Letter in Support of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki: Hundreds of Crimes Committed by “Minnesota’s Case Fixers”

“Rach Courtroom – BlackSite: Area 51”. Source: http://bestgamewallpapers.com

A letter in support of fit, loving mother Sandra Grazzini-Rucki who has been unjustly targeted by Dakota County, and the State of Minnesota, in a family and criminal court case that has completely destroyed her life and caused her not only to become homeless, but to go into hiding for fear of her safety. Please read below for more information on how you can contribute your own letter. Or leave a comment to this blog. Thank-you!


Like Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, I have 5 children, my children and I are victims of state-sponsored ‘case fixing’ and racketeering and an unbelievable level of oppression and terror, we have been separated for many years, and we face never-ending tyranny by the criminal elements in our government, due in large part to inaccurate news stories like your ‘Footprints in the Snow‘.

Here is a recent comment I made on YouTube videos in my ongoing effort to set the record straight here in Minnesota:


Don’t be fooled.

“Parental Alienation” definitely exists and is definitely child abuse, but in this case it was used by David Rucki, his attorney Lisa Elliot, and especially by judge David Knutson and many other officers of the Dakota County courts as a smokescreen to dupe the public and hide their “case fixing” and racketeering and money laundering; nearly every case in Minnesota’s First Judicial District — family law, criminal, probate, etc. — has been “fixed” over the past few decades to maximize profits and federal funding. Billions of dollars have been extorted from Minnesotans and tens-of-billions of dollars have been stolen from American taxpayers. And Minnesota’s highest-authorities know all about it and look the other way because of all the money coming in to the state.

Do your own research. Look below the surface in the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case. Find out what Knutson and the other “case fixing criminals” did to Sandra and her attorney, Michelle MacDonald — then you will know why they are falsely accusing Sandra of “parental alienation.”

It’s a total farce. And the farce is on you, Minnesotans.

When I sent a one-page summary of my family’s ordeal, and 9 criminal complaints that I sent to Minnesota’s highest-authorities in a final attempt to stop the crime spree against my family, not knowing at the time that they are all involved in the treason. Needless to say, I received no responses or help for my suffering family, just like Sandra.

As stated in my complaints, I have evidence to prove hundreds of crimes by hundreds of officials. I was victimized in the same judicial district as Sandra. I have a growing list of other victims in this district who can attest to the crime sprees against Sandra, and me, and them, and many others who have been ripped off by “Minnesota’s case fixers.”

Please do a follow up show to correct your errors and expose the truth. I, and many others, would be happy to contribute.

A response to this email would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

John Mark Hentges
Founder of Pro Se Alliance and The People’s Branch

Read More:

Did 20/20 manipulate the Rucki story to hide abuse?

Footprints in the Snow or Wild Goose Chase? Did ABC 20/20 Edit Audio Recordings to Suppress Evidence of Abuse in the Grazzini-Rucki Case? Pt. 1


Asking everyone to send  emails to express your thoughts, and demand answers, in regards to injustices, and numerous violations of state law, and Constitutional rights committed in the family and criminal case of Sandra Grazzini Rucki.

Learn More On How You Can Help Here,with Tips in How to Write Your Own Letter: A Call to Action: You Can Help Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Fight for Justice


Be Part of this Epic Fight for Justice, Send E-mails to (Plz cc to Brian4Justice@yahoo.com):

Elizabeth Vargas-20/20 host elizabeth.a.vargas@abc.com

Sean Dooley- producer 20/20 sean.dooley@abc.com

Beth Mullen- 20.20 producer beth.a.mullen@abc.com

Beau Berentson, public affairs officer for the Minnesota Courts: beau.berentson@courts.state.mn.us

James Backstrom, Dakota County Prosecutor: attorney@co.dakota.mn.us

Monica Jenson, public affairs officer for the Dakota County Prosecutor: monica.jensen@co.dakota.mn.us

Marybeth Schubert, public affair officer for Dakota County: marybeth.schubert@co.dakota.mn.us

