Letter in Support of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki: “The injustice and tyranny in your Family Court has gone viral across the country and around the globe”

A letter in support of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, sent as part of the campaign initiated by J.A.M.

Learn More On How You Can Help Here,with Tips in How to Write Your Own Letter: A Call to Action: You Can Help Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Fight for Justice

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like an explanation as to how you can justify the vicious, vindictive actions you have taken against Sandra Grazzini Rucki??

From the very onset of the record anyone of sound mind can see that Judge Knutson’s mental capacity certainly needs to be called in to question. For it defies logic, that this professed legal scholar would award David Rucki the four homes and nine vehicles and leave Sandra homeless and with no vehicle.

How can there be two existing orders in place that contradict each other, one states Sandra can not leave the State, another says she can not remain in the State but has to adhere to all the State Courts Orders.

How can a Judge order 100% of her income to go to her ex-husband ??

How can you all sit idly by and watch this proliferation of abuse being delivered upon Sandra and not speak out against it?

The injustice and tyranny in your Family Court has gone viral across the country and around the globe.

I am an activist in dozens of parents and children’s rights groups with hundreds of thousands of members. I also have many relatives and friends all over Europe and I am asking each and everyone I know to expose the dirty laundry that is so blatantly permitted by your Family Court and your judges.

Shame on anyone who is responsible for allowing a helpless mother and her children to suffer such atrocities all for profit.

(Anon, New York)


Fighting B.A.C.K. Episode 3 with Special Guest Geri Pfeiffer


Join Sandra and Geri on Thursday, Februray 23rd at 9 pm EST/8 pm Central: Fighting B.A.C.K. Episode 3 – Geri Pfeiffer

Our founding fathers provided a document to provide for the rights of all citizens. The courts interpretation of our civil rights have been twisted and denigrated almost to the point of being completely ineffective

Constitutional rights are not recognized in family court. That’s why the proceedings are closed. To cover the illegal activity of the court, and everyone involved with it. Just remember, everyone, has their fingers in the federal adoption incentive pie, including the judges.” –  CPS and Constitutional Rights by Geri Pfeiffer

Episode 3 of Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki will feature special guest Geri Pfeiffer. Geri is an activist, advocate, and protestor who is raising awareness of systemic failures, and corruption occurring within CPS and family court.

Geri is also a co-creator of America’s Taken America’s Taken is a website that provides a forum for children taken by CPS and their biological families, to search for each other. The website features profiles of children from all over the U.S. It also features articles written by Geri that offer insight on problems plaguing the system and gives insight into the pain experienced by families whose children are taken, and the challenges they face.

Join Sandra and Geri on Thursday, Februray 23rd at 9 pm EST/8 pm Central: Fighting B.A.C.K. Episode 3 – Geri Pfeiffer

Or click on the link to replay the episode after it airs




Fighting B.A.C.K.: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki with John Hentges, Dad vs. 1st Judicial District

When a judge fixes a court case he is committing a treasonous crime…” ~ John Hentges

Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Episode 2

Guest: John Hentges, The People’s Branch

Date: February 16, 2017

Topics Discussed: Family Court, Legal injustice, False Allegations, Dakota County, Parental Alienation, Parental Rights

Sandra shares updates from Dakota County, bringing attention to a case involving an out of control judge.

In another story, John Hentges shares his horrific story of dealing with a “gigantic racket” in family court beginning in Colorado and when he fled the state, in fear for his life, moving to be closer to family in Minnesota, the legal nightmare continued.

John was a stay-at-home father of 5 children, whose life centered around his family. John claims his ex-wife masterminded a divorce scam and with a “stroke of this guy’s pen (the judge) he took everything I had, including my children, my home, my assets, my home…

John says he was falsely arrested and imprisoned 8 times and during one incident, was shot in the back with a tazer.

John now channels his knowledge and experience in dealing with the court system into The People’s Branch, and organization whose goal is to “unite the People of the United States…in a nonviolent national movement to take back our courts and government offices from the traitors and bring them to justice, restore our families and Republic..

Hear more from John, who courageously shares his testimony to Bill Windsor of Lawless America