 2017

This episode of Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki will feature two sisters, Mary and Coz Whitten,who will share their experiences of dealing with guardianship abuse in Montgomery County, PA.

Coz was appointed a co-guardian for her beloved uncle Harvey Whitten after he was diagnosed with dementia. Coz shared a close relationship with her uncle, and in the words of her sister, “showered him with love and attention”. A judge and a banker worked together to remove Coz as co-guardian and then assumed control of every aspect of Hervey’s life, and plundered his estate.

After being placed under the guardianship of the court, Harvey suffered physical, emotional and financial abuse. Harvey was over medicated to the point that according to a doctor “he was given enough medication to kill a horse”.

Unfortunately, thousands of people across the United States are nameless victims to this type of tyranny that appears to be state approved, state implemented, and state enforced. Join us as we expose the shameful racket of elder abuse and the devastating effects on Harvey, and his family.

Read More:

Catherine Falk Organization

Guardianship Abuse Spreads to Pennsylvania Part 2 by Michael Volpe

National Association To Stop Guardian Abuse: Victim Profile Harvey Whitten

Updates: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki & Mike Volpe then, Sharmian Worely (Guardianship Abuse)

Public Domain:

Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki feat. Angela Ehlers: Military Injustice

Wedding Angela Ehlers and Sgt. Edwin Ehlers II

Listen Online: Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki feat. Angela Ehlers: Military Injustice

Original Air Date: Monday March 27th 6-8 pm E.S.T.

Angela Ehlers joins Sandra Grazzini-Rucki on Fighting B.A.C.K. to talk about the wrongful conviction of Sgt Edwin Ehlers II, her husband, by the United States Marine Corps.

In August 2007, decorated Marine Sgt Edwin Ehlers was convicted of sexual assault. This story happened amid scandals that the military is mishandling allegations of sexual abuse, and an alarming number of military members are coming forward to say that they have been falsely accused of crimes. Angela says her husband was not given a fair trial within the military justice system, as required by law, and was the victim of a kangaroo court. Angela has ample evidence to prove that NCIS agents admitted to tampering with “evidence” used at trial, and there was no physical evidence to support any of the allegations raised. The alleged victim has also come forward to say that she has been coached, and then recanted abuse allegations at trial. 

 Join Fighting B.A.C.K. as we uncover shocking details about this case, and receive updates from Angela in her fight for justice.

I have worked tirelessly since August 21, 2007, when I was suddenly thrust into single motherhood with 2 small children and no job, to gain Edwin’s freedom.  I have done the many things in the pursuit to set to rights what has happened by writing to the very people who are able to correct their own mistakes and to that of others.  These people, who have the power and ability to release Edwin, refuse to even acknowledge they have done anything wrong.

These are the same people who run our Government offices and take our tax-payer dollars for funding.  They have sworn an oath to uphold the laws which ensure our freedom, but they have done nothing but show their incompetence and disregard for the “rules” and laws which govern all of us.  Most, if not all, lack the backbone to stand up for what is right by correcting this injustice.

No one can ever give Edwin and our children back what has been taken from them because when he comes home, I can’t make our children go back to being the 19 month and 7 month old babies they were when he was wrongfully convicted.

But I can do everything in my power to give them all one thing, his freedom.” ~ Angela Ehlers, 3/30/2012

Read More About Angela Ehlers, the fight for Justice for Sgt. Edwin Ehlers II and review docs at: Military Injustice Blog

Also Read:

A Travesty Of Justice: Collateral Charges In Military Sexual Assault Cases (Daily Caller)

Falsely Accused Military Service Members Share their Stories on Capitol Hill (Save Our Heroes Project)

False reports outpace sex assaults in the military (Washington Times)

Military’s newly aggressive rape prosecution has pitfalls (McClatchy DC Bureau)

Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki now airs Monday night 6-8 pm EST/ 5-7 pm Central on Future of Our Children Radio (BlogTalk).

Listen Online: Fighting B.A.C.K with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Episode 7

Fighting B.A.C.K. Episode 3 with Special Guest Geri Pfeiffer


Join Sandra and Geri on Thursday, Februray 23rd at 9 pm EST/8 pm Central: Fighting B.A.C.K. Episode 3 – Geri Pfeiffer

Our founding fathers provided a document to provide for the rights of all citizens. The courts interpretation of our civil rights have been twisted and denigrated almost to the point of being completely ineffective

Constitutional rights are not recognized in family court. That’s why the proceedings are closed. To cover the illegal activity of the court, and everyone involved with it. Just remember, everyone, has their fingers in the federal adoption incentive pie, including the judges.” –  CPS and Constitutional Rights by Geri Pfeiffer

Episode 3 of Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki will feature special guest Geri Pfeiffer. Geri is an activist, advocate, and protestor who is raising awareness of systemic failures, and corruption occurring within CPS and family court.

