Annelise Rice, 19, Describes her Family Court Nightmare to Michael Volpe of CDN News

A younger Annelise Rice (YouTube). Quote: State v. Caroline Rice ( Edited Justice Blog.

(Minnesota): “Dad’s so scary when he gets mad, steam comes out of his eyes…” these are the haunting words of Annelise Rice who, as a child, was taken from her her mother, the primary caregiver, and then placed into the care and custody of her abusive and largely absent father, Brent Rice, by an unjust family court order.

Caroline Rice, mother, was herself a victim of Brent’s rage, and suffered numerous beatings and emotional abuse at his hands – with much of the violence occurring in front of her five children. Courageously, Caroline sought a divorce after 16 years of violence and fought to keep her children safe by filing for a restraining order.

Restraining orders, however, do not apply to family court proceedings and in that arena, a new level of abuse would begin. The divorce was finalized in December 2004 but a permanent custody order was not issued until March 2006. In the custody order, the five Rice children were ordered to be split between Caroline and Brent Rice. Caroline would receive sole physical and legal custody of the two oldest children, and Brent would receive sole physical custody of the three youngest children which included Annelise (with joint legal split between the parties).

The custody evaluator’s report ignored the presence of domestic violence in the family, despite countless police reports and the issuance of a no-contact restraining order. The report also stated that the abuse “was not substantiated” and there was no proof that the children had witnessed any violence. Further, when making the recommendation to split custody of the children the report explained that “it would be difficult for either parent to be the sole physical custodian of five children given the demands of full time employment and attempting to meet the needs and schedules of numerous children.” The decision was made despite the fact that court records describe Caroline as the primary caregiver, and records also state that during most of the marriage she was a stay-at-home-mom. So it had been proven that Caroline was able meet the demands of caring for her five children. After the ruling Caroline filed for an appeal which was rejected.

To uproot and separate the children from their mother and siblings, and from the only home they have ever known caused significant trauma that would later fuel a lawsuit Annelise would file as an adult.

At 19 years old, Annelise is legally recognized as an adult, and would no longer be silenced or controlled by the family court and its players. All the tears she has shed would seep into the ink of the pen she held in her hand, as she clawed her voice out of a hole of imposed silence to put the words to the paper that would become a deprivation of civil rights lawsuit.

Lauren Rice, sister, says,”It is our continued hope that ALL that read of the corruption, collusion and cronyism that exists in the family court system be exposed to the fullest extent….” A Mother’s Love: Caroline Marie Halonen-Rice Jailed for Protecting her Children- In Her Daughter’s Own Words- a Plea for Help, for Justice for Love

In an exclusive interview with journalist Michael Volpe of CDN News, Annelise Rice speaks out about her nightmarish childhood and recent Federal Civil Rights lawsuit against her Father, Hennepin and Carver Counties, along with Social Workers, Guardians at litem, and lawyers, seeking an excess of $240 Million in damages for deprivation of civil rights by tortuous intervention in a mother-child relationship and deprivation of rights under color of the law (Civil Action No. 17-cv-796 ADM/HB).

Read the full article from Michael Volpe here, and please consider leaving a comment on CDN News or Red Herring Alert to show your support of Annelise Rice in her courageous fight for justice: Annalise Rice, 19, describes her Family Court nightmare



Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki feat. Charles J. Stecker Jr: “Every child on this planet is our responsibility…”

2016 Pinnacle Awards Charity Gala honors Charles J. Stecker, Jr.


Listen Online: Fighting B.A.C.K. with Charles J. Stecker Jr.

Original Air Date: Monday, April 10th

This episode of Fighting B.A.C.K. will feature Charles J. Stecker Jr., a guest who has made it his mission to advocate for abused and at-risk children, and is fighting back by working to prevent child abuse and stop crimes against children.

Charles encourages all people to be active in taking a role to stop child abuse because “every child on this planet is each one of our responsibility…

The advocacy work Charles does is motivated by his own experiences with child abuse, and his courageous efforts to not only survive but to overcome and make a positive difference in this world.

With the faith of a mustard seed, perseverance of an ant and tenacity of a bulldog, Charles J Stecker Jr has become a God led, award winning actionist, solutionist and warrior for anyone dealing with abuses of any type; with his primary focus being on children…”

Topics discussed on this show include: warning signs of child abuse, ways individuals and groups can prevent child abuse, systemic failures that place children’s lives at risk, and the personal experiences and story of Charles J. Stecker Jr.


At age 4 Charles was placed into foster care with his 2 year old brother, Eddie. Prior to the arrival of the brothers, another boy had been killed while in the care of the foster mother. Despite this, DHS never took any action against the foster mother and allowed more children to be placed into her case. Charles and his brother were both abused by the foster mother, and after just 13 days of being placed in the home, Eddie was murdered. The foster mother was never held accountable for her actions, the case was dropped without criminal charges being filed.

Charles has fought for decades to gain access to records surrounding the death of his brother, which was covered up by police and social services who initially claimed the death never happened.


Public Domain:


Also Read:

Angelizd’s Place: In Memory of Edward “Eddie” John Stecker 1964-1967

The story of Charles Stecker and Lil Eddie

YouTube Channel: Charles J Stecker Jr.


Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki feat. Dr. Jim Singer: Risked Everything to Report Child Abuse

Public Domain:

Child abuse is entirely preventable and is increasing…The most vulnerable in our society is the least protected.. this is the reverse of what it is supposed to be..” ~ Dr. Jim Singer

Listen Online: Fighting B.A.C.K.: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki feat. Dr. Jim Singer

Original Air Date: Monday, April 3rd, 2017

On this episode of Fighting B.A.C.K., Sandra Grazzini-Rucki interviews psychologist Dr. Jim Singer, a hero to children, who lost his license in Pennsylvania after making a mandatory report about the physical and sexual abuse of a teen who came to him for help. The victim involved later wrote a letter to Dr. Singer, claiming his intervention saved her life.

Though the abuse was confirmed by two other medical professionals, Dr. Singer faced retaliation for making the report – by the family involved, by CPS and by the state. While Dr. Singer fought to get help for this victim, and clear his name, he encountered corruption at all levels of the Pennsylvania state government as well as possibly the national level.

Dr. Singer became a psychologist, he says “to make the world a better place and help people, especially families…”. In fighting for justice in his own case, Dr. Singer is also raising awareness about child abuse and exposing how the system fails to protect children from abuse and instead, protects perpetrators. This is a shocking and informative interview that you will not want to miss!

Also Read:

Former Pennsylvania psychologist says he reported child molestation, lost license (Daily Caller)

Pennsylvania Has Lowest Reporting of Child Abuse in U.S., Group Says (CNS News)

David Rucki Stalking Incident, July 2013 – Making Good on Threat to “Hunt” Ex-Wife “Like a Dog”

The article “What’s Fair is Fair“, previously posted on Red Herring Alert, documents an incident where David Rucki stalked ex-wife Sandra Grazzini-Rucki in July 2013. Sandra continues to live in fear of Rucki, who once made a threat to her that “I will hunt you like a dog for the rest of your life.” To this day, Rucki continues to stalk and harass Sandra, and anyone associated with her, and has even gone so far as to hire a private investigator and retain an attorney in his efforts.

On July 27, 2013, police responded to a call in a suburban neighborhood regarding a suspicious vehicle and a possible stalker – David Rucki. The menacing black Cadillac roared as it passed the house, made a U-turn, and passed again. From behind the windshield, Rucki turned his hand sideways and pointed one finger, his hand formed a gun aimed straight for his ex wife, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki.

The police report indicates that Rucki had been seen on numerous occasions driving up and down a street where a friend of  Grazzini-Rucki lives; and that a police report was filed on this day because video tape footage had been taken, and could verify his presence. The still pictures of the stalking incident included in this article came from the actual video footage taken that day. The police report notes that the officer responding at the scene had viewed the video footage, and reported,”I watched the video that showed the suspect vehicle drive up and down — Street and also sitting on — Street.

David Rucki had absolutely no reason to be driving on this residential street, which in fact is located in a different city than where he lived, and would require Rucki to drive out of his way to make an appearance in a neighborhood where he did not belong. What is important to note is that David Rucki is targeting friends and supporters of Sandra in his abusive, criminal behavior – that he would go to such extreme lengths in order to gain power and control over Sandra shows how dangerous he is.

Considering the fear  Sandra had expressed, and prior protective orders filed against him, Rucki should have known to stay away. Instead he continues to pursue Sandra. A statement taken  at the scene says,Grazzini-Rucki says she was afraid of David as he had been abusive to her and their kids. She said that Rucki had also violated no contact orders in the past.“At the time of this incident, a protective order was not in place against Rucki. – However, Sandra had previously filed for, and received, a protective order that recently expired. Rucki was not deterred by any of the protective orders and continued to harass Sandra. The police officer advised Sandra of her options, including filing for a harassment restraining order, and said the police would do extra patrols in the area. None if that has seemed to stop Rucki, who is even adept at manipulating and using other people to participate in his abuse of Sandra (and even attempting to intimidate or retaliate against friends and associates of Sandra in order to hurt her).

Years later, at the criminal trial of Sandra, presided by Judge Karen Asphaug, evidence of stalking to include videos, still pictures, police reports and witness reports was offered up to support the affirmative defense she raised. Judge Asphaug suppressed the evidence of stalking, and would not allow the jury to see it… what you are reading here is some of the evidence that was kept from the jury.

What’s Fair is FairPosted on October 26, 2015 by Dede Evavold

We’ve seen and heard a lot about Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. . . But what about David Rucki?

 Let’s take a looksie!


Name: Rucki, David Victor     DOB: 02/03/1963     Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lakeville, MN 55044 Secondary Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  Farmington, MN 55024 Age: 52  Business information Rucki Trucking (Shop) Farmington, MN 55024

Vehicle Information: 2005 Maroon Chev Suburban, (MN Lic#SPZ533); 1990 Silver Mercedes Benz SL500  Convertible coupe, (MN Lic#); 1965 Black Cadillac Coupe Convertible (MN Lic#914HRA); 1965 Dark Blue/Black Chevelle

Pictures above were taken by Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s friend M.R. on July 27, 2013 outside of his then residence. M.R. filed a police report for MN Statute 609.749 STALKING.

Stalking – David Rucki

Subdivision 1. Definition. As used in this section, “stalking” means to engage in conduct which the actor knows or has reason to know would cause the victim under the circumstances to feel frightened, threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated, and causes this reaction on the part of the victim regardless of the relationship between the actor and victim.

The Harassment Restraining Order (HRO) was denied. Which has become a pattern in Dakota County, Rucki seems to evade criminal charges he deserves.


After the denial of the HRO, David Rucki’s stalking and harassment escalated.