Attorney General for Minnesota: attorney.general@ag.state.mn.us

Dave Oney, public affairs officer for the US Marshals Minnesota: dave.oney@usdoj.gov

Dakota County Judicial Center

Unconstitutional Courts Destroying Families for $$ – Hidden Truth Radio and John Hentges

“The whole thing is about control.. if they (the court system) encounters a non-custodial parent like myself in pursuit of justice, they will do anything to keep truth off the records…”    ~ John Hentges

(Originally aired 7/13/2017): Katherine Hine, host of “Hidden Truth Revealed” and guest John Hentges discuss the lawless family court system where corruption, fraud and abuses of judicial power are commonplace.


Hentges, a victim of family court in both Colorado and Minnesota, shares his story of how the “judges threw the law book out the door” during his divorce, and describes the devastating impact the injustice in the family court has inflicted on his life. Hentges says his divorce case was “fixed” and resulted in him becoming estranged from his 5 children, becoming impoverished (child support was imputed at more than 4x times higher than his actual earnings) and stripped of everything he owns – his home, business, personal vehicles, and even his premarital belongings and inheritance. Hentges was also arrested on false charges, and jailed, on 3 separate occasions.

Hentges also discusses what he believes is “criminal racketeering” occurring in the court system, where cases are fixed, and parents ensnared in the system, and even jailed, for financial incentives.

Hentges has continued to fight for justice, and since has founded Pro Se Alliance (a charity to help educate those are representing themselves pro se, or without representation, in legal matters) and The People’s Branch. He also discusses his ideas for court and judicial reform in this episode.

The last 15 minutes of the show (1:45 in timing) is a brief discussion of the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case. Both Hentges and Grazzini-Rucki have family court cases in the 1st Judicial District in Minnesota.

The discussion includes:

  • How the court system “aided and abetted” to place the five Rucki children in the custody of an identified abuser; creating a situation so dangerous that the two oldest daughters ran away in order to protect themselves.
  • The retaliation attorney Michelle MacDonald faced for representing Sandra Grazzini-Rucki orchestrated “by the organized control crime that the controls the judiciary and the bar in Minnesota”.
  • That the State of Minnesota, and its leaders, have been provided with information, evidence and complaints concerning the Grazzini-Rucki case, and Hentges’ case, and others, and have failed to investigate or take action concerning systemic problems, and corruption, existing within the judiciary, and the family court system.

Hentges says about Judge David L. Knutson, the former family court judge on the Grazzini-Rucki case, “I hope he is listening or somebody is listening, I will do everything that I can to have that man put in prison for the rest of his life.

Hentges is advocating for, and taking action, to request a formal investigation of 32 victims of family court, including that of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, and his own, and additionally asking for whistle blower like protection with the U.S. Attorney General and the Department of Justice.

Fighting B.A.C.K.: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki with John Hentges, Dad vs. 1st Judicial District

When a judge fixes a court case he is committing a treasonous crime…” ~ John Hentges

Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Episode 2

Guest: John Hentges, The People’s Branch

Date: February 16, 2017

Topics Discussed: Family Court, Legal injustice, False Allegations, Dakota County, Parental Alienation, Parental Rights

Sandra shares updates from Dakota County, bringing attention to a case involving an out of control judge.

In another story, John Hentges shares his horrific story of dealing with a “gigantic racket” in family court beginning in Colorado and when he fled the state, in fear for his life, moving to be closer to family in Minnesota, the legal nightmare continued.

John was a stay-at-home father of 5 children, whose life centered around his family. John claims his ex-wife masterminded a divorce scam and with a “stroke of this guy’s pen (the judge) he took everything I had, including my children, my home, my assets, my home…

John says he was falsely arrested and imprisoned 8 times and during one incident, was shot in the back with a tazer.

John now channels his knowledge and experience in dealing with the court system into The People’s Branch, and organization whose goal is to “unite the People of the United States…in a nonviolent national movement to take back our courts and government offices from the traitors and bring them to justice, restore our families and Republic..

Hear more from John, who courageously shares his testimony to Bill Windsor of Lawless America