Geri is also a co-creator of America’s Taken America’s Taken is a website that provides a forum for children taken by CPS and their biological families, to search for each other. The website features profiles of children from all over the U.S. It also features articles written by Geri that offer insight on problems plaguing the system and gives insight into the pain experienced by families whose children are taken, and the challenges they face.

Join Sandra and Geri on Thursday, Februray 23rd at 9 pm EST/8 pm Central: Fighting B.A.C.K. Episode 3 – Geri Pfeiffer

Or click on the link to replay the episode after it airs




Fighting B.A.C.K. – Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Hosts Radio Show with Guest Kristy Newberry Brooks


LISTEN ON BLOGTALK: Fighting B.A.C.K. with Host Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Episode 1

DATE: February 2, 2017 

TIME: 9 pm EST

Call in to speak with the host: (516) 387-1481

DESCRIPTION: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is Fighting B.A.C.K. with Guest Kristy Newberry Brooks. Family court failures, child abuse, and the great risks a mother will take to protect her child after the system fails will be discussed from two courageous women who have experienced the corruption first-hand.

Kristy Newberry Brooks, of Union County, North Carolina,went into hiding in December 2015 after the family court system, CPS, police have all failed to protect her daughter from physical, emotional and sexual abuse. The alleged perpetrator, her ex, is accused of abusing multiple victims. Brooks says she was in fear for her daughter’s safety after her ex was awarded custody. Brooks says that when the system failed, she had no choice but to go into hiding in an effort to protect her daughter.

Kristy Newberry Brooks (Charlotte Observer)

Kristy Newberry Brooks (Charlotte Observer)

Another aspect to this tragic case is that Brooks was unable to afford legal representation, and has been fighting pro se against incredible odds. “I’ve taken every legal avenue to protect my daughter and nobody will help,” Brooks said, “I have contacted everybody, anybody; written letters, emails. Nobody has done anything.”

Brooks has been involved in a 4-year long custody battle, and says the case should have gone to criminal court. Instead evidence of abuse was dismissed by those charged with protecting her daughter. The infamous DSS Worker Wanda Sue Larson was supervising the Brooks case. Larson was later charged with child abuse in 2014 after a foster child was found tied to her porch with a dead chicken tied around his neck as a form of punishment. Larson, and her live-in boyfriend pleaded guilty to several child abuse charges and were sentenced to 17 months and at least six years in jail, respectively. But Larson was granted time served and released from prison nine days after she pleaded guilty in March 2015. The foster child was placed back into the care of his biological mother. He is now suing Larson. Wanda Larson Sued By Former Foster Son Over Horrific Abuse

Kristy has posted some evidence supporting her claims online, including this video:


Brooks surrendered to U.S. Marshalls on January 30th; her daughter was with her and since has been given to the care of her father. Brooks has been charged with child abduction and contempt of court. Union County Senator Fern Schubert put up money for her bond because he believes so strongly in her innocence, that her actions were taken to protect her child.

Tune in to hear the remarkable story of Kristy Newberry Brooks, and to hear more from Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, a woman fighting to survive a system bent on destroying her:  Fighting B.A.C.K. with Host Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Episode 1


Also visit:

Future of Our Children Radio on facebook: Future of Children Radio on Facebook

Sandra “Sam” Grazzini-Rucki facebook support page: Sandra “Sam” Grazzini-Rucki facebook page



Straight Outta Mayberry Gets Straight Up About Family Court with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki (Future Of Our Children Radio)

Listen Online: Straight Outta Mayberry presents Sandra Grazzini-Rucki – January 19, 2017

Host Neil Shelton and Sandra Grazzini-Rucki discuss the terrible toll family court has on the parents and the children who suffer when the “best interest” of judges and family court professionals are put ahead of the “best interest” of children and families.

A divorce proceeding should not result in a parent being divorced from their own children… where is the “family” in family court?” ~ Sandra Grazzini-Rucki

Systemic failures in the court system including greed, corruption and violations of due process are also discussed.

They’ve taken away everything they can possibly take from us except our voices…” ~ Neil Shelton

Tune in to hear the two most mistreated and misunderstood people in this battle talk in a one on one conversation about everything that is Family Court.