Available records indicate two additional police calls were made complaining that Rucki continued to drive by the residence of Sandra’s friend.  Rucki was also seen parking his vehicle on a nearby street and watching the residence.

One of the police calls was made on December 27, 2013 to say that David Rucki’s maroon truck was seen driving past the house. Rucki was yelling at witnesses to the incident and seen taking pictures. 

On May 31, 2014, a GPS tracking device was found on a vehicle belonging to M.R. There is overwhelming evidence that Rucki is responsible for purchasing the GPS tracking device and placing it on the vehicle. A police investigation into the planting of the GPS produced enough evidence to criminally charge Rucki yet, the investigation was closed without explanation – and no charges resulted.

When the GPS was purchased, an e-mail address was connected to the account with an IP address that traced back to Rucki’s home on Ireland Place.

The GPS tracking device was first activated at Rucki’s home on Ireland Place in Lakeville. The police were able to look at a spreadsheet that tracked the locations of the GPS when it was active – the first sign of activity was on December 28, 2013. The signal starts at Rucki’s residence then can be traced moving down the street, until arriving at M.R.’s residence and being placed on his own vehicle. It is no coincidence that Rucki was appearing at the residence the day before, and taking pictures.

For more info on these incidents plz see pages 79-92: druckipolicereports

SECOND – The infamous Black Cadillac pictured above is now owned by friend, Tony and Joni Canney.

The Canneys were involved in the Lakeville Hockey scandal with David Rucki, and resigned from the Board in disgrace (2011). Rear more here: 2011 Lakeville Hockey Scandals Lands David Rucki in the Penalty Box


Stay Tuned for More Updates!

Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case : Family Court Abuse Cover-Up

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Jamie Leigh Cramer writes these haunting words in an online post,”I have been sentenced to one year in jail and a bench warrant issued for my arrest. Custody of my daughter has been stolen without legal cause…My daughter is in imminent danger.

The individuals putting her in danger, those who are in control of this litigation, are utilizing loopholes silencing my daughter’s voice “Sheriffs, having eyes to see, see not; Judges having ears to hear, hear not; among the most dangerous things an injured party can do is to appeal to justice.” Mitchum v. Foster 92 S. Ct. 2151Family Courts : Sanctuary for Pedophilia , Rapists and Sex Abusers

Thursday March 16th 9-11 p.m. E.S.T. – Fighting B.A.C.K. with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki: Exclusive Interview With An “Insider” Who Will Share Shocking Details About the Jamie Leigh Cramer Custody Case. Journalist Michael Volpe, of CDN News, joins the discussion to share what he has learned investigating Cramer’s case, and to share insights on the struggle for justice in family court.

Listen in by clicking on the link:  Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case

Jamie Leigh Cramer is a mother from Michigan who is “on the run” with her 4 year old daughter after a family court awarded sole custody to Cory/Corey Alan Blair Rymal (or Rhymal), father. Rymal has an extensive criminal history (that includes 9 felony convictions, he has also admitted to using and selling drugs), and who was accused of sexually abusing his daughter. In addition, psychological tests showed that Rymal has is risk for acting out in a violent manner, displays anti-social behavior, has difficulty following rules and “may be somewhat affectively unstable“.

Corey Alan Rymal aka Red Eyed Wise Guy, mugshot 1/16/2016, Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Disorderly Conduct. Source:

During a “supervised visit” facilitated by Guardian ad Litem Addison Fender, Rymal, was allowed to take the child to the bathroom, unsupervised. While in the bathroom, Rymal was accused of abusing the child, which was recorded on an audio device hidden in the child’s skirt.

A therapist had diagnosed the child with PTSD after witnessing the child struggle with behavioral and emotional issues, and disclose graphic accounts of sexual abuse.

Tune in to Fighting B.A.C.K. tonight as we discuss Leigh Cramer’s custody case …and an abuse cover up perpetrated by the family court.

Listen in by clicking on the link:  Fighting B.A.C.K. Discussion on Jamie Leigh Cramer Case


Read More:

Mom says courts, authorities & police ignore indications of abuse by Michael Volpe (CDN)

Grazzini-Rucki Case Suggests Witness Tampering, Continued Abuse of Runaway Rucki Girl


Because the witness told investigators that her father made her change her story and her story did in fact change from previous statements, it is apparent that witness tampering occurred.” – Motion filed by the Dahlens 12/23/2016

(Dakota County, Minn): More evidence supporting that David Rucki has abused his children in the past, and continues to emotionally and psychologically abuse S.R. emerges from the criminal trial of Doug and Gina Dahlen…

Doug and Gina Dahlen, the couple who sheltered S.R. and G.R. on their therapeutic horse ranch for 2 1/2 years, filed a motion to request an evidentiary hearing regarding witness tampering on 12/23/2016 in Dakota County. (The Dahlens have since plead “guilty” for felony charges of parental deprivation under questionable circumstances).

Read the motion in it’s entirety: Dakota County accused of witness tampering in Doug and Gina Dahlen case

Doug and Gina Dahlen

Doug and Gina Dahlen

The motion was filed to request a hearing to determine whether witness tampering has occurred. The alleged witness tampering is based on David Rucki, the Lakeville P.D. and Dakota County’s treatment towards S.R. – one of the teen girls who fled after Judge David L. Knutson placed her in an unsafe environment.

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The motion details the heart wrenching day that S.R. and G.R. came to the Dahlen family. In late April of 2013, both girls came to the ranch, and according to the motion,”When the girls arrived, both were very emotional, crying and appeared scared. Both girls appeared extremely fearful to the Dahlens. In fact, the Dahlens had never seen two girls so visibly and physically frightened. In essence, they were scared for their lives.

S.R. and G.R. had good reason to be afraid of David Rucki. When the girls became more comfortable with the Dahlens, they shared their fears, and painful memories. According to the motion, the girls told the Dahlens that Rucki made threats, displayed sexually inappropriate behavior, and police were called a number of times after he violated restraining orders.


According to the Dahlens, the girls reported that they were scared of Rucki and he “had a habit of peeking in outside windows..” The Dahlens said talking about their home life, and the thought of returning to the care of their father (Rucki) made S.R. and G.R. so upset that they would shake and become physically sick “with fear and panic“.

It should be noted that S.R. exhibited the same emotional and physical symptoms as to what the Dahlens observed when she was questioned by social workers and police after she had been recovered; when making statements regarding her home life prior to the divorce, abuse and the events leading up to when she ran away. The difference is that the Dahlens correctly identified S.R.’s reaction as a traumatic response, but when S.R. was put back under the control of Dakota County the abuse cover up continued and S.R. was labelled “fragile” and in need of de-programming.

The motion states that Dahlens permitted S.R. and G.R. to stay at their Ranch because they reasonably believed that the girls were at risk for physical, sexual or emotional harm if they returned.

S.R. and her sister G.R. went into hiding, living with the Dahlens for 2 1/2 years. In an interview with ABC 20/20, Gina Dahlen says the teen girls “made a new life” for themselves on the Ranch, and they were free to leave anytime they wanted but chose to stay. While staying on the Ranch, S.R. and G.R. were home schooled. The girls did chores on the Ranch, and helped with the website – but never used the internet to contact their father or make an effort to return to Lakeville, where they lived. Dahlen says there was no effort to conceal the girls, they used their real names and went into town, socializing with others.

This is also confirmed in social worker notes, taken from an interview conducted after the S.R. and G.R. were discovered living on the Ranch in November 2015, (Social Service Records – Rucki ) “The girls appeared well cared for and like it at the (redacted).”

The social worker reports that S.R. told her,”It was so great up there.” And,”They were given hugs and love. She loves Doug and Gina and says Gina was like a mom to her.

S.R. also told the social worker about the abusive, dysfunctional home environment created by her father, David Rucki, and warned that she would run if placed back into his custody.

G.R. says this about the Dahlens,”She feels Doug and Gina gave up their lives for them. She feels at peace there, they talked about God and read the Bible. They taught her to forgive.

When asked about her father, G.R. told the social worker, “She still feels fear of dad… She does not want to live with him and she feels he still has control over her. She does not feel mom played role in her thoughts or feelings about her dad.” G.R. also stated that she will run if made to return to dad.


(Note: Inquiry by Justice blog.. these comments are NOT part of the Dahlen’s motion)

It is unknown if S.R. or G.R. have attempted to run away again but it is known that the sisters were put through intensive de-programming (aka mind control) and reunification therapy at Transitioning Families, a  ranch  situated in a remote location in California. It could be argued that David Rucki’s efforts to put S.R. and G.R. in the program at Transitioning Families is a form of witness tampering.

Transitioning Families was chosen because if the girls did attempt to run away they would have no place to go. Court records state that S.R. and G.R. were both willing to attend therapy in Minnesota, and promised not to run if placed in a foster home. There was no need to send the sisters to California because they could undergo therapy in Minnesota, where they live, and where they would receive ongoing treatment (if needed). There would be no risk of running if the girls were placed in a foster home, and allowed to transition back into their lives at their own pace and comfort level.  But that didn’t happen.

Dr. Rebecca Bailey, Transitioning Families

Dr. Rebecca Bailey, Transitioning Families

Therapist Dr. Rebecca Bailey, of Transitioning Families, facilitated reunification between David Rucki and the girls. At the time of reunification, Rucki was on probation after being convicted of a violent road rage incident. Yet Bailey showed no concern for the safety of the girls, despite Rucki’s lengthy criminal record, that included being referred to anger management and psychological testing as part of probation. In an interview with a local paper, Rucki says Dr. Bailey determined that he does not pose a danger to anyone after an incident where he was kicked in the privates by a pony, and did not show signs of violence. However, that incident does not qualify as a valid psychological assessment, or involve the use of acceptable medical practices. Evidence suggests that Dr. Bailey ignored and/or dismissed abuse allegations raised by the Rucki children, as well as evidence supporting that abuse did occur. Dr. Bailey also failed to consider Rucki’s history or do a risk assessment when forcing the S.R. and G.R. (and their siblings) into reunification. The end result of the Transitioning Families program was that adults who are skilled in psychology used isolation and programming tactics to get two vulnerable, frightened teenage girls to recant abuse allegations. From the motion filed by the Dahlens (p. 5) “Intimidate can simply mean to make timidIn the Eighth Circuit, exhortations to remain loyal to one’s people or family is sufficient to support a conviction for witness tampering...”

The way testimony was taken from S.R. during the criminal trial of her mother could also be considered witness tampering. During her criminal trial, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki attempted to subpoena S.R. (who had turned 18) and G.R. to appear and testify. Grazzini-Rucki’s efforts were challenged by both David Rucki and his attorney, Lisa Elliott, and by Prosecutor Kathryn Keena. Their arguments were supported by Dr. Bailey, who wrote a letter to the Court, stating she did not feel the girls were capable of testifying and recommended that if S.R.. were to testify it should be by video only. Dr. Bailey’s letter was submitted to Judge Karen Asphaug for review. Grazzini-Rucki and her attorney were not given a copy, nor allowed to read it. Judge Asphaug agreed with the recommendation, G.R. was not allowed to testify and S.R. could testify by video only.

S.R. testified by video conferencing under extremely unusual circumstances. S.R. was out of view of the jury and present with her in the room was father, David Rucki, paternal aunt Tammy Jo Love (her fear of Love caused S.R. to run away), and both paternal grandparents and an armed bailiff. The defense attorney was limited in the questions he could ask and evidence of abuse was suppressed.

According to the motion (p. 5),”Witness tampering can be overt or subtle and includes emotional manipulation…The Minnesota Supreme Court has recognized that even ‘general or specific threats of reprisal’ would constitute witness intimidation…The Court has also acknowledged that  the mere presence of spectators in the courtroom can result in witness intimidation.


Doug and Gina Dahlen raise a compelling, and legally sound, argument that witness tampering involving S.R. did occur.

From the time S.R. and G.R. stayed at the Ranch until their tearful good-bye, the girls have consistently told the same story about the abuse they have endured at the hands of their father, and the failure of the family court to protect them, is the reason why they ran away, to seek safety. Upon return to Rucki’s care, S.R. told law enforcement that she was  pressured and guilted to recant by her father and Tammy Love. S.R. also stated that court paperwork was “all over the house“, that the issue was constantly raised, and she could not get away from it.  When S.R. did give a statement to police, it was Rucki who drove her to the police station.

Journalist Michael Volpe has extensively researched the Grazzini-Rucki case, and has uncovered another aspect of possible witness tampering involving the same incident: David Rucki claims indigence, hires two private lawyers This article offers additional insight on the questionable interview with S.R. and police, conducted on June 30, 2016. During the interview, S.R. reveals that she had been reading about her family’s involvement with the court system on the Carver County Corruption blog. S.R. said she discovered the site after going to the library, logging onto a computer, and doing an internet search on her name.

At the time of the interview the Carver County Corruption blog had been permanently shut down. Another blogger writing about the Grazzini-Rucki case had removed articles she had written from her blog, and stopped covering the case altogether. These events happened in response to a June 7, 2016 letter written to the blog owners from a law firm employed by David Rucki. The letter implied the bloggers could face “various civil claims” against them and “litigation seeking substantial damages“. As a result, the blog articles were taken down, and S.R. was no longer able to freely access information offering another perspective on the case. It should also be noted that the Carver County Corruption blog gave S.R. a voice because it posted letters and comments she provided to the courts. In a broader perspective, shutting down the blogs has also limited the public’s access to information and documentation regarding the Grazzini-Rucki case; and attempted to make one viewpoint – that of David Rucki – the dominant source of information.


The Dahlen motion also implicates Lakeville police in witness tampering, stating that (p. 8), “Law enforcement investigators in this case apparently avoided asking SVR questions which would develop responses favoring the affirmative defense. Anytime the possibility arose that David Rucki would be portrayed in a negative light, Detective Coughlin backed off.

During the June 30th interview, S.R. told Det. Coughlin that she was brought to the interview against her free will, and pressured and guilted into recanting abuse allegations by Rucki and Love. The pressure was so intense that S.R. began to cry.

The motion states that Det. Coughlin never asked S.R. to elaborate when speaking about issues related to abuse. And that S.R.’s statement to police shows change from the story she has consistently told prior to being recovered. S.R.’s testimony takes yet another turn in court, where claims to not have seen or remembered abuse, and stated that she was not in her right mind when speaking to police.

Perhaps the impact of reunification therapy at Transitioning Families has taken its toll? Perhaps Rucki and Love have finally crushed her spirit? What has not changed is that S.R. remains tearful, emotional and her body language indicates trauma – she shakes or curls up into a ball when questioned. And that is the tragedy of the Grazzini-Rucki case, that the court system has completely failed to protect the Rucki children from the abuse they endured and witnessed, and instead protected the abuser, to the detriment of the children.

The Dahlen motion has not only raised concerns about witness tampering but at its core, it is a statement that raises serious concerns that S.R. (and the other Rucki children) is being emotionally and psychologically abused and continue to be at risk in the care of David Rucki.








Fighting B.A.C.K. – Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Hosts Radio Show with Guest Kristy Newberry Brooks


LISTEN ON BLOGTALK: Fighting B.A.C.K. with Host Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Episode 1

DATE: February 2, 2017 

TIME: 9 pm EST

Call in to speak with the host: (516) 387-1481

DESCRIPTION: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is Fighting B.A.C.K. with Guest Kristy Newberry Brooks. Family court failures, child abuse, and the great risks a mother will take to protect her child after the system fails will be discussed from two courageous women who have experienced the corruption first-hand.

Kristy Newberry Brooks, of Union County, North Carolina,went into hiding in December 2015 after the family court system, CPS, police have all failed to protect her daughter from physical, emotional and sexual abuse. The alleged perpetrator, her ex, is accused of abusing multiple victims. Brooks says she was in fear for her daughter’s safety after her ex was awarded custody. Brooks says that when the system failed, she had no choice but to go into hiding in an effort to protect her daughter.

Kristy Newberry Brooks (Charlotte Observer)

Kristy Newberry Brooks (Charlotte Observer)

Another aspect to this tragic case is that Brooks was unable to afford legal representation, and has been fighting pro se against incredible odds. “I’ve taken every legal avenue to protect my daughter and nobody will help,” Brooks said, “I have contacted everybody, anybody; written letters, emails. Nobody has done anything.”

Brooks has been involved in a 4-year long custody battle, and says the case should have gone to criminal court. Instead evidence of abuse was dismissed by those charged with protecting her daughter. The infamous DSS Worker Wanda Sue Larson was supervising the Brooks case. Larson was later charged with child abuse in 2014 after a foster child was found tied to her porch with a dead chicken tied around his neck as a form of punishment. Larson, and her live-in boyfriend pleaded guilty to several child abuse charges and were sentenced to 17 months and at least six years in jail, respectively. But Larson was granted time served and released from prison nine days after she pleaded guilty in March 2015. The foster child was placed back into the care of his biological mother. He is now suing Larson. Wanda Larson Sued By Former Foster Son Over Horrific Abuse

Kristy has posted some evidence supporting her claims online, including this video:


Brooks surrendered to U.S. Marshalls on January 30th; her daughter was with her and since has been given to the care of her father. Brooks has been charged with child abduction and contempt of court. Union County Senator Fern Schubert put up money for her bond because he believes so strongly in her innocence, that her actions were taken to protect her child.

Tune in to hear the remarkable story of Kristy Newberry Brooks, and to hear more from Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, a woman fighting to survive a system bent on destroying her:  Fighting B.A.C.K. with Host Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Episode 1


Also visit:

Future of Our Children Radio on facebook: Future of Children Radio on Facebook

Sandra “Sam” Grazzini-Rucki facebook support page: Sandra “Sam” Grazzini-Rucki facebook page



Police Report, HRO: David Rucki is Dangerous, Not Safe Around Children


In 2011, Judge David L. Knutson ordered the five Rucki children into reunification therapy and supervised visits with father, David Rucki, while two separate harassment orders were in place against him (one harassment order filed by Sandra, the other filed by a neighbor).

The danger Rucki poses to children is noted in a police report filed against Rucki prior to obtaining the HRO which states,”he and his wife run a daycare at their home and are very concerned for the children they care for (due to Rucki’s threats and aggressive behavior).

Along with the HRO, Rucki has a long history of violent behavior that manifests in both his criminal record, and in the abuse allegations raised by ex-wife Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and children. druckipolicereports (See page 11-21 for information related to this article) Court documents also indicate that Rucki was ordered in anger management classes on 3 separate occasions, and during the divorce was ordered into domestic abuse counseling.

Despite overwhelming evidence, Judge David L. Knutson refused to acknowledge the abuse, and has put the lives of the Rucki children at risk by first by court-ordering the “de-programming” the children to recant abuse allegations and then by giving sole custody to Rucki – after proven to be dangerous, emotionally unstable, and not safe around children.

NOTE: This article contains some of the defense evidence suppressed by Judge Karen Asphaug during the rigged trial of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki.


The harassment order was filed by a neighbor R.M. (issued on September 15, 2009) and barred Rucki from having any contact with his wife R.R.M., their two children and even the children enrolled in the daycare they operated. HRO Filed Against Rucki 2009

According to the HRO David Rucki terrorized the family in the following ways:

Made Threats:He said he would unleash holy hell if we ever turned him in again”. “He also did a threat later in the street. He’s mad we called animal control over his dogs.”

Exhibited Frightening Behavior: Loud, Cursing, Coming in Close proximity to their house and mailbox.

Called the Victim(s) Abusive Names: Called my wife a “bitch” and my son a “son of a bitch” and called us “assholes”. Cursing at us while daycare kids present.

While the HRO was in place, Rucki violated the order numerous times. The neighbors were so frightened that they placed security cameras around their home.

The HRO remained in place for 2 years – the reason the neighbors did not renew the HRO was because Sandra had a protective order in place that prohibited David from coming near the cul-de-sac, where the neighbors also lived, so they felt that restraining order would also protect their family. This proved to be false – Rucki has stalked Sandra, and violated protective orders she filed against him. Sandra’s protective order was later dismissed by Judge David L. Knutson.

Judge David L Knutson

Judge David L Knutson


Journalist Michael Volpe, covering the Grazzini-Rucki case, just released a police report filed by R.M on September 8, 2009 . The police report documents the terrifying incident that led up to the HRO: David Rucki thinks “asshole” is an appropriate term for a three year old.

The police report demonstrates abusive behavior, and an abusive mentality through Rucki’s own words and actions. A pattern also emerges from the police report that corroborates abuse allegations raised by Sandra.

Domestic violence is defined by a pattern of abusive behavior that is used to gain power and control over another person through threat, force, violence or intimidation. Domestic Violence – US DOJ

What is particularly dangerous about Rucki is that he attempts to exert power and control over anyone close to him -beyond his family. Rucki literally prowls the neighborhood, and by extension Lakeville, as his own territory much like an alpha wolf.


A Few Examples of David Rucki’s Pattern of Abuse:

The police report describes Rucki threatening and swearing at the neighbor’s children and also swearing at the children in the daycare.

Rucki threatened and swore at the neighbor’s wife, R.R.M.; including incidents where children were present. Rucki is so brazen that he referred to R.R.M. as a “bitch” while police were present!

The threats and profanity are the same as what Rucki has said to Sandra, and his own children. The viciousness of Rucki’s words were captured in a series of voice mail messages left for his teenage son (Comments taken from picture above. Also read transcripts recorded voice mail messages)

Rucki refers to R.R.M. as a “crazy lady“. Rucki also accuses ex-wife Sandra as “crazy”. Sandra has never been diagnosed with mental illness. Rucki continues to avoid questions about his own mental health, and the results of his psych evals.

Rucki admits in the police report that he called Child Protective Services on the neighborsdue to safety concerns for the children“. Reading the police report it is obvious the only safety concern that exists is David Rucki. It is clear Rucki made a false report to CPS because he was angry at the neighbors, and was carrying out on threats he made against them.

Rucki made false reports against Sandra to the family court professionals and during the criminal trial, claiming she is a danger to the children. There have never been any findings of abuse against Sandra. Just the opposite – when court proceedings began, the Rucki children  expressed they shared a loving relationship with their mother and wanted to live with her. It is only through forcible separation, and under the threat of de-programming that has Sandra become estranged from her children.The allegations Rucki raised against Sandra are not motivated by genuine concern but rather, are a form of abuse.

Another example – while the police officer was interviewing R.M. (quote),”he informed me that suspect (Rucki) drove by as we were speaking and put up the middle finger of his left hand at him…” Rucki later admits to police that he did make a gesture but says, “I only waved at them, they can see it however they want.

A similar gesture made by Rucki with his middle finger was captured in a still photo taken on July 27, 2013, in a stalking incident: What’s Fair is Fair

Finally, when the police interview Rucki he is angry and refusing to cooperate. The officer informs Rucki that they will have to charge him with disorderly conduct, Rucki replies, “Go ahead it’s their word against mine and you can’t prove anything.” Rucki approached police two additional times stating “that we couldn’t take their word over his“. Rucki attempts to intimidate police to get them to drop charges against him.

In another section, Rucki basically says the laws do not apply to him. He attempts to intimidate another police officer into dropping a complaint against him.

This is similar behavior as what was reported by S.R. (one of the teens who ran away due to Rucki’s abuse) – that she was pressured and guilted into recanting abuse allegations by Rucki: Pressured, Threatened S. Rucki Bravely Speaks Out Against “Horrendous” Family Court

You can’t prove anything” could also explain what has happened to Sandra throughout all of the legal proceedings from 2011 to the present – Dakota County, has taken the word of David Rucki as fact and completely violated the law, and dismissed significant evidence and documentation in doing so.

Why does Dakota County protect David Rucki?



For More Information:

(2011) Judge Knutson Orders Reunification Therapy with David Rucki and Children, while HRO in place

Michael Volpe’s articles on the #grazzinirucki case can be found Communities Digital News: Grazzini-Rucki Articles on CDN



Birthday Blow Up: David Rucki Chased Terrified Teens Down Street


I am asking the Court for this additional relief to clarify and extend the Order (the existing OFP) to keep the children and I safe. David has already plead guilty to violating the Order, and has engaged in criminal conduct that may well result in another criminal charge for an additional violation. He believes he is above the law and no one can stop him. I am pleading for the Court to send a strong message that this behavior has to stop, and that the Order for Protection has meaning and should be taken seriously.” – Amended Petition for Order for Protection, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, November 2011

To better understand the devastating effects of the abuse David Rucki inflicted on his children, this article will share a police report from June 24, 2011 from a first person perspective. The “perspective” is based on the actual police report as well as other publicly available documents that disclose abuse, and record allegations of abuse made by the Rucki children in their own words.

A police report from June 24, 2011 details an incident where David Rucki yelled at, and chased his teenage daughter S.R. and her friends down the street on her birthday. (see page 60) druckipolicereports

See here more evidence suppressed by Judge Karen Asphaug at the criminal trial of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki:

*Police reports made against David Rucki for violating protective order, and other criminal behavior

*Surveillance photos documenting David Rucki stalking Sandra and children

*Suppressed CPS reports, social service records documenting abuse

*Judge Asphaug also suppressed was witness testimony from an individual present at this incident, and who had observed other abuse Rucki inflicted on his family


75% of defense evidence was withheld during the Grazzini-Rucki criminal trial. The jury was never allowed to consider evidence raised by the Defense, supporting the affirmative defense: It is an affirmative defense if a person charged under subdivision 1 proves that:

(1) the person reasonably believed the action taken was necessary to protect the child from physical or sexual assault or substantial emotional harm….

Without evidence to support a “reasonable belief”, and given instructions from Judge Asphaug that were both misleading, and manipulative, the jury found Sandra Grazzini-Rucki guilty on 6 counts of deprivation of parental rights. If the jury knew of this incident, and made aware of other evidence, would the outcome have been different? And would the outcome had been different had the jury know that Judge Asphaug presided over a previous domestic violence complaint against Rucki, and dismissed it?

Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota (6/24/2011):

Happy Birthday! S.R. walked down the cul-de-sac at Ireland Way with a group of giggling, excited teenage girls looking forward to a slumber party, and a night of fun. The house was decorated with banners and balloons, gifts were beautifully wrapped for her special day. The deep rumble of a motor followed by a harsh voice yelling her name tore through the warm summer day like a thunderbolt. She turned her head to see her father pulling up alongside the girls, yelling and swearing at her.

Her heartbeat hammered in her chest so fast she feared it would take off, seeking escape from her father’s anger. Since the divorce, things were so much calmer at home, she actually enjoyed being there… without having to deal with his rage, his flying fists, the ugly words he screamed at them…he hurt her mother and made her cry. But he didn’t stay away. After the divorce, in May, he tore through the house, and refused to leave when asked. He was yelling and screaming, threatening, ripping pictures off the wall. He drove up and down the street all hours of the day at night. He watched the house. He left angry voice mail messages. Just a few days ago, he was at the house again, stealing mail from the mailbox.

Ignoring him didn’t help. She told her father that she did not want to see him. He would not listen. You couldn’t pretend that everything was fine when it felt like your heart was breaking into a million pieces. When you were trying to hide the secret that made you so different from your friends. When you couldn’t hold up the fake smile anymore because the tears kept falling. Ignoring him just made him madder – and now he was here, on her birthday, without a present or a card, instead yelling – swearing – scaring her friends – ruining everything.

Giggles gave way to shrill, girlish screams. The word “run!” was a collective cry, one voice could not be distinguished from another. Run but where? The cul-de-sac had one way in and one way out. Only one way.

She remembered dressing up for her party, pulling her hair back in a pony, wondering if Mom would let her wear make up… now her feet slapped against the pavement, mud staining her sneakers. Her hair tore loose, and tangled at her shoulders. The girls grabbed at each other as they ran, tumbling into the nearest house. Her pretty outfit was ruined. Her friends were scared. And everyone was looking at her like they knew, all along, the ugly secret she tried to keep. As if windows could shut in the the threats, the yelling, the crashing sounds coming from the “Scream House” night after night. Her friends knew, and they were terrified. The door rattled as her father came up to the house, slamming the screen door open and pounding his fists on the door. He shook the door handle, trying to pry it open. Someone called the police. Someone hid. Someone called Mom. She ran into the pantry, sobbing. It was all happening so fast.


She wanted Mom to hug her and tell her everything would be okay. But she knew that wasn’t true. Lakeville Police had arrived, they looked over the court order that was supposed to protect them from her father… and said it did not cover her, a child. The judge had crossed the names of the children out on the OFP application. Mom said the order for protection meant that Dad could not be so close to the house, he was in violation. She wanted to press charges but the police officer told her to go back to court, he couldn’t do anything. No charges would be filed. And the officer certainly could not fix her birthday party – and now her friend’s parents now said they didn’t feel it was a good idea to have a slumber party. The parents didn’t feel safe that their children were at her house, the “Scream House”. Mom begged until they agreed to come over for cake. All she saw when the candles were lit was the flashing blue and red of police lights. By then the cake had melted, the pink frosting felt too sticky and choked in her throat.

One of the victims involved in this incident declined to file a police report, stating they are afraid David Rucki will retaliate against them.

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s application for an Order for Protection for her 5 minor children was denied on June 30, 2011. David Rucki continued to violate the OFP, and continued to harass, intimidate and stalk his family.


David Rucki violated the Order for Protection granted to Sandra Grazzini-Rucki on June 22, 2011 on two separate  instances, and plead guilty to one incident on September 19, 2011.

Family court Judge David L. Knutson awarded David Rucki sole custody of the 5 children despite overwhelming evidence of his abusive, and violent behavior. The children’s fear of Rucki is directly related to his behavior towards them. When awarded custody, Rucki was probation for a charge that resulted after he violated an OFP. Judge Knutson has actively worked to cover up the abuse allegations in the Grazzini-Rucki case, and has even dismissed criminal charges against Rucki.

Sandra continued to petition the Court for help, and raised abuse allegations in the custody trial – at every level, those who had the power to protect the Rucki children failed, and enabled the abuse to continue.

Judge David L Knutson

Judge David L Knutson

In The Best Interest? Dr. Carlos Rivera Interview Yahya McClain, Grazzini-Rucki Case

In the Best Interest of the Children” with Dr. Carlos Rivera featuring Yahya McClain, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and Journalist Michael Volpe

Date: December 22, 2016

Subject Yahya McClain discusses his upcoming documentary “Casualties of W.A.R.” about how the family court system tears families apart for financial gain. The documentary examines real-life experiences of families impacted by parental alienation.

McClain says that despite the title, his documentary is not gender biased. McClain used his own experiences, as a father alienated from his child, as a springboard to create this film. McClain says “Casualties of W.A.R.” depicts the different perspectives of families who are being devastated by the family court system.

Public Domain:

Public Domain:

The Sandra Grazzini-Rucki story involves a mother who  encountered a nightmare in a family court that resulted in being forcibly removed from her home, and her children unjustly taken. As a result of proceedings, Sandra was court ordered into a “lifetime of servitude”. She lost everything important to her, and lost her freedom as well.

The Grazzini-Rucki case reached a crisis on April 19, 2013; when Sandra’s two teen daughters ran away after being placed in the custody of a relative whom they feared. The daughters were missing for two and a half years and since being found their story has received international attention.

With seeming he said/she said accusations and confusing terms like “parental alienation”, the truth may seem difficult to reach. Still, with hundreds of stories, the media has yet to find it. Now, the whole unbelievable story is told; it’s a story of domestic violence, court cover-up and a compliant media covering up the whole sordid tale. A lawyer is forced to represent her client while “under arrest”, a mother of five with no criminal record is jailed with a convicted murderer, and years of violence and criminal activity by a dangerous man is ignored.


Listen In:

IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILDREN with Yahya McClain, Michael Volpe, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki

IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILDREN – WLINY Internet Radio (Go to the 12/22 episode and click the play arrow